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What is the unique feature of Shandong Lingong L968HEV Denso Energy Efficiency Champion?

May 22, 2024

Shandong LingongL968HEVElectric Loader,With outstanding performance and peak quality,Become a pioneer in the electric loader industry。It carries the industry's high-quality three-power system and enhanced Denso special drive axle.,Powerful, energy-saving and efficient。As a 6-ton star model platform for temporary work,Its box frame design、Large-span hinged technology,And ultra-long wheelbase,Ensure the high stability and outstanding performance of the machine.。High-capacity battery combined with dual-way braking energy recovery technology,Achieve ultra-long endurance,Bring extraordinary experience to users。Choose Shandong LingongL968HEV,Is to choose to be reliable、Efficient and durable。

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