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XCMG 100-ton crane is upgraded again! Four-axle seven-section arm XCT100L 7_ 1 It's coming

July 26, 2024

I didn't expect a short period of two years.,Four bridges and 100 tons are already so popular.,The reason is that most of the construction site is for Vehicles.CompactnessPassabilityThe requirements are getting higher and higher,Xugong is listening to a lot of bosses.、After the request put forward by the operator, New Arrivals XCT100L7_1 Four-axle seven-section armProducts emerge as the times require,Under the condition that the limit compact passability can be guaranteed,It can also reach the hoisting performance of 100 tons.,This combination is favored by the boss.。

In the early stage of the launch, XCMG invited the boss many times.、Mobile operators come to Xu for evaluation experience,Boss Dong said,Their business is mainly distributed in urban construction and rail transit.,There is not much work far away.,It can be said that shuttling back and forth in the city every day.,The biggest headache for the boss is.,In some areasTurn aroundOr enter the height limitTunnelOn the way to the construction site.,There are often many cars in the back.,And kept honking the horn.,Lead to a bad mood,So for boss Dong,,The biggest rigid demand is the need for Vehicles.PassabilityCompactnessMust be strong!

What makes the boss most excited about this car?,Complete machineCompactType design,2.8mNarrow car wide,3.9mUltra-low car height,The stability is stronger,Easier to cross the bridge、Tunnel、Culvert equal-height limit section;Can be carried at the same time24.6 tonsFull counterweight transition,And that transfer efficiency is high,And that transportation cost is save,The operation is more efficient

An inch long、An inch strong,As a four-bridge 100-ton Truck_crane/ 'target='_blank' style='color:blue;'>Truck Crane,Compact is just a good product.“Basic operation”:7 knots 68 mLong“U Type ”Main arm,Standard configuration17.5mJib,Install this jib to reach81.1 meterLifting height,Medium and long arm、Highest performance at the same level under high frequency working condition,It's so horrible。I believe many people are already thinking about what kind of work this car is suitable for at this time.。

So-called“Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will win every battle” ,Vehicle collocation294kwHigh power engine,Shaanxi Gear 10Transmission with synchronizer+Axle with high bear capacity and large speed ratio;Cross-country four bridgesDedicatedGClass bottomDisk,The arrangement is compact,The passability is strong,It is especially suitable for potholes、Muddy and other bad road conditions。

Industry's first low-speed high-torque power system,Both low-speed climbing performance and high-speed transition performance of vehicles,Maximum drivingVehicle speed 80km/h

At the same timeXCT100L7_It also applies many patented technologies of XCMG:

Proprietary dual-pump automatic flow dividing and merging control technologyStrong maneuverability,The micro-mobility is better,Single pump switching during precision operation,Suitable for precise lifting requirements,More efficient operation。

Multi-stage buffer control patent technologyArtPrecise control of rotary inertia,Kai、Stop smoothly,Medium and long arm、Large load conditions can also be accurately controlled.,Handy。

Initiate load anti-disturbance control technologyThe rotation process is not affected by the start and stop of the air conditioner.,Smoother handling。

Four-bridge 100-ton craneXCT100L7_1 Dig deeper into customer usage habits,By virtue ofThree core technological advantagesCan be widely used for high-altitude hoisting.,Construction in infrastructure construction and other fields,The operation is simple,Powerful performance,Such a 100-ton crane is to the taste of all bosses.?

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