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Embrace the digital age and help the industry out of the trough

November 14, 2022

November tenth,2022 China·Construction Hoisting Machinery Industry and Intelligent Construction Site Innovation and Development Summit Forum Successfully Held in Xuzhou Huaihai International Expo Center,This forum is organized by Xuzhou Construction Machinery Industry Promotion Association、Co-sponsored by Xuzhou Huabo Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.。

The forum is oriented around the innovation and development of smart construction sites.,With“Embrace the digital age,Help the industry out of the trough”As the core theme。

Experts and scholars invited by the forum include:Chen Xiaoming, Chief Engineer of Shanghai Construction Machinery Construction Group Co., Ltd.、Han Yaming, Deputy Manager of Technical Management of Shanghai Construction Engineering Fifth Construction Group Co., Ltd.、Dean, Institute of Information Technology, Anhui University of Technology,Jiang Taiping, Chief Engineer of Nanjing Aotu Software Co., Ltd.、Construction safety expert specially appointed by Xuzhou Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、Xu Shengchun, Chairman of Xuzhou Wandu Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.、Chen Yue, President of Nanjing Purui Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd.、Yang Yiwei, Deputy Director of Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau。



Chen Xiaoming《Research and Application of Typical Construction Robot》

The first speaker is Mr. Chen Xiaoming, the chief engineer of Shanghai Construction Machinery Construction Group Co., Ltd.,The topic of the speech is《Research and Application of Typical Construction Robot》。


Mr. Chen Xiaoming mainly introduced the general situation of construction robots.、Research on construction robot、Experiment and exploration and so on.,Finally, the prospect of the future development of the construction robot is also expressed.,Point out the follow-up key research areas and directions.:Expand the application scenario of the combination of robotics and traditional technology;Improve the intelligent level of the robot;Improve the reliability and durability of the robot;Improve the environmental adaptability of the robot;Improve the convenience of robot operation, etc.。

Han Yaming《Analysis of Hoisting Technical Points of Prefabricated Building》

Han Yaming, deputy manager of technical management from Shanghai Construction Engineering Fifth Construction Group Co., Ltd., also brought you about《Analysis of Hoisting Technical Points of Prefabricated Building》The content of the speech。

Manager Han Yaming's presentation focused on the terminology of structural safety operations on assembled monolithic concrete.、Lighterage and storage、Reinforcement of basement roof、Installation of prefabricated components、Safety facilities are provided、Machinery and equipment、Safety accident analysis and other aspects.。


Jiang Taiping

《How to effectively use the contents, standards and data of smart site construction,Promote safety management on construction site》


Dean, Institute of Information Technology, Anhui University of Technology、Dr. Jiang Taiping, chief engineer of Nanjing Aotu Software Co., Ltd., explained to you《How to effectively use the contents, standards and data of smart site construction,Promote safety management on construction site》The content of。It mainly includes the development process of Jiangsu intelligent construction site.、Jiangsu Smart Site Construction Standard、Contents of Jiangsu Smart Site Construction、The future development of Jiangsu intelligent construction site and so on.。

And pointed out that the recent 5.+2 Objectives,That is, to achieve five full coverage.(Full coverage of smart site construction、“Jian'an code”Full coverage、Full coverage of safety production standardization evaluation、Full coverage of information supervision of super-dangerous large projects、Full coverage of supervision and inspection informatization),Promoting the construction of two systems(Construction safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation management system and construction project safety production liability insurance system construction),Combine the application of smart site with project site management,Continuously improve the intelligent and green level of construction site management。

Xu Shengchun《Safety Knowledge of Use, Installation, Dismantlement and Maintenance of Construction Lift》

Construction safety expert specially appointed by Xuzhou Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、Xu Shengchun, chairman of Xuzhou Wandu Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.《Safety Knowledge of Use, Installation, Dismantlement and Maintenance of Construction Lift》A speech。

The brief introduction of construction hoist equipment is introduced.、SC(D)Construction hoist equipment selection、Safety considerations when selecting the installation location、Safety factors to be paid attention to during equipment installation、Safety factors to be paid attention to during the use of equipment、Safety factors to be paid attention to during equipment maintenance、Safety factors to be paid attention to during equipment removal、Analysis of representative accident cases。


Chen Yue《Based on 5G、Digital Twin Technology Innovation of Smart Construction Site》


Chen Yue, president of Nanjing Pu Rui Science and Technology Jiangsu Co., Ltd.“5G+Digital twins,Help intelligent construction"A speech on the theme。It is pointed out that the future development trend is based on 5.G+Based on digital twins,Accelerating Intelligent Construction,Lead a new round of construction industry revolution。

Based on5G,AtEIMDriven by management and control platform and building information modeling technology,Robots can replace people to complete a large amount of work.、There are many repetitive operations、Hazardous environment、Construction operation under heavy physical exertion, etc.;The smart building based on digital twin provides an intuitive and efficient search method for later operation and maintenance.,Facility management costs can be reduced,Improve operation and maintenance management efficiency。

Yang Yiwei 2022 Construction Hoisting Machinery Design Installation and Dismantlement、Special Lecture on Construction Safety Technology

The forum ends,Safety expert of Cadre College of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、Yang Yiwei, deputy director of Jinan Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau, carried out the design, installation and demolition of construction cranes in 2022.、Special Lecture on Construction Safety Technology。


Mainly around“Ten Rules for Safety Management of Construction Lifts”The content of,It is carried out with specific construction accident cases.,Once again reminded everyone of the importance of construction safety.,Because of its own characteristics, construction engineering,It is very difficult,The risk factor is high、There are various types of construction,There are many influencing factors.,Therefore, all kinds of safety accidents are prone to occur.,Improving construction safety technology can ensure the safety of construction operation to a large extent.。

In recent years,All parts of the country rely on scientific and technological innovation to vigorously carry out the construction of smart sites.,Actively explore the new path of modernization of construction safety production management system and management capacity。

In order to speed up the overall promotion of high-quality construction of digital government and deepen the management of safe production of housing and municipal engineering,,Continuously improve the informationization level of construction site management,Further promote the construction of smart construction sites,Promoting high-quality development of the industry,To dissect、Guide the construction industry、Lease、Security and other related enterprises are more specialized.、Intelligent,Steady development,And continuously improve the construction technology and safety management and control capabilities,Forging Real Core Competitiveness,Improve market voice。

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