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China Construction Machinery Industry Association Construction Crane Branch Sixth Fourth Member Congress and Hoisting Industry Development Forum Successfully Held

September 09, 2024

September 5, 2024,Construction Crane Branch of China Construction Machinery Industry Association(Hereinafter referred to as the Branch)Sponsored“China Construction Machinery Industry Association Construction Crane Branch Fourth Session of the Sixth Congress and Hoisting Industry Development Forum”Successfully held in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province。The current session of the General Assembly“Comprehensive innovation and win-win situation”As the theme,It is not only an active practice of the national innovation and development strategy.,More looking forward to the transformation and upgrading of the whole industry、The key period of industrial structure adjustment,Deeply Understand and Grasp the Deliberation and Adoption of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee《The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform,The decision to promote Chinese-style modernization》Spirit,Cohesion,Firm confidence,Promote the deep integration and collaborative innovation of all links in the industrial chain,Promote the healthy and sustainable development of the engineering lifting industry。

The scene of the conference

China Construction Machinery Industry Association(Hereinafter referred to as the Association)President Su Zimeng,Vice President and Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of the Association、Li Jianyou, president of the branch, attended the meeting.。At the meeting,President Su Zimeng《Operation Analysis and Current Key Tasks of Construction Machinery Industry》Report on the development of the industry situation,Li Jianyou, president of the branch, delivered an opening speech.,And make《Construction Crane Industry Development Report》。

▲By President Su Zimeng《China Construction Machinery Industry Situation Report》

In his report, President Su Zimeng comprehensively combed the economic operation characteristics and current situation of China's construction machinery industry in recent years.,And the trend is predicted.,At the same time, the industry is in the basic capacity of the industry.、Modernization level of industrial chain、The achievements in major technical equipment and other aspects were introduced and affirmed.。He pointed out,Construction machinery industry should take self-control as the strategic basis,With high-end、Intelligent、Green as the core theme,Aim at the key short board,Focus on new technologies、R & D and deep application of basic technologies,Constructing Industry Innovation Ecosphere,Take the road of high-quality development of construction machinery。

Su Zimeng stressed,The more difficult times.,The more we should strengthen our confidence.、Build consensus,Take a positive attitude and decisive action.,Overcome difficult problems together,Conspire for development。He called on the whole industry to firmly grasp the new round of scientific and technological revolution.、New opportunities for development brought about by industrial transformation,Actively adapt to new changes in the market environment,Firm confidence,Cohesion,Do solid work,Positive action,In order to comprehensively promote the construction of a powerful country with Chinese-style modernization、Make new contributions to the great cause of national rejuvenation.。

▲Li Jianyou, Vice President of the Association and President of the Branch《Construction Crane Industry Development Report》

Li Jianyou《Construction Crane Industry Development Report》,The important position of the construction crane industry in the national economic development is emphasized.,The operation and characteristics of the industry since 2023 are reviewed.,It affirmed the achievements of the industry.,The current problems and challenges are analyzed.,It also puts forward clear requirements for the future development direction of the industry.。He pointed out the path of transformation and upgrading of innovation and development enabling industries.,Call on the whole industry to adhere to innovation-driven,Strengthen the integration of industrial chain,Build a solid bottom line thinking,Deepen synergy,Cohesion,Form a strong joint force for the whole industry to jointly promote innovation and development,Achieve high-quality development of construction crane industry。

Also present at the meeting was the vice president of XCMG.、Secretary of the Party Committee of XCMG Crane Division、General Manager Sun Jianzhong,Co-president of Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd.、Luo Kai, General Manager of Construction Crane Branch,Secretary of Party Committee of Harbin Welding Research Institute Co., Ltd. of China Machinery Research Institute Group、Chairman Yang Yuting,Liu Zhongxing, Deputy General Manager of Zhongji Universal Certification and Inspection Co., Ltd.,Xie Tao, General Manager of Sany Automobile Lifting Machinery Co., Ltd.,Vice President of Beiqi Foton、Yang Guotao, Chairman of Leisa Co., Ltd.,Xiong Yunlong, General Manager of Harbin Welding Research Institute Co., Ltd.,Former Vice President of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology、Doctoral supervisor Xu Gening,Central Party School(National School of Administration)Professor Wang Xiaoguang,Wang Jinxing, deputy secretary general of the Association、Assistant Secretary-General Li Chunsheng,China Machinery Branch(Beijing)Lu Ming, Party Secretary and General Manager of Vehicle Inspection Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.,Guo Zhong, Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Heavy Lifting and Transportation Engineering Co., Ltd.,Wu Yupeng, Deputy General Manager of China Nuclear Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.,Shi Xianxin, Chief Engineer of Lifting Machinery Division of XCMG,Chen Yujie, Deputy General Manager of Anhui Liugong Crane Co., Ltd.,Professor of Dalian University of Technology、Gao Shunde, Chairman of Dalian Yiliya Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.,As well as construction crane industry elites from all over the country.、Experts and scholars、Enterprise、User、More than 130 media representatives。Luo Kai, executive vice president of the branch, was invited to preside over the member Congress.。

▲Co-president of Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd.、Luo Kai, General Manager of Construction Crane Branch, was invited to preside over the member Congress.

▲Party Secretary of Harbin Welding Research Institute Co., Ltd.、Chairman Yang Yuting delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the co-sponsors.

▲China Machinery Branch(Beijing)Party Secretary of Vehicle Inspection Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.、General Manager Lu Ming delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the co-sponsors.

As a representative of the co-organizer of the conference.,Yang Yuting and Lu Ming delivered speeches respectively.,He expressed his welcome to everyone.。Facing the current opportunities and challenges,They said,We should actively integrate our latest technological achievements with the construction crane industry.,Contribute to the development of the industry。

▲Li Xiaofei, Secretary-General of the Branch《Work Report of the Secretariat of Construction Crane Branch in 2024》

Li Xiaofei, Secretary-General of the Branch《Work Report of the Secretariat of Construction Crane Branch in 2024》,He reported to the delegates on the specific work of the Branch since 2023 and the work plan for 2024.。He said,2024,The Secretary-General of the branch will continue to strengthen the leadership of Party building.,Perform well“Support the government to lead the industry”Responsibility and mission.。

▲Liu Zhongxing, Deputy General Manager of China Machinery Universal Certification and Inspection Co., Ltd., presided over the meeting to consider the proposal.、Voting and Licensing Session

Liu Zhongxing was invited to preside over the meeting to deliberate on the proposal.、Voting and Licensing Session。The meeting deliberated and adopted the report made by Li Jianyou.《Construction Crane Industry Development Report》、Written by Li Xiaofei on behalf of the Secretariat of the Branch《Work Report of the Secretariat of Construction Crane Branch in 2024》、Five motions submitted by the Fourth Session of the Sixth Council,Agree to add 3 new governing units、6 new member units。

▲Su Zimeng, president of the association、Li Jianyou, Vice President of the Association and President of the Branch, awarded the license to the newly elected governing unit.

▲Li Jianyou, Vice President of the Association and President of the Branch,Executive Vice President of the Branch、Sun Jianzhong, Vice President of XCMG, awarded licenses to new member units

Forum Keynote Report Session

▲Secretary of the Party Committee of Sany Automobile Lifting Machinery Co., Ltd.、General Manager Xie Tao presided over the keynote report of the forum.

Xie Tao was invited to preside over the keynote report of the forum.。Central Party School(National School of Administration)Professor Wang Xiaoguang《National macroeconomic situation》Keynote report,The characteristics and trends of China's overall economy are analyzed.,The relevant policy recommendations and countermeasures are put forward.。Shi Xianxin, Chief Engineer of Lifting Machinery Division of XCMG、Li Dalin, Director of Intelligent Room of Zoomlion Construction Crane Branch、Zhang Jinhu, Vice President of Sany Truck_crane/ 'target='_blank' style='color:blue;'>Truck Crane Electrification Research Institute, focuses on the digitalization of construction crane industry、Intelligent、Green development and other frontier topics,The key technologies and applications that have been obtained and are being promoted、Achievements and Practice of Scientific and Technological Innovation、The development prospects of the industry are shared on special topics.。

▲Central Party School(National School of Administration)Professor Wang Xiaoguang《National macroeconomic situation》Keynote report

▲Shi Xianxinzuo, Chief Engineer of XCMG Lifting Machinery Division《Intelligent Safety Management System》Keynote report

▲Li Dalin, Director of Intelligent Room of Zoomlion Construction Crane Branch《Development Trend and Application Prospect of Digital Intelligence Technology and Products》Keynote report

▲Zhang Jinhu, Vice President of Sany Truck_crane/ 'target='_blank' style='color:blue;'>Truck Crane Electrification Research Institute《New Energy and Digital Trend of Crane》Keynote report

Forum Keynote Speech Session

▲Shi Xianxin, Chief Engineer of XCMG Lifting Machinery Division, was invited to host the keynote speech of the forum.

Shi Xianxin was invited to host the keynote speech of the forum.。Xu Fujia, Deputy General Manager of Harbin Welding Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.,Association expert、Xu Gening, former vice president of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Huawei lecturer、Sun Kai, an expert in enterprise internationalization strategy,Ren Luyao, Assistant General Manager of Xuzhou Xugong Truck Crane Co., Ltd.,Wang Wei, Deputy General Manager of Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd.,Lu Zhifeng, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Lianyi Bearing Technology Co., Ltd.,Assistant Secretary-General of the Association、Director of Member Services、Li Chunsheng, Secretary-General of the Association's Remanufacturing and Recycling Branch, gave a keynote speech.。Everyone shares through their own experience.,It provides a reference for the technological progress and innovative development of the industry.。


▲Xu Fujiazuo, Deputy General Manager of Harbin Welding Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.《Application of Laser Welding Technology in Construction Machinery》Keynote speech

▲Former Vice President of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology、Doctoral supervisor Xu Gening《Implementation of Safety Technical Regulations for Power-assisted Hoisting Machinery,Boosting high-quality development of lifting machinery industry》Keynote speech

▲Huawei lecturer、Sun Kaizuo, an expert in enterprise internationalization strategy《Brave the wind and the waves、Sail out》Keynote speech

▲Ren Luyao, Assistant General Manager of Xuzhou XCMG Truck-mounted Crane Co., Ltd.《Analysis on the Development of Truck Mounted Crane Industry》Keynote speech

▲Wang Weizuo, Deputy General Manager of Zhengzhou Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd.《Strengthen coordination,Integration and innovation,High-quality development of construction machinery industry》Keynote speech

▲Lu Zhifeng, deputy general manager of Shanghai Lianyi Bearing Technology Co., Ltd.《Maintenance free、Anti-shake、Application of New Noise Reduction Technology in Construction Machinery Industry》Keynote speech

▲Assistant Secretary-General of the Association、Li Chunsheng, Director of Member Service Department《Serving member enterprises to enter the international market》Keynote speech

High-level forum link

“Comprehensive innovation and win-win situation”High-level forum


Wang Jinxing, Deputy Secretary-General of the Association, presided over the meeting.“Comprehensive innovation and win-win situation”High-level forum

Wang Jinxing was invited to host“Comprehensive innovation and win-win situation”A high-level forum on the development of hoisting industry.,Guo Zhong, Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Heavy Lifting and Transportation Engineering Co., Ltd.,Zhang Hua, Assistant General Manager of China Nuclear Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.,Professor of Dalian University of Technology、Gao Shunde, Chairman of Dalian Yiliya Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.,Chen Yujie, Deputy General Manager of Anhui Liugong Crane Co., Ltd.,Party Secretary of Maanshan Fangyuan Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.、Deputy General Manager Hu Chuang,China Machinery Branch(Beijing)Jia Jiaqi, deputy general manager of Vehicle Inspection Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd., discussed as a dialogue guest.。In view of the current difficulties facing the industry,、The solution、Innovation path and future trends and other topics,Views were shared,Positive suggestions and comments are given.,And agreed that,Innovation is the key to promote the sustainable and healthy development of construction crane industry,Innovation-driven industrial optimization and upgrading and win-win cooperation,Help the construction crane industry to build a modern industrial system,Achieve healthy and sustainable development。

High-level Forum Dialogue Guests:Guo Zhong, Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Heavy Lifting and Transportation Engineering Co., Ltd.

High-level Forum Dialogue GuestsZhang Hua, Assistant General Manager of China Nuclear Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.

High-level Forum Dialogue Guests:Professor of Dalian University of Technology、Gao Shunde, Chairman of Dalian Yiliya Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.

High-level Forum Dialogue Guests:Chen Yujie, Deputy General Manager of Anhui Liugong Crane Co., Ltd.

High-level Forum Dialogue Guests:Hu Chuang, Party Secretary and Deputy General Manager of Maanshan Fangyuan Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

High-level Forum Dialogue Guests:China Machinery Branch(Beijing)Jia Jiaqi, Deputy General Manager of Vehicle Inspection Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Executive Vice President of the Branch、Sun Jianzhong, Vice President of XCMG, made a summary of the conference.

Sun Jianzhong, Executive Vice President of the Branch, summarized the conference on behalf of the Branch.。He said,The meeting was compact and substantial,Added the governing unit of the branch,Developed new members,Complete the scheduled bill。Same period of the meeting,President Su Zimeng of the Association comprehensively combed and predicted the development situation of the construction machinery industry.,It not only injects firm confidence and motivation into the construction crane industry.,It also points out the future development direction and strategic focus.,It provides a fundamental follow-up for industry work.,Sharing of experts attending the meeting、Discussions and suggestions also provide practical cases and rich ideas and strategies for the high-quality development of the industry.。Sun Jianzhong said,Xugong is the leading enterprise in the industry.,It will actively respond to President Li Jianyou's advocacy of strengthening comprehensive innovation in the whole industry.,Play a leading role in demonstration,In order to build up the enterprise as the main body、Market-oriented、Technological innovation system with deep integration of industry, education and research,Enhance the overall efficiency of the industry innovation system and the core competitiveness of the industry,Contribute to the sustainable growth and high-quality development of the industry.。

Li Xiaofei, Secretary-General of the Branch, read out the minutes of the meeting.

Finally,Li Xiaofei read out the minutes of the meeting.,It was unanimously approved by the delegates.。At this point,The conference successfully completed all the scheduled agenda.。

The same period,Delegates visited Harbin Welding Research Institute Co., Ltd. of China Machinery General Institute Group.,Relevant technical achievements and application practices were exchanged.。

The delegates took a group photo

2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China.,It is also another important year for China's comprehensive deepening of reform.。The successful holding of this conference,It is the positive response and profound practice of China's construction crane industry to the national innovation-driven development strategy.,It also opens a new chapter for the industry to strengthen the practice of comprehensive innovation and continue to write a new era of high-quality development.。The industry will continue to fully implement the 20th CPC National Congress and the Second Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.、The spirit of the Third Plenary Session,Deeply Grasp the New Requirements of Promoting Chinese-style Modernization for Deepening Reform in an All-round Way,Innovation-driven development,Promoting Win-win through Cooperation,Further accelerate the construction of new quality productivity and enhance its strong impetus to the high-quality development of the industry、Supporting force,In order to comprehensively promote the construction of a powerful country with Chinese-style modernization、Make new contributions to the great cause of national rejuvenation.。

Source:Construction Crane Branch of the Association

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