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Record of the Second Guest Dialogue of the Parallel Forum on "Strong Industrial Chain-Coordinated Development, Security and Stability"

September 06, 2022

August 23, 2022~24,“The 19th China Construction Machinery Development Forum”Held in Changsha, Hunan。24 am,Held in order to“Strong industrial chain——Coordinated development、Safe and stable”The second parallel forum on the theme。

Lv Ying:We have invited several agents in this sub-forum.,It also includes representatives of the whole machine industry.。What we want to discuss is in the process of market fluctuation.,How to find the right market position and develop a healthy and sustainable construction machinery marketing service system for the agent group。

Huang Min, President of Excavation Machinery Branch、Li Shing Hong Machinery GroupCEOFu Yaosheng、Yang Yihua, Chairman of Qianlima Supply Chain Group、Cao Weiguo, Chairman of Zhejiang Liyang Machinery Co., Ltd.、Liu Lan, Chairman of Guangxi Ruihai Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.、Yu Jianghe, chairman of Guangzhou Huaxin Hydraulic Co., Ltd., participated in the parallel forum dialogue.。The second parallel forum was chaired by Lv Ying, deputy secretary general of the Association.。

Topic one:What kind of agent system should be built??

Lv Ying:Construction machinery industry has experienced a new test since the second half of last year.,This is a test for the whole industry.,We see that some agent groups have a survival dilemma.。Then I would like to ask the owners of several agents.,How to View the Industry Chain Positioning of Channel Agents?Why keep bringing up the issue of resellers repositioning?I would like to ask a few bosses who are agents to make their views clear first.。


Li Shing Hong Machinery GroupCEOFu Yaosheng

Fu Yaosheng:As an agent, life has become more and more difficult in recent years.,Why is this happening??We need to reflect。In the past 20 years, agents have relied on information asymmetry.,As a support point for profits。We pay too much attention to the transaction process of new equipment.,While ignoring the business opportunities in equipment lifecycle management.。

For a long time, agents have not considered seizing opportunities from the whole life cycle of equipment use.,Existing challenges today,I think it's a very good time.,Let's reconsider how to change the business model of agents from looking for customers to intervening in the whole life cycle of customer equipment.,It is very important to turn this business into a business model.。


Cao Weiguo, Chairman of Zhejiang Liyang Machinery Co., Ltd.

Cao Weiguo:Agents are the vulnerable groups in the value chain of construction machinery.,But must be able to meet that responsibility assigned to it by the value chain。Whether it's directly operated、Penetration management or normative agency,It must have the ability of sustainable and healthy development.,Fulfill corresponding social responsibilities。

To cope with the current domestic multiple overlapping competitive links,Make the value chain of the brand more competitive.,Stronger healthy vitality gives upstream manufacturers greater responsibility for their brands.。Enter a new phase,The competitiveness of some brands is weakened or marginalized.。We cannot change the changes in the industry.,But as an agent, we must build our own ability and value.,We must have the concept of win-win cooperation in the value chain.,We must continue to learn and innovate.。


Liu Lan, Chairman of Guangxi Ruihai Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.

Liu Lan:Agent is an indispensable factor in the value chain.,As an agent, we should practice our internal skills and cooperate with manufacturers to move forward.。

Main engine factories should give agents timely empowerment.,So that agents can follow the main engine factory regardless of the ebb and flow of the tide。Agent as the window of the brand,Maintain customers and brand。

Choosing an agent is very important for the main engine factory.,Enabling agents is also very important。Agents should always exist in the construction machinery industry.、An indispensable group。


Yang Yihua, Chairman of Qianlima Machinery Supply Chain Co., Ltd.

Yang Yihua:I think there are too many agents.。Almost every manufacturer has at least thirty agents or more.。Traditional agents should be eliminated.,Leave new agents or new channels with their own value.,And the main engine factory should provide a good living environment for the agents.。


Huang Min, President of the Excavation Machinery Branch of the Association

Huang Min:I have always believed that channel agents are an important part of the entire industrial chain.,Indispensable。We can not jump out of the existing market environment to look at the current problems.,Now the market environment has undergone major changes.。First, the overall profitability of the industry is undergoing significant changes.;Second, new changes have taken place in the ecology of the industry.,Especially the needs of customers.。

I think a good ecological environment,Successful experience of good agents and manufacturing enterprises can be shared.。Focus on improving customer satisfaction and customer value creation,Strategy-oriented cooperation,It is a kind of cooperation of economic interests.。But I feel that most Chinese agents and enterprises focus on some short-term interests and short-term goals.。

Therefore, I think we must promote cooperation with strategy.,I don't agree that the channel is divided into different brands.。In a new environment,Agents should be rethought and repositioned。Agents need to grow fast,Deepen the market,Discover the customer,In order to solve the current dilemma.。


Yu Changhe, Chairman of Guangzhou Huaxin Hydraulic Co., Ltd.

Yu Chuanhe:The future needs continuous development.,First,The company's development and growth come from product innovation.;Second,Customers' needs come from marketing.,Third,Enterprises need to accumulate,Don't just look at the short-term benefits.。

I'm in charge of technology,Know that R & D products need at least 2-3 years or 3-5 years;The enterprise needs about 10 years of sustained development.。Under the influence of capital, everyone blindly rushed to kill.,They all end up victims.。In this new situation,,The relationship between enterprises and agents is that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.,But it is more a relationship of strategic cooperation.。Therefore, driven by capital,,Everyone continues to develop,It will be more beneficial to enterprises and markets.。

The future is personalized、Customization、The age of differentiation,This is the future of the enterprise.。



Lv Ying, deputy secretary general of the Association

Topic two:What will the agent do in the future??

Liu Lan:The manufacturer and the agent have the same goal,Mainly to meet the needs of users。Only to meet the needs of users,In order to be recognized by users and the market.。

In this goal, every agent has done a differentiated deep ploughing.,Now the market users are also undergoing great changes.,Individual users are gradually decreasing.,The concentration of medium and large users is unprecedented.。

Deepening the innovation of user needs is our first focus.。As an agent,We are more to do well at both ends.。Front-end finds users with high concentration,Achieve an integrated construction solution;The back end is the deep ploughing post-market service.,Not only the maintenance of equipment、Maintenance and service,It is more about maintaining the needs of users.。The emergence of such customized services,It will promote the sales of the product.,So that agents can truly transform into service providers.。

We should now reposition ourselves as a service provider that provides users with overall solutions.,This is our future.。

Cao Weiguo:Price war is a new change in recent years.,Especially the price war in the Excavator industry.,It has subverted the original business model based on gross profit of sales.。In front of the industry,The agent channel must be coordinated with the brand company strategy.,At this time, the synergy in concept is the synergy in ability.。This ability assumes the responsibility of the channel in brand building.,The new stage raises new questions about what the post-market should do.。

I introduced it“Good opportunity”It is the union of all Chinese construction machinery agents,In the case of exploring and meeting the strategic responsibility of agent channel brand synergy,Create a new business model through self-help、Revenue model,Constitute a healthy mode of existence。

There is a strange phenomenon in China's construction machinery industry.,A stock of nearly 10 million units,There are 2.5 million Excavators in stock.,As the mainstream group of channels, the after-market of agents,Especially the accessories,The proportion is not more than 20.%,And in this 20%Middle,60%-70%It's lube。

“Good opportunity”It is a joint collection、The mode of OEM。One is that the target group customers are the customers of the whole market, not just the customers of their own agent brands.,So we sell common parts.。After so many years of exploration,,We mainly sell lubricants now.、Butter、Filter element。Joint collection and group purchase is our advantage,The real advantage is credibility.。

Lv Ying:Thank you, Mr. Cao,Use very short language to introduce to us.“Good opportunity”What kind of new thing is it?,Hope“Good opportunity”Better and better。Next, I would like to invite General Manger Fu to introduce the exploration of digitalization enabling modern manufacturing service industry.。

Fu Yaosheng:Everyone is talking about digitalization these two days.。Agents must elevate digitalization to a strategic position。We digitize as 3..The focus of 0,Around the customer,Start working on how to introduce a big data analytics platform into a customer's scenario,Through big data analysis, we know what kind of service the managed devices need in which time period.,It also includes limited resources and maintenance workers.、Service car、Service tools、Accessory delivery bundled together。

This is a big project.,We're still figuring it out.,Accumulate experience constantly,Empower customers with big data analytics。Only digital,So that we can go far.,But it must be highly consistent with the manufacturer.——Serve customers well,This is our common goal.。

Yang Yihua:Digital transformation begins in 2016,We have done several things.:

First,Applied for identification analysis of industrial Internet,This is the first logo in the field of construction machinery services.。

Second,The platform has been used for 6 years.,Services through the post-market、Platform-based services integrate partners。

Third,Invest in a smart site company in the digital field,Create value for customers through smart site and construction solutions,Because the customer's equipment management and accounting need to be coordinated.。

Fourth,Cooperated with Jingdong three years ago.——Digital Logistics and Warehousing,This is the first industrial product field to cooperate with Jingdong.;Recently cooperated with Ant Financial,De-collateralization,Using Data to Achieve Guaranteed Financing。

Lv Ying:Mr. Yu, please introduce what new technical means and objectives have been achieved in the technical services of recycling and remanufacturing.?

Yu Chuanhe:The future must be the stock market.,The stock market is so big, how to do??As a country“Fourteen five”One of the projects,The core function of the equipment is the engine.。Now we are in America.、Based on Japanese industry standards,It has formulated industry standards beyond the scope of national standards.。Mass customization plus remanufactured materials,Support industry standards,The remanufactured engine products produced have high cost performance.,It is believed that engine maintenance and remanufacturing is a blue ocean market.。

Lv Ying:Just now, several leaders talked about the development prospects of their new business models or agents.、Service providers have done a lot of exploration on the development prospects.,In particular, we hope to see more performance in this regard.。Construction machinery industry is a cyclical industry.,There are ups and downs.,Can you continue to develop and improve in the ups and downs?。Next, I would like to invite President Huang Min to talk about the new design or directional judgment of the new business model or channel of supplier enterprises and agent enterprises in the next step.?

Huang Min:First,The industry has entered the level from high profit to reasonable profit.。

Second,The industry has changed from an incremental market to a stock market.。The recovery of China's Excavator enterprises is in the second half of 2024 or 2025.,Export is a good opportunity under the new situation.。

Third,Support the operation of the company with gross profit,The post-market promotes business transformation.。In fact, the main engine factory gives enough gross profit to the agent.,But because we have sacrificed the post-market。About after-market services,International first-class enterprises do well,However, the coverage rate of China's enterprise aftermarket is only 10%Left and right,In fact, this is the core of business coverage.。I think the excavator sales model has now turned into a more efficient one.、A more refined and customer-focused model。

Fourth,Agents fully participate in the real market segments to form their own advantages.,The industry should strive to support and promote market segmentation.。

Realignment of the business model,Re-excavate market opportunities and truly serve mainstream customers to gain better reputation,This is where we need to really ponder.。

Topic three:Look forward to their ideal business model or living environment.?

Yu Chuanhe:The market stock is large。30 years of products,First-generation products28,Second Generation Products 35,The third generation product is 42.,Now it's time for the industry to upgrade and shuffle.,We just have to keep up with the situation.,Do a good job of product matching,At the same time,In the process of upgrading, the stock and digital economy are also a blue sea.。I have full confidence in the future development of the industry.。

Yang Yihua:Science and technology create services,Data-driven business,This was put forward by Qianlima six years ago in response to the industry's perception.,An enterprise that can not experience technical barriers and mode barriers can not achieve sustainable development for a long time.。

Huang Min:First,Cycle。Construction machinery industry is a strong cycle,Especially in the excavator industry.。

Second,Closed。Dealing with risks is more important.。

Third,Ecology。Ecology is the key to the development of the industry,The industry should have a normal ecology.。The price competition of excavators includes service competition.,Hurt the ecology。

Fourth,Digital transformation,Intelligent upgrade。Digitalization must be promoted in the new competitive cycle.,It is the customer's demand.、The value of customers is reflected by numbers.。

Fu Yaosheng:Agent will have a hard time in that next two years.。The market has entered a downward stage since last year.,Investors and managers as agents,Need to reduce costs and increase efficiency,Increase income and reduce expenditure。

How to do the future market??What should I do as an agent?Now in the industry, I have been calling for paid services.,There are a lot of agents and manufacturers slowly in-depth understanding.,Valuable services can bring relatively sustainable development and sustainable profitable growth to agents and manufacturers.。

The transformation of agents needs the support of manufacturers,Let paid service become an important profit support for the future development of agents.。

Liu Lan:The inflection point of this industry cycle will appear in 25 or 26 years.,Long Downward Time of the Industry,There is no profit and no market.,It is an unprecedented test for the living environment of agents.。

As an agent,How we plan the matrix of profit is very important.。Before, the agent's profit was rugby ball, which was not good.,Should the profit matrix of today's agents be drawn in a dumbbell shape from both ends?。Operating lease、Legal machine disposal、Remanufacturing deep excavation、Providing users with a complete set of digital construction solutions is a link in the innovation and profit matrix.。

Practice basic skills and find a way out for innovation at the same time,As the saying goes“Innovation leads development,Science and technology make the future”!

Cao Weiguo:I am very supportive of fee-based services.,That is to say, our after-market maintenance service meets the after-sales service of agent brand products.、Operationalization on the premise of customer satisfaction。

The industry is constantly changing.,Agents should constantly explore and learn.,Self-solving to build a healthy business model,Instead of blindly asking for gross profit with the main engine factory.。

The real competition of agents lies in how to increase the numerator and decrease the denominator.,Find ways to improve efficiency。

In addition,Agents redefine the value of channel share in the post-market to suppliers。

Lv Ying:Everyone said it very well.,I will take General Manager Cao's speech as a summary.,This is the end of our forum.。

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