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“Shantui Global Customer Care Tour” launched

September 10, 2015


 “Shantui GlobalCustomer Care Tour” Launched


The brand is the priority for global layout. Confronted with the developmentdepression of China’s construction machinery industry nowadays, ShantuiInternational Marketing Business Unit calmly analyzed the current industrysituation, carefully thought of the relationship between enterprise developmentand brand promotion, took the product quality and service quality as startingpoint and the users’ experiences and word-of-mouth marketing as tools, andplanned and implemented innovatively the “Shantui Global Customer Caring Tour”campaign in 2015.

This campaign was planned and initiated by the Marketing Department of ShantuiInternational Marketing Business Unit and the customer caring tour teams werefounded in combination with the salespersons and servicepersons of relevantsubsidiary companies. By visiting Shantui's overseas dealers and end customers,the voices from the product sales frontline and the operation frontline werecollected and organized. This campaign was intended to embody Shantui’s attentionon products and users, propagate Shantui’s value philosophy, and promote thecorporate brand image.


At present, this campaign has been held for two sessions, both in Russia. In the first session, the visiting team went to Moscow and visited two Shantui's dealers responsible for Moscow region. In the second session, the visiting team moved to the Novosibirsk in the middle of Russia and visited two local dealers.

 Duringtwo sessions, the responsible persons of the dealers, in combination with thecurrent economic situation of Russia, objectively analyzed the currentdifficulties the Chinese construction machinery manufacturers faced andexpressed their opinions on the economic development and industry trend in thefuture. Guided by the dealers, the visiting team went deep into theconstruction frontline, shot the working scenes of Shantui equipment underdiversified working conditions, and interviewed the operators and maintenancepersonnel of Shantui equipment and asked them to talk about their feelingsabout the operation and maintenance of Shantui products. Every intervieweeexpressed high recognition on the quality of Shantui equipment and at the sametime sincerely provided some improvement recommendations.

Bymeans of such campaign, Shantui built up a communication and exchange platformamong Shantui, dealers, and end users, inspired the confidence of the dealers,and enabled the users to feel the caring. Many users said in succession thatthey were really happy that Shantui could organize such campaign, whichprovided a direct communication opportunity with the manufacturer. At thecampaign site, the members of the visiting team communicated the repair andmaintenance issues on the equipment with the users and presented them the smallgifts of Shantui.

For thevisiting campaign sessions already held, the International Marketing BusinessUnit has collected and organized a large number of text, photo, and videomaterials and in the later stage will propagate in form of newsletters andvideo documentaries and plan the internal and external propagations viaShantui's internet platforms, including OA, EIP, Shantui website, and WeChataccount. At present, the video material for the first campaign session wasalready fabricated and the final editorial work is under the way.

Shantuiwill continue this campaign in the 3rd and 4th quartersand plan to expand the visiting scope to Middle East and Southeast Asia. It’sbelieved that such campaign will further expand the brand influence of Shantuiand surely better propagate the good world-of-mouth of the products.



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