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Record of the First Guest Dialogue of the Parallel Forum on "Innovation-Driven Digital Intelligence, Green and Low Carbon"

September 06, 2022

August 23, 2022~24,“The 19th China Construction Machinery Development Forum”Held in Changsha, Hunan。24 am,Held in order to“Innovation driven——Digital intelligence、Green and low carbon”The first parallel forum on the theme。

Wang JinxingThis sub-forum mainly invites representatives of several research institutes and industrial Internet enterprises.。What we are talking about is the digitalization of enterprises.、Intelligent、Greening、Low-carbon and other aspects,How should enterprises do a good job in service?,Lead the industry development。

“Innovation driven——Digital intelligence、Green and low carbon”Parallel forums(The first scene)Dialogue scene

China Machinery Branch(Beijing)Liu Zhongxing, General Manager of Vehicle Inspection Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. 、Mao Yi, General Manager of Tianyuan Technology Group Beijing Tianyi Technology Co., Ltd.、Ironclad information technology(Beijing)Limited company Fan JiansheCEO 、Wang Xiang, Deputy General Manager of China Machinery First Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. 、Liu Hongjun, Deputy General Manager of Nuoli Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. 、Yang Hui, Deputy General Manager of Zhongke Yungu Technology Co., Ltd.、Cummins(China)Hongyun Digital Director of Investment Co., Ltd. participated in the parallel forum dialogue.。The first parallel forum was held by Wang Jinxing, deputy secretary general of the Association.、Presided over by Hou Baojia, Secretary General of the User Working Committee。

Hou Baojia:First of all, I would like to invite the distinguished guests to introduce the basic situation of each company and its digitalization.、Intelligent、Greening、What has been done in the four aspects of low carbon??


Wang Xiang, Deputy General Manager of China Machinery First Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Wang Xiang:China Machinery First Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. was established in 1952.,This year is the 70th anniversary.,70 years of development and innovation is very important for enterprises.,There is no innovation,It is difficult for enterprises to last for such a long time.,At the same time, enterprises will be green.、Low carbon、The concept of intelligence is integrated into the development.。Our company has participated in 70 of the first 156 major projects in New China.,It is a centralized design unit in the construction machinery industry.。Since 2016,The company puts forward four aspects.:One、For advanced manufacturing;Two、For intelligent manufacturing,Three、For green manufacturing,Four、Towards green construction。These four aspects are based on national intelligence.、Double Carbon、Green and other requirements,Enterprises put forward the direction of business transformation。


Yang Hui, Deputy General Manager of Zhongke Yungu Technology Co., Ltd.

Yang Hui:Zhongke Yungu is a subsidiary of Zoomlion.,Established in 2018,It has been five years since then.。The company mainly undertakes the work of digital transformation within the group.。Since 2014, Zoomlion's products have been continuously superimposed on the industrial Internet platform.、Artificial intelligence、Various types of intelligent algorithms,It is to turn the various product lines of the group into large-scale and exquisite construction systems.。In addition,Our main battlefield is to digitize all the business lines of Zoomlion.,At the same time, it can superimpose various types of artificial intelligence tools.,Minimize the input of personnel,Reduce personnel intervention,And that product competitiveness is improve.。


China Machinery Branch(Beijing)Liu Zhongxing, General Manager of Vehicle Inspection Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Liu Zhongxing:China Machinery Branch(Beijing)The predecessor of Vehicle Inspection Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. belongs to the Ministry of Machinery Industry.,Built in 1976,Witnessed China's construction machinery from scratch、A process from having to being strong,Committed to building、Certification、Testing services include a comprehensive one-stop certification and monitoring platform integrated with research.。In terms of green low-carbon evaluation,The subordinate companies of the enterprise have management system certification.,Including a full range of verification of emissions of polluting gases。At the same time,Enterprises are also under the leadership of the association.,Introduced a series of construction machinery“Guo Si”Emission testing standards,And actively develop services for the industry。


Mao Yi, General Manager of Tianyuan Technology Group Beijing Tianyi Technology Co., Ltd.

Mao Yi:Tianyuan Science and Technology Group was established in 1992 and formally entered the construction machinery industry.。There are three stages in the development of the Group:First,From 1992 to 2002, he joined the after-market service of the construction machinery industry.、Agent services,It belongs to the traditional business model in the industry.。In 2002, the group set up a subsidiary.,Began to advocate the use of technology to change enterprises。Second,Manage devices。At the Excavator、Install sensors in the forklift or engine.,Used to locate the device、Collect data。Third,Produce smart helmets。Digitize、Artificial Intelligence for Customer Service。Real-time on-site monitoring with smart helmet、Guide the work,Improve work efficiency,At the same time, it also promotes the enthusiasm of service personnel.。Products based on the company's two core sensors and smart helmet,A lot of software systems have been derived.、Software platforms and artificial intelligence。


Ironclad information technology(Beijing)Limited companyCEOFan Jianshe

Fan Jianshe:Iron Armor was founded in 2009.,It has a history of 13 years.,The business itself and the theme of the conference“Green low-carbon digital intelligence”Highly correlated。Tiejia's two core businesses:One is the sale of two mobile phones.,It is the second largest in the world.、Asia's largest trading platform for used equipment,There are 20 billion transactions.。The manifestation of green low-carbon is renewable.、Recycling,The biggest waste of a piece of equipment is idle.,Tiejia is committed to making every piece of equipment circulate effectively at home and abroad.。Second, the portal website.——Ironclad net,More than 2 million users so far,Other than that,Hatched two cutting-edge technology companies,The family is in Tianjin,Provide remote equipment for construction enterprises、Device managementSaaS;And the other one——The pioneer serves the remote intelligent control and automatic driving of construction machinery.,That is to say, an ordinary construction machinery is installed.、Transformed into a robot with remote control and partial module automation。The business of Iron Armor is to practice digital intelligence.。


Liu Hongjun, Deputy General Manager of Nuoli Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.

Liu Hongjun:Nuoli Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. has experienced 20 years of development.,After an initial 15 years of development,From the traditional single product model,Up to now, he has devoted himself to the research and development of electric products.。At present,The company is at the forefront of the entire electric forklift industry.。We are not only doing the domestic market now.,The share of Nuoli's lightweight products has ranked first in the global market for 15 consecutive years.。Listed on Shanghai Main Board in 2015,Officially Marching into Digital Intelligence,The company has achieved from“Manufacturer of traditional Material Handling equipment”To“Integrated solution provider and service provider of intelligent internal logistics system in all fields”Strategic layout。


Cummins(China)Hong Yun, Digital Director of Investment Co., Ltd.

Hong Yun:Cummins used to advocate high efficiency.、Low emissions,In fact, low emission is low carbon.,It is logical for us to use the past experience of emissions to make low carbon.。In terms of digitization,Cummins and Tianyuan Technology established the Cummins Tianyuan Joint Venture more than a decade ago.,The fifth largest business division was established five years ago.——New Energy and Low Carbon Division。Four years ago,Set up a digital department in the company,In fact, Cummins is to make its products more satisfied with the user's use scenarios.,It can achieve low carbon throughout the life cycle.。Last year, Cummins formally proposed to achieve zero carbon by 2050.,It's not just the product itself that achieves zero carbon.,It also enables enterprises to achieve zero carbon emissions in the whole production and manufacturing process.。Therefore, low carbon and digitalization have always been the key technologies driving Cummins to achieve the next 100 years.。



Wang Jinxing, deputy secretary general of the Association


Hou Baojia, Secretary-General of the User Working Committee

Hou Baojia:Your units have done a lot of work in green and low carbon.,Our construction machinery mainly looks at the engine.,Right now from“Kunisan”Get into“Guo Si”,Next, Cummins will talk about coping.“Guo Si”What are the measures of the new standard?。

Hong Yun:“Guo Si”Compared to regulations“Kunisan”Laws and regulations have made a qualitative leap,This is the first time that post-processing has been used in non-road areas.。Regulations are becoming more and more stringent,The demand for survival enterprises is getting higher and higher.,At the same time, it also promotes the competitiveness of enterprises.。Cummins can do it.“Guo Si”Engine fuel consumption ratio“Kunisan”Better engine fuel consumption,The most important thing is after the customer uses it.,Emissions are more environmentally friendly,Ability to fully release the engine,The engine is more efficient.,Bring value to users。

Hou Baojia:It is well known,Nuoli's electric products have advantages,Please talk to General Manager Liu.,What contribution has your company made to low carbon in this series of products??

Liu Hongjun:Nuoli was originally an export-oriented enterprise.,Return to the Chinese market in 2016,After 7 years of development,Electric cars from 10%Up to now, the electrification of large vehicles has reached 20%,Lightweight cars have doubled in the whole Chinese market every year.。

In terms of low carbon,Nuoli has been leading the whole forklift industry to the direction of electrification with its peers.。Electrification, as its name implies, is the use of batteries.、Electric machinery、Electronic control and other technologies。I'll give you an account.,Diesel vehicles use 1 per hour..5 litres of diesel,8.8 yuan per liter of diesel,Electric cars use 8 kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour.,From diesel、Electric compared to the cost of a year,Electric only 1.70,000 yuan,Nearly 90000 yuan of diesel oil;The operating cost of an electric Truck/ 'target='_blank' style='color:blue;'>Forklift Truck is 6% less than that of diesel in a year.80 thousand yuan,It will save nearly 300000 yuan in five years.。So for the industry as a whole,Electrification can not only achieve zero emission,But also can reduce the manufacturing cost of enterprises.。

Hou Baojia:General Manager Liu in charge of testing,About“Guo Si”Upgrade,What do you do to serve the industry?,Lead the industry development?

Liu Zhongxing:Under the leadership of the Association,Started planning a series two years ago.“Guo Si”Experimental methods and product standards,Service and industry according to these standards,With our joint efforts,,There have been some results.。

Hou Baojia:Face“Guo Si”Upgrade,So much“Kunisan”And the following devices are on the market,General Manager Fan pays attention to second-hand equipment.,What information can be inspired to share?

Fan Jianshe:We always serve the end users on the front line.。Since the end of last year,Sales of new machines and the survival of users are increasingly not optimistic.,According to our research,,End-user equipment rental rates hit a new low in 2021,Only 50%-60%,That is to say, half of the lease payment has not been recovered.。Secondly,Users are currently facing“Three big mountains”:First,It's hard to find a job;Second,It is difficult to settle the account;Third,Reduction of residual value of equipment due to price war。

How end users view information about“Kunisan”To“Guo Si”Switching of devices,At present“Guo Si”The equipment only makes some regulations and specifications at the back end of the sale.,There is still a period of time to transmit to the user's use link.,The impact on end users will not be quick;User equipment is still idle,The need for additional equipment is not very urgent.,On the contrary, the impact on the main engine factory will be relatively greater.。In addition,End-user response to new, cost- increasing equipment,Acceptance takes time.,End users still want to use more familiar devices。

Hou Baojia:Equipment transformation and upgrading,What value does it create for users??If the equipment depreciates, it can't be used.,From the network、Entity、Advisory body,Intelligent for the industry、Make suggestions for green development,General Manager Wang, can you give me a case?。

Wang Xiang:Market determines industry ecology,Industry Ecology Leads the Development of Enterprises,At the same time, the development of enterprises promotes the construction of industry ecology.,At the same time, the industry ecology affects the changes of the market.。

Our consulting organization is intelligent for the industry、Carry out the following work for green development:First,Combined with the overall strength of China Machinery Science and Technology Group,From industry planning、Industrial Planning、Park planning,All the way to the specific enterprise、Design of specific projects、Consultation、Cost supervision、Management and so on run through the service chain from top to bottom,Put digital intelligence、Green manufacturing and other concepts are integrated.,To provide enterprises with an overall solution.。Second,Give full play to the role of innovation platform of central enterprises,Integrate and apply the excellent technologies of many suppliers to innovation,Improve our service level from bottom to top。

Besides serving enterprises, we focus more on the digitalization of many parks as a whole.、Intelligent building。There are three modes of enabling park ecology.:First,Industrial ecological model dominated by leading enterprises;Second,Government-led industrial chain model;Third,Industrial ecology dominated by high-end key basic components。It is not a certain mode that exists independently.,It is the real ecology of the superposition of multiple modes.。We provide services related to intelligent manufacturing around the park.。For example, the training of intelligent manufacturing companies.、Training of the project,Consulting around the enterprise、The assessment includes a rating exercise.;Forum activities are included around intelligent manufacturing in the park.,Soft services around intelligent activities enter the ecology of the park to promote the sustainable development of the park as a whole.。

We have more technologies around greening.,We put energy、The experience of environmental protection has been grafted into the industrial field.,Low-carbon energy supply for enterprises,Zero carbon around the park、Low-carbon service delivery,Get through the overall green and low-carbon of our industrial park.。

Hou Baojia:Zoomlion experienced 14 years to build digitalization,What is the competitiveness of the product now??Create for users what can be seen、Realized value?

Yang Hui:Zoomlion began to make product 4 in 2014..0 Project,In 2020, we will start to promote product 4..0AEngineering。From the whole sales structure,The sales revenue contribution rate of smart devices has exceeded 90 percent%,Customers like it very much。

We digitize、Intelligent equipment sold to customers,In fact, it is the core productivity.。This productivity not only manages production equipment.,It also manages construction equipment and equipment operators.。On the one hand, intelligent means can reduce the safety of customers in the process of using equipment.、Various considerations in terms of personnel capacity and overall cost of use。At the same time, we can let customers use our equipment.,There is no need to pay attention to other devices and devices.、Safety factors between equipment and environment,Reduce errors,And that use efficiency is improve。On the one hand, we use sensors.、Industrial Internet platform、Artificial Intelligence Helps Customers Reduce Personnel Consumption in Managing Equipment、Consumption of organizational capacity,Provide localized deployment orSaaSEquipment operation management of services,Overlay internal management customers at the same time、Manage the opportunity、Ability to manage inventory etc.,Allow customers to quickly incorporate newly purchased equipment into the entire enterprise production management process。

Hou Baojia:Another question is what kind of Internet do you use now?GThe platform?

Yang Hui:We divided it into three layers.,Layer 1 network channel layer,Whether it's 4GThe network is still 5GThe network is all right.。

The second floor,On the entire development base.,Since 2018, the whole group has unified the way of micro-services to support all applications of enterprises.,Including the involvement of logistics data of enterprises,Access to production equipment,Build a barrier-free platform across the group。

The third floor,Big Data Platforms andAIPlatform,The data collected through the industrial Internet combined with the mechanism model of our equipment.,Let customers feel that our equipment is under the whole digital twin monitoring system.,He can use it very safely.。

Hou Baojia:General Manager Mao would like to share with you the highlights of Tianyuan Technology Visualization System.,Convenience to the user。

Mao Yi:We have been producing smart helmets for more than five years since 2017.,Using a large number of software and hardware technology research and development to support the post-market,Reverse the service model,Grow your business。For example,Previously, each service personnel in the company worked less than one work order every day.,The stock is very large,Many work orders are not reported in time.;With this intelligent service system,,2 per service person per day.5 work orders,The company's work order volume has tripled.。

Why repair time is cut in half,First, we input the professional maintenance manual into the platform.,Service personnel query the required information through the smart helmet in real time.;Second, experts in the background can remotely intervene in the maintenance process in real time.,This saves time.,Improve our services。The equipment maintenance time has been greatly improved.,The smart helmet is staring at him all the time.,The service staff went out of their way to provide the customer with maintenance services。

Hou Baojia:One last question,From the perspective of the whole industry,,Or from the perspective of the industry you are familiar with.,What is the state of the level of digitalization and the level of low-carbon??

Liu Hongjun:Nuoli has transformed from a transportation industry to an intelligent internal logistics system provider in all fields.,The internal logistics industry is 4.0 Factory,Lighthouse factory,Black light factory,They are all internal logistics system providers.。

From 2014,The first stage begins.,The Chinese market for intelligent systems is more than 40 billion.,It will break through to 200 billion this year.,China's manufacturing factories are eager to transform and upgrade.,Want to improve efficiency and reduce costs?。Cost reduction mainly focuses on warehousing of raw materials、Focus on cost investment。In short,There is still a long way to go for our industry to achieve a systematic integration.。

Yang Hui:In addition to products to provide customers with green、Low-carbon services,At the same time, we are in the process of producing equipment.,I hope it's green.、Low carbon、Intelligent,This requires the support of digital management.。The company needs unified planning.,It's wholeness、Consistency、Phases。

Fan Jianshe:I think digital、The overall level of intelligence is in the middle level.。First,Construction machinery and equipment have the characteristics of many varieties and small batches.。Although the total amount is large.,But there are many kinds,As a result, the categories of each category will be subdivided.。Second,Complex construction scenario and low added value,It should be said that most of the engineering business scenarios are rough work.,Including some digging,Earthwork action,They are all scenes that require low accuracy.。These two characteristics make the application of digitization more difficult.。

Hong Yun:Manufacturer's representative of the power system,In fact, I think the current level of digitalization is still in the initial stage of rapid development.,It takes a process to expand its market.。The first is regulation-driven digitization.、Internet of vehicles,Whether it is“China VI”Or a non-road“Guo Si”All the machines and equipment are connected to the Internet.,Everyone is still at this level.,The first step is to empower some internal engineering and quality intelligence.。We start from within the service.,Data comes from the client,And then back to the customer,Generating value in his application scenario is the real way to feed back customers.。

Now we have applied digitalization to service engineering quality and service aftermarket.,Package all the digital functions used by customers into an algorithm platform.,Open to the whole industry。As long as the user is connected to our platform,The results of our data,The processing results can be given to the user.,Go to the ground on the user side。Because of the networking technology.,The manufacturer has greater flexibility to adapt the engine to the customer's usage scenarios and habits.,We will soon launch different customized calibrations for different application scenarios.。

Mao Yi:The level of digitization,I think the key is the question of speed and slowness.。In the age of the Internet of things,Some of our development is relatively slow.,Instead, it has come to the era of industrial Internet and intellectualization.,I have a hunch that the industry will be faster than the consumer side.。

Liu Zhongxing:Low carbon、Improving energy efficiency is our national strategy.,Low carbon is also the way of high quality development.,In this case, the demand side includes cities.、Mine、Buses go to buy electric products.。Electric products triggered from the demand side landed relatively quickly.。Digitalization and intellectualization are major strategic objectives.,Tools to make our energy more efficient、Way。

Wang Xiang:Intelligent、The road to greening is long,It's only just begun。From the perspective of greening,The state has proposed a target of 3060.。From the data of energy structure, we can see that the proportion of clean energy has just exceeded 20%many,70 from%There is still a long way to go to achieve the above goals.。As our technology matures,、A reduction in cost,Let enterprises apply these technologies to produce benefits.。Through the standard of intelligent manufacturing degree evaluation system, we know that,Now 75%The above enterprises are only at the level of one or below.。So digital、Networking、Intelligent,Many enterprises are still in the initial stage of digitalization.,It needs to be led by the association.,Enterprises work together,Joint cooperation、Promote intelligence、Networking、The development of digitalization。

Hou Baojia:Finally,We thank all the experts for their wonderful sharing with applause.!

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