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Highlights of Coastal Highway Management and Maintenance in 2022, Many Achievements Ranked First in Taizhou

February 28, 2023

Recently,Standardized Inspection of Bridge and Tunnel Industry of Provincial Highway Management Organizations in 2022、Taizhou General National and Provincial Highway Maintenance Management Assessment Results Announced,The total score of Linhai ranked first in Taizhou.,Among them, the assessment of highway maintenance management ranked first in Taizhou for two consecutive years.,Handed over a beautiful custody job.“Report card”。

To create a new demonstration of highway management and maintenance,Linhai Highway and Transportation Management Center focuses on improving quality and efficiency of maintenance projects,And increase investment in maintenance funds.。A total of 18 national and provincial highway maintenance projects will be arranged in 2022.,The accumulative investment is about 1.4.5 billion yuan。At the same time, all national and provincial roads in the city“Jump at the bridge head”And the poor smoothness of the road surface and other issues for centralized remediation.,A total of national and provincial highways have been completed“Jump at the bridge head”Governance of 35(Among them, there are 6 provincial people's livelihood practical plans.,18 seats actually completed,The completion rate is 300%)。

Not only that,In terms of management and maintenance system, Linhai is also constantly innovating.。Linhai Highway and Management Center takes digital reform as the starting point,Further improve the efficiency of highway management and maintenance。In the meantime,Implementation“Separation of management and maintenance”Reform。The daily maintenance of 6 national and provincial roads and the minor maintenance of 40 county roads in the city will be fully market-oriented.,To solve the problem of insufficient professional strength of the maintenance team、The low level of standardization.;Deepening the pilot work of life-cycle maintenance。351 National Highway Taixiao Line is the first six in the province.、The only pilot section in Taizhou,The number of substandard road sections in the first half of 2022 decreased by about 75% compared with the end of 2021%,The mileage is 36 kilometers.,The coverage rate of mechanized operation reaches 90%。Among them, the major and medium repair project was the first to start in Taizhou.、Earliest acceptance;Bridge and Tunnel Management and Maintenance Upgrade Again。On the basis of the market-oriented professional management and maintenance mode of tunnels carried out in 2021,2022,Linhai City aims at market-oriented mode of bridge operation and maintenance,Take the lead in implementing in the whole province“Special bridge and special care”Pattern,Special structure bridges and ordinary structure bridges in the city are customized respectively.、Standardized maintenance,Ffectively prolong that maintenance cycle and service life of the bridge。

In this context,In the technical condition monitoring of key tunnels in the national highway network in 2022,Xibaiyan double-width tunnel of National Highway 351 is the only tunnel inspected in Zhejiang Province.,The total score ranked second in the country.,It has laid a solid foundation for Zhejiang's national inspection achievements to rank in the forefront of the country.。



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