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Build a dream with ingenuity and love for thousands of miles! Sany Heavy Machinery's 2024 Service Journey is officially launched!

May 22, 2024

May 22,With“Build a Jiachen Dream Together and Travel Together”The 2024 Sany Heavy Machinery Service Wanlihang Expedition Ceremony and Sany Iron Man Series Product Release Event were solemnly held in Kunshan Industrial Park.。

Mr. Li Hongbao, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Excavation Machinery Branch of China Construction Machinery Industry Association、Mr. Chen Jiayuan, Senior Vice President of Sany Group and Chairman of Sany Heavy Machinery、Mr. Wang Zheng, Senior Vice President of Sany Group and General Manager of Sany Heavy Machinery, and other leading guests,And include friends from the media.、More than 300 people, including the service director of the agent and the national customers, came to the scene.,Witnessed this exciting moment together.。

The journey of thousands of miles is like one heart.

Service Wanlihang activities have gone through 15 years.,It has become an annual tradition of Trinity.。Since its launch in 2010,The total number of patrol inspection equipment exceeds 200,000.。

Mr. Wang Zheng, general manager of Sany Heavy Machinery, said.,The journey, of course, is arduous.,Trinity has never been stingy with service input.,Face the challenge,Always stay close to the customer,Fulfill your commitment to customers with practical actions。

Figure | From the service Wanlihang site

Mr. Li Hongbao expressed his warm congratulations on the launch of the Wanlihang.,He said,Sany is a leading enterprise in China's construction machinery industry.,Keep up with market changes,Value customer service,It has always led the development and transformation of the service mode of the industry and breakthroughs in product innovation.。

Figure | From the service Wanlihang site

Deep ploughing, subdivision, diversification and blooming

In recent years, Sany Heavy Machinery has focused on diversified construction scenarios.,Forestry was officially launched at today's press conference.、Railway、Pile worker、Metal regeneration、Water Conservancy、Mine、Municipal、Products in nine segments such as emergency response,Fully empower market segments,Promote the upgrading and development of diversified products,Provide customized solutions for customers。


Figure | From the service Wanlihang site 

Mr. He Xin, general manager of Sany Heavy Machinery Marketing Company, said.,High growth with diversification of market segments,Sany Heavy Machinery will continue to conduct in-depth research on construction scenarios in diversified industries,Reinforcement“Save fuel、Efficient、Good service”Product value proposition,Make the most of digitization、Socialization ability provides precision、Differentiated services,Continue to build Sany Iron Man series products。

Figure | From the service Wanlihang site

Time to witness the value of service accompanied by thousands of miles

The beginning of diversified products,Hold on“Customer first,Quality first”The idea of,Sany Heavy Machinery Joins Hands with Agent Partners,Initiate the upsurge of refitting and restructuring capability certification,Mutual empowerment,Give Full Play to Advantages to Protect the Quality of Diversified Products,Jointly Promote Sany's Diversified Brand Building。Activity site,Mr. Zhong Youfu, Director of Service Support Department of Sany Heavy Machinery, awarded the license to the agent representative.。

Figure | From the service Wanlihang site

The flag-giving ceremony,Mr. He Xin, General Manager of Sany Heavy Machinery Marketing Company, to the Four War Zones、Pile Driver column flag-giving,The regional representatives shouted slogans of implementation.,Commitment Patrol Standard Action 100%Carry out,Customer 100% Satisfied 。

This Wanlihang activity will visit major customers in various regions of China within four months.,For the purpose of product upgrading and customer service,Conduct product guidance、Skills training、A series of activities such as customer demand collection,Make full use of Sany Service Digital Platform“Yi Weixun”Focus on intelligent services,Provide more device service modes,Optimize new service experience,Effectively solve customer pain points,Create greater benefits for customers,Let customer care everywhere。

Ceremony site,Mr. Chen Jiayuan, Chairman of Sany Heavy MachineryPut forward“Three full”,Fully solve the problems left over by the market,Do a good job of market research,Focus on customer needs,Fully understand the competition。Future,Sany will continue in technology.、Resources、Increase investment in market expansion and other aspects,Push forward with all your strength“Three modernizations”Strategy。

Finally,With Chairman Chen Jiayuan's“Go to war”Orders,Colorful smoke soared into the sky,The siren sounded,Sixteen service Vehicles drove out of the factory area in an orderly manner,This new journey of escorting customers is officially opened.!Sany will be based on market demand,Strengthen service construction,Serve customers wholeheartedly,Create value for users。

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