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To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jingong Machinery's cake gambling activity came to a successful conclusion!

September 18, 2024

As autumn grows stronger.,The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming as scheduled。To carry forward the excellent traditional culture of our country,Create a good corporate culture atmosphere,Jingong Machinery specially organizes all staff to carry out Mid-Autumn Festival cake gambling activities during the festival.。This is not only a celebration of joy and passion.,It is also a characteristic folk tradition inherited by the company for many years.。

The event begins in the afternoon.,The company is permeated with a strong festive atmosphere.。Every employee gathered around the cookie table in anticipation.,Dice held in the hand as a symbol of good luck,His eyes sparkled with joy and anticipation.。With the dice jumping happily in the big bowl.,Waves of laughter rose and fell one after another,The whole scene is full of warmth and harmony.,It's like a big family.。

After several rounds of intense and fun competition,,The champion of each table is produced one after another.,And finally through an exciting“King of kings”The final winner was decided in the contest.。Every participant not only enjoyed the fun of gambling.,More deeply felt the care and blessing from the company.。

This activity not only embodies the spirit of people-oriented corporate culture advocated by Jingong Machinery.,At the same time, it also relaxes all colleagues after their intense work.,Strengthened team cohesion。




Here!Sincerely wish every employee and their families a happy holiday!,The whole family is happy!

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