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Sany Heavy Industry: People's Daily Commentary! Feel the Economic Momentum from the "Excavator Index"

September 01, 2022

29 August,《People's Daily》5 Commentary Editions Launched“In the data.‘China's vitality’”Series Review,The first report is based on《From“Excavator Index”Feel the economic momentum》Be the subject of,Through Trinity“Excavator Index”,Demonstrate the resilience and vitality of China's economic development。

Trinity“Excavator Index”It is built by Sany Heavy Industry based on Tree Root Interconnection Root Cloud Platform.,Through the data analysis of the working conditions of more than 700000 massive equipment.,Daily workload and operating rate of construction machinery can be calculated by classification,The dynamic trend of the index can help to analyze the changes of the investment heat of infrastructure in all provinces and cities in China.,Has become a reflection of infrastructure、Observe the vane of economic changes such as fixed asset investment.。

The following is the report.:


Behind the Little Excavator,It is the rapid progress of infrastructure construction.,It is also the continuous improvement of investment efficiency and confidence.。

Collect big data by digging and shoveling.、Describe the progress of infrastructure investment and construction“Excavator Index”,It is the best indicator to observe the physical workload of investment.。Posted a while ago.“Excavator Index”Display:In July, the average monthly operating rate of construction machinery in China was 65.4%,Higher than 1—60 in June.37%;First half year,Total working hours of excavators increased by 6.86%……A rising index,It shows that the activity of infrastructure construction in China has continued to rise since this year.、Intensive landing of new projects,Become a stable investment、A vivid footnote to steady growth。

“Excavator Index”Reflected trend,It can be mutually verified with relevant statistical data.。According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics,,1—July,Infrastructure investment increased by 7% year-on-year.4%,Growth rate ratio1—June Acceleration 0.3 percentage points。From the perspective of leading indicators of investment,First half year,Newly started projects 13.40,000,An increase of 2% over the same period last year.60,000;Total planned investment in new projects increased by 22% year on year.9%;Investment Project(Excluding real estate development investment)Funds in place increased by 18.8%。This speaks volumes.,Macro policies should be advanced、Efforts to carry out infrastructure investment moderately ahead of schedule have achieved remarkable results.。In fact.,Engineering projects need a certain period from investment to the formation of physical workload.,It is believed that the package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy will be effective.,The effective investment scale will be further expanded.。

Infrastructure is an important support for economic and social development.,Major infrastructure projects absorb a large amount of investment、Long industrial chain、Create more job opportunities,It is an important starting point for stabilizing the macroeconomic market.。29 April,General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee。Meeting requirements,Play a key role in effective investment,Intensified Land、Use of energy、Environmental impact assessment and other guarantees,Strengthen infrastructure construction in an all-round way。From Central to Local,One specific arrangement is intensive landing.,While upgrading the level of traditional infrastructure,Speed up the construction of new infrastructure。On the one hand, focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the short board.,“Fourteen five”The planning of 102 major projects is accelerating.,More than 2600 projects have been implemented steadily and orderly.;On the one hand, efforts should be made to adjust the structure and increase the stamina.,Full start“East number and west count”Engineering,Nationwide“5G+Industrial Internet”There are more than 3100 projects under construction.,Completed and opened accumulatively 5GBase station 185.40,000……This not only provides a strong support for stabilizing the economic market.,It also contributes to the construction of a modern infrastructure system.。

Current,China's economy is in a key window of stabilization and recovery.。Seize the important time nodes,Consolidate the foundation of economic recovery,Focus on stabilizing the macroeconomic market,Effective investment should also continue to play a key role in economic recovery and development.。Under the circumstances that insufficient effective demand restricts the current economic recovery,,Improve the effectiveness of investment,Timely and decisive decisions should be made and implemented.、Do not delay the opportunity。We should continue to promote policy implementation and effectiveness.,Promote the efficient operation of the coordination mechanism for effective investment and important projects,Form more physical workload as soon as possible on the premise of ensuring the quality of the project。In the meantime,Do not engage in flood irrigation、No.“Don't wash the mud when the turnip is fast.”。Supported projects should benefit both the present and the long term.,Mainly invested in transportation、Sources of energy、Logistics、Agricultural and rural infrastructure and new infrastructure,Strengthen stamina for continuous expansion of effective investment。In addition,We should also make good use of effective investment in a market-oriented way.。For example.,Give full play to the leading role of special bond funds。First half of this year,Investment driven by special debt has played an important supporting role in steady growth.。Total capital formation drives economic growth 0.8 percentage points。

Those who observe the situation are wise.,The trend is wise.。Although there are still some outstanding contradictions and problems in the economic operation,,But China's economy is stable and improving.、The long-term positive fundamentals remain unchanged.。Behind the Little Excavator,It is the rapid progress of infrastructure construction.,It is also the continuous improvement of investment efficiency and confidence.。Such a positive change,It contains new momentum for China's economy to move forward.。We believe.,Just rise to the challenge.、Li Fen Fa,Firmly do your own thing.,It will certainly consolidate the positive trend of economic recovery.,Keep the economy running in a reasonable range。

Content Source:《People's Daily》


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