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Technology-driven and innovation-led

November 14, 2022

November eleventh in the morning,2022 China International Construction Machinery Technology Development(Xuzhou)The forum was officially opened at the International Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Greenbelt Hotel near Dalong Lake.,This forum and 2022 China(Xuzhou)The International Construction Machinery Fair was held at the same time.,Is an integral part of the exhibition,Jiangsu Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade、China Construction Machinery Society、Xuzhou Construction Machinery Industry Promotion Association、Co-sponsored by Xuzhou Huabo Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.。

The forum focuses on the intellectualization of construction machinery industry.、Background of internationalization and transformation and upgrading of green development direction,With“Technology-driven·Innovation leads”As the core theme,Focus on technological innovation in construction machinery industry,Overcome the key、Core、“Stuck in the neck”Technical problems are the direction of discussion.,Ensure the safety of industrial chain and supply chain;Improve the quality and reliability of China's construction machinery products,Enhance international competitiveness,Promote the transfer of China's construction machinery industry to the international high-end。

Vice Mayor of Xuzhou Municipal People's Government  Wu Weidong delivered a speech

At the opening ceremony of the forum,Wu Weidong, Vice Mayor of Xuzhou Municipal People's Government, made an important speech.,It is pointed out that Xuzhou Construction Machinery Cluster is the most influential construction machinery gathering place in China.,It's the provincial Party committee、The provincial government focuses on building one of the four world-class industrial clusters.。Future,Xuzhou will press“Systematize、Ecologicalization、High-end、Internationalization”The overall cultivation idea,Speed up the layout and attract the world's top R & D centers for construction machinery、World-renowned manufacturers of key components of construction machinery, etc.,Promoting the optimization and upgrading of the economic system,Accelerate the manufacturing industry to the middle and high end。

Mayor Wu pointed out,Xuzhou will further support leading enterprises in the industry to become bigger and stronger.,Promoting Collaborative Innovation of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises and Creating Key Innovation Platforms,Promoting industrial innovation capability and development level。With greater force、More practical measures、Better environment,Push Xuzhou Construction Machinery Cluster to a Higher Level,Realize from“Capital of Construction Machinery in China”To“Capital of Construction Machinery in the World”The change of role and status。


And then,The meeting was chaired by Mr. Zhang Rugang, Secretary-General of the Association.,Mr. Qian Qian, Vice President of CCPit, and Mr. Shi Laide, Party Secretary of China Construction Machinery Society, delivered opening speeches respectively.,To encourage and support the convening of the Forum on the Development of Construction Machinery Technology,At the same time, I wish the participating scholars.、Experts exchange industry experience,The harvest is complete。


Secretary General of the Association  Zhang Rugang presided over the meeting


Vice Chairman of CCPit Jiangsu Province  Qian Qian made a speech


Secretary of the Party Committee of China Construction Machinery Society  Shi Laide delivered a speech

Experts and Scholars Talk About Industry Innovation and Development

Experts and scholars invited in this forum include:Mr. Zhou Xianbiao, Secretary-General of China Construction Machinery Society、Mr. Zhang Ning, Manager of Security Technology Institute of National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center、Mr. Chen Baoqiang, Deputy Chief Engineer of National Construction Machinery Quality Supervision and Inspection Center、Dr. Tang Jianlin, Xuzhou Construction Machinery Research Institute, Jiangsu Province、Professor, School of Engineering Machinery, Chang'an University、Doctor: Mr. Jiao Shengjie、Mr. Liu Jishun, Full-time Vice President of Ningde New Energy Technology Research Institute。Experts and scholars have launched exchanges and discussions on various issues.。



Secretary-General Zhou Xianbiao, China Construction Machinery has changed from rapid growth to high-quality growth.


Mr. Zhou Xianbiao, Secretary-General of China Construction Machinery Society, pointed out,2021,The business income of China's construction machinery industry is about 906.5 billion yuan.,Year-on-year growth of about 17%。In 2021, China's export of construction machinery was 34 billion US dollars.,Year-on-year growth of 62%。China's leading Concrete Machinery in the world,Mobile Crane、Excavator、Loader、Tower Crane、The production and sales of construction machinery such as forklifts rank first in the world.,Achieved rapid growth。But the supply chain of China's construction machinery is still quite fragile.,In 2011, a foreign upstream enterprise cut off its supply.,A severe shortage of hydraulic parts occurred。This problem has not yet been fundamentally solved.。

Manager Zhang Ning
Construction machinery industry based onHandleApplication of Identification Resolution System in Supply Chain



Mr. Zhang Ning, the key account manager of the National Industrial Information Technology Security Development Research Center, pointed out.,Future,Traditional Server-Centric Data Organization,Will shift to an information-centric, distributed architecture,The problem of data silos will disappear.。The service model of software service providers will also change.。DOA/HandleGlobal root node(Qingdao)It was officially completed this year.,It is planned and constructed by our country.“1 taproot、3 Auxiliary roots”Important nodes in the system。Will face up and close、“The Belt and Road”、RCEPAnd other major countries,Build“International data sharing and exchange service system”,Provide secure flow of global cross-border data、Data trading and other services,Supporting the comprehensive pilot project of data governance innovation in China、Industrial Internet and other series of actions,Give full play to the engine role of data resources in the digital economy,Helping China's Digital Economy Develop Rapidly。

Deputy Director Chen Baoqiang Construction Machinery Quality Improvement


Mr. Chen Baoqiang, deputy director of the National Construction Machinery Quality Inspection and Testing Center, pointed out.,Improve the quality of construction machinery,It plays a long-term role in the healthy and sound development of the construction machinery industry.。The quality improvement of construction machinery can start from these aspects.:1、The design quality is improved(For product features、Performance、Reliability、Durability、Scientific improvement of safety) 2、Manufacturing quality improvement(Increase digitization、Intelligent manufacturing level;R & D and application of advanced technologies;Guarantee of product consistency)3、Improve the quality of training(Training should be down-to-earth,Designers、Test personnel、Manufacturing personnel、Training personnel、Service personnel to achieve man-machine integration)4、Improve service quality(Establish an emergency support system、Build a professional team、Establish a rapid response mechanism、Form service standards)

Dr. Tang Jianlin High-end Construction Machinery Unmanned Development Trend


Dr. Tang Jianlin, Jiangsu Xuzhou Construction Machinery Research Institute, pointed out., Construction machinery as a traditional industry,In the process of transformation and upgrading, it is necessary to recruit cross-border talents from the information technology industry in order to achieve real high-end.、Realize unmanned control。Unmanned is not a simple combination of conventional machines and unmanned technology elements.,Dedicated to design scenarios、Machines that are more suited to the unmanned construction process can expand the utility and efficiency of unmanned equipment,In order to create greater value.。New communication technologies, especially 5GThe launch of,It lays a solid foundation for the realization of unmanned.;New type of sensing、Artificial intelligence、Big data can enable unmanned construction machinery and equipment.。

Research and Application of Professor Jiao Shengjie's New Road Maintenance Equipment


Mr. Jiao Shengjie, a second-level professor at the National Engineering Research Center for Highway Maintenance Equipment of Chang'an University, pointed out., China has the largest highway infrastructure in the world,However, the types of road maintenance equipment、Quantity、Intelligent、Informatization、Networking、Growing demand for unmanned。Daily maintenance equipment needs to be used in spraying technology.、Electric drive、Environmental protection、Breakthroughs have been made in construction technology.。High quality、High efficiency、High Environmental Protection Asphalt Mixture Recycling Technology、Materials and equipment need to be upgraded urgently。New road maintenance equipment such as mixing and paving technology of materials at room temperature、Unmanned construction site、Microwave Maintenance Technology for Asphalt Pavement、Technology and Equipment of Hot Air and Microwave Compound Heating、Microwave Maintenance Technology for Asphalt Pavement、Rapid replacement technology for medium and small bridge、Smart hedge pruning、Intelligent traffic cone retractable Vehicles、Anti-collision buffer Vehicles have become the future development direction of road maintenance equipment.。

Vice President Liu Jishun Development Status of Engineering Vehicle Electrification Technology


Mr. Liu Jishun, Full-time Vice President of Ningde New Energy Technology Research Institute, combines his nearly 20 years of experience in new energy electrification industry., Combined with the experience of electric products of passenger cars and construction machinery,The key ecological technologies and industrial development trends of construction machinery electrification industry were shared.,Based on the broad application prospect of electric construction machinery, the paper puts forward the suggestion of speeding up the layout development and construction by combining the ecological environment of the industrial chain with the enterprise's own advantages.:1、At present, it is in the initial gestation period.,Plan ahead according to the enterprise's own advantages,The core is to do a good job in top-level design and strategic planning of enterprises.;2、Centering on the attributes and characteristics of digital science and technology of electric construction machinery,Increase electrification、Networking、Intelligent and high pressure energy supplement and other talent system construction;3、Vehicle Enterprise Cost Reduction Core:Common technology platform、Product platformization;4、Around ecology and industrial clusters、Aggregate high-quality superior resources、Provide ecological solutions。


This forum and 2022 China(Xuzhou)The International Construction Machinery Fair was held at the same time.,It is part of the trade fair.,It is also a professional forum for the development of construction machinery technology held by the Fair in the construction machinery industry.。Experts and scholars and representatives of participating enterprises jointly discussed and studied the new direction of construction machinery products and technology development.。

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