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China Machinery Industry Federation and China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Announced Top One Hundred Enterprises in China Machinery Industry and Top Thirty Enterprises in Automobile Industry of the Year 2012

June 08, 2013

    On May 30th, Xinhuanet, Chengdu, (reported by Wang Min), China Machinery Industry Federation and China Association of Automobile Manufacturers announced the list of top one hundred enterprises in China machinery industry and top thirty enterprises in automobile industry of the year 2012 in Zigong, Sichuan Province.

    Cai Weici, Executive Vice-chairman of China Machinery Industry Federation introduced that the main business income of China National Machinery Industry Corporation who was reelected as the top of the top one hundred enterprises in 2012 reached RMB 212.1 billion, an increase of 11.73% over the previous year, ranking the 346th among Fortune 500; the main business income of XCMG Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. was RMB 101.2 billion, an increase of 16.11% over the previous year, ranking the second among the top one hundred enterprises; the main business income of the head office of Shanghai Electric (Group) was RMB 91.7 billion, continuing to be the third among the top 100 enterprises.

    As introduced, business income of the top four enterprises of top thirty enterprises in automobile industry of the year 2012 was all above RMB 200 billion, among which, the top one was SAIC Motor Corporation Limited; the second to the fourth enterprises were successively: China First Automobile Works Group, Dongfeng Motor Corporation and Beijing Auto Group Co., Ltd.

    Wang Ruixiang, Chairman of China Machinery Industry Federation indicated that under the market environment of economic downturn and insufficient demand, growth momentum of these enterprises continued to be positive. Main business income of the 63 enterprises among the top hundred machinery enterprises maintained in growth while 30 enterprises among which were in double-digit growth and the growth rate of some even reached over 60%. Machinery enterprises with income exceeding RMB 100 billion increased from one enterprise to two. Automobile enterprises with income exceeding RMB 100 billion increased from one company in 2003 to seven companies in 2012. From the perspective of profit’s growth rate, there was near 50% year-on-year growth of enterprises’ profit in different level both in machinery industry and automobile industry while seven machinery enterprises were with a growth rate of over 100%. Meanwhile, production concentration of industries improved continuously; large enterprises played a more prominent role; private enterprises were still vital.

    It is reported that the annual information release event of top one hundred enterprises in China machinery industry and top thirty enterprises in automobile industry has been held for nine consecutive terms, which reflects the development history of our equipment manufacturing enterprises’ ceaseless improvement in comprehensive competitiveness. The sponsor hopes that it will help improve the whole society’s cognition on medium and large enterprises in industries of machinery and automobile,encourage industries and enterprises to accelerate structural adjustment and to promote the transformation and upgrading, conduct benchmarking with international first-class enterprises, continuously improve capability of independent innovation and improve the comprehensive competitive strength.


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