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"Improving the level of urban lifeline safety engineering construction" highway doctors have done this great thing!

May 13, 2024




May 11,Intech Group's exclusive undertaking“Seminar on Improving the Construction Level of Urban Lifeline Safety Engineering”Held in Nanjing。Standing Committee of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee、Shi Weibin, Chairman of Yingda Technology Group,Wang Huai, Vice President and Secretary-General of Jiangsu Municipal Engineering Association, attended and delivered a speech.;


Mr. Shi Weibin is the guest speaker.,Just”Innovative Methodology to Promote Urban Lifeline“Deliver a keynote speech,To provide innovative methodology for the long-term development of urban lifeline safety construction.。It aroused deep resonance among the participants.,Frequent praise;


At the invitation of the Group,A number of keynote speakers“New Equipment for Safety Guarantee and Emergency Rescue of Road Lifeline”、“Urban Road Quality Improvement Technology”And so on,Describe the latest fine maintenance intelligent equipment、Maintenance innovation technology;


Yingda Municipal Road New Technology and New Products Observation Meeting,Road doctors to be safer、More intelligence、More low-carbon、More efficient products and technologies,Demonstrate a high level of urban lifeline safety road maintenance,Attracted and got the leaders at the meeting.、Hot attention from experts and delegates。


May 11,Intech Group's exclusive undertaking“Seminar on Improving the Construction Level of Urban Lifeline Safety Engineering”Held in Nanjing。Nearly 500 delegates from the national municipal field participated in the conference around the new situation.,Urban Road Lifeline Safety Guarantee、Improve the quality of road construction in the city and other contents to carry out exchanges.。

Standing Committee of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee、Chairman of INTECH Technology Group、“Road doctor”Founder Shi Weibin,Wang Huai, Vice President and Secretary-General of Jiangsu Municipal Engineering Association, attended and delivered a speech.;Chairman Shi Weibin is the guest speaker.,Share《Innovative Methodology to Promote Urban Lifeline》Keynote speech。

Chairman Shi Weibin delivered a speech.

Speech by Vice President Wang Huai

Keynote report

Passed by Chairman Shi Weibin“Three elements of independent innovation”A detailed explanation of,Promote the long-term development of urban lifeline safety construction in the future.。“Make it safe、Green、Efficient intelligent maintenance equipment and innovative technology escort the construction of urban lifeline safety”。Chairman Shi Weibin's speech was concise.、Powerful,It has aroused deep resonance among the participants.,One after another applauded in approval。

And then,Cui Bo, Director of Market Management Center of Yingda Technology Group,Deputy Director of Industry R & D Center, Ministry of Transport 、Lei Tao, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Asphalt Pavement Hot Recycling Engineering Research Center,Min Zhaohui, professor of Southeast University, and Bai Xuebing, general manager of Beijing Zhongrui, respectively.“New Equipment for Safety Guarantee and Emergency Rescue of Road Lifeline”、“Technologies for Rapid Road Innovation and Quality Improvement in Urban Renewal”、“Combine technology for road deep layer disease”And“Road disease detection”And other topics to deliver a speech.。

From the solution、Transformation plan、Daily maintenance、Scientific decision-making and so on.,Describe the latest fine maintenance intelligent equipment、Maintenance innovation technology,The excellent speech of the guest speaker was applauded and affirmed by the audience.。

Yingda Municipal Road New Technology and New Products Observation Meeting

As a green economy recognized by the industry、An active advocate of circular economy and low-carbon economy、Forerunner and leader,“Road doctor”With green and environmentally friendly new materials、Advanced equipment、Strong road maintenance technology attracted guests to Yingda Municipal Road Low Carbon Green Maintenance Construction Site and inspected Yingda Municipal Green Intelligent Road Maintenance Equipment Production Base.。

Guests visited the construction site of low-carbon green maintenance of Yingda Municipal Road

Guests visited Yingda Municipal Green Intelligent Road Maintenance Equipment Production Base


Focus“Safe”、“Intelligence”、“Low carbon”、“Efficient”Direction of road maintenance,The highway doctor demonstrated the new technology of Yingda asphalt pavement maintenance and the intelligent products of road maintenance series.,These include the New Age Maintenance Series.、Security series、Emergency rescue series、High-speed cleaning series、Road non-destructive intelligent detection series、Ice and snow removal series and other products。Get the leaders at the meeting、Hot attention from experts and delegates,Frequent praise、There is a heated discussion。


Well-known in the industry“Road doctor”,Yingda Technology Group will always uphold the spirit of independent innovation,Insist on safety、Intelligence、Low carbon、Efficient products and technologies,Help to improve the construction level of urban lifeline safety projects。

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