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More than 2000 kilometers of rural roads in Yuqing "change the old appearance into a new one"

February 28, 2023

Spring is the best time for highway maintenance.,But also that B treatment period for highway diseases.,Closely linked to Yuqing County, Guizhou Province“Prepare early、Early deployment、Early implementation”The main line of work,Fully start the work of highway management and maintenance in spring,Each maintenance management station combines the actual situation of the maintenance section.,Take a fixed person、Fixed post、The way to determine the road section,Maintenance and management of more than 2000 kilometers of rural roads in Yuqing County,Ensure the smooth flow of rural roads,Strive to build“Chang、Ann、Shu、Beauty”Road area environment escort。

For days,Yuqing County Highway Maintenance Management Company Grasps the Golden Period of Spring Highway Maintenance,More than ten workers were organized on the winding mountain road from Manxi to Dalong.,Clean up the gravel and garbage on the road surface、Weeds and obstacles in side ditches。Zhang Zhengjun is a member of highway maintenance.,He has to patrol the highway section under his jurisdiction every day.,Eliminate hidden dangers of road safety in time,Effectively improve the road environment。

Zhang Zhengjun, head of Guizhou Fuqian Highway Engineering Co., Ltd., said:“Our company has maintained more than 800 kilometers of rural roads.,Today, there are about 15 people in the maintenance team of Tai Lung.,We have four teams like this.,Carry out rural road cleaning in all townships of the county,It can complete the maintenance task of about forty or fifty kilometers every day.。”

  “The 13th Five-Year Plan”Since,With rural roads“Outbreak”Type growth,Professional maintenance team is the foundation of highway maintenance.,Yuqing County actively explores the marketization of rural highway maintenance,Cultivate and strengthen an efficient and professional maintenance team,Relatively fixed first-line maintenance personnel,Walk out of one.“Specialization、Mechanization”A new mode of rural road maintenance,Build Yuqing maintenance brand。

Gao Zhan, director of Yuqing County Traffic Construction Service Center, said.:“There are 2100 kilometers of rural roads maintained in the county.,Today, this team mainly maintains rural roads above rural roads.,We carry out large-scale maintenance like this two to three times a year.,Ensure the safe and smooth operation of our rural roads。”

In recent years,Yuqing County has always insisted“The county is the main one、Graded responsibility,Adjust measures to local conditions、Focus on practical results,Comprehensive management and maintenance、Ensure smooth traffic”Principle,Promote the development of rural roads“Lay equal stress on construction and maintenance、Balanced development”Transformation,Make sure“To build is to raise,Maintenance is in place”,Provide for road transport“Safe、Convenient、Cozy”The basis of operation。

Gao Zhan said:“We will carry out market-oriented maintenance of rural roads.,The maintenance quality and the maintenance efficiency are improved,But also reduce that investment of maintenance fund.,Combine us‘Sihao Rural Road’Requirements of‘Build、Tube、Protect、Yun’,‘Protect’Is the key,To lay the foundation for us to continue to create a national demonstration county.。At the same time,It takes about two or three hundred people to carry out a maintenance.,It can also solve the temporary employment of local labor force.。”

It is understood that,Since 2020,Yuqing County Begins Market-oriented Reform of Daily Maintenance of Rural Roads,3 provincial roads,23 county roads,A total of 822 kilometers of 38 rural roads are included in the market-oriented maintenance mode.,Adopt online and offline coordinated supervision,The traffic capacity and service level of rural roads have been improved.,Provides for road transport“Safe、Convenient、Cozy”The basis of operation。



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