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People's Daily Front Page | Shaanxi Coal Group Promotes Industrial Upgrading with Scientific and Technological Innovation

August 13, 2024

August 11,People's DayNewspaper》Front pagePublish an article《Shaanxi Coal Group Promotes Industrial Upgrading with Scientific and Technological Innovation》Focus on Scientific and Technological Innovation of Shaanxi Coal Group
Achievements and achievements in promoting industrial upgrading with new quality productivity

《People's Daily 》( August 11, 2024 Version 01)

(Go to the enterprise,Look at high quality development)


Shaanxi Coal Group Promotes Industrial Upgrading with Scientific and Technological InnovationNewspaper reporter Zhang Tie Gong Shijian


Look !The Fantastic Journey of a Coal——

Automated cutting machine,Wake up the sleeping underground in Yulin, northern Shaanxi“Ugin”;Pass through the closed conveyor belt,Screening、Broken、Flotation,Remove impurities;Adding liquid to form coal water slurry,Along a 727-kilometer pipeline,“Flow”To Pucheng Clean Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Coal Group located in Guanzhong area;Dehydrate again,Into a forest of storage tanks.、Tower、Reactor,Chemical raw materials are produced。

Coal“ Transformation ”Behind,Shaanxi Coal Industry Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as“Shaanxi Coal Group”)Continuous Exploration of Developing New Quality Productive Forces。

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee《 Decision 》Put forward:“Leading the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries with the promotion of national standards,Support enterprises to use digital intelligence technology、Transforming and Upgrading Traditional Industries with Green Technology。”From the smart mine、Smart mining area,To fine chemicals、New Energy,A batch of new technologies、New products、The new model takes root.,Shaanxi Coal Group concentrates on scientific and technological innovation、Focus on transformation and upgrading,Firmly advance on the road of high-quality development。

In 2023, Shaanxi Coal Group realized business income of 52.93 billion yuan.,The profit is 43.1 billion yuan;In the first half of 2024, it realized business income of 263.6 billion yuan.,Year-on-year growth of 0.5%,The profit is 22.2 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 8.9%。

Intelligent mining,“Black collar”Change“White collar”

Iron arms rise and fall,“Ugin”Rolling。Coal can be cut every 40 minutes.,3500 tons of coal per cut。In Yuyang District, Yulin City,The 10-meter super-high intelligent fully mechanized mining face of Caojiatan Mining Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Coal Group has a daily output of up to 5.80,000 tons。

Mine intellectualization,More“Capable”。

Caojiatan Coal Mine 300 meters deep underground,More than 100 meters long drilling-anchoring integrated intelligent rapid tunneling equipment rotates the drum to break the coal seam.,Heading forward on one side,Support the roadway on one side。Coal mine dispatching sub-control center on the ground,The operator holds the mouse、Move your fingers,You can command this equipment accurately.。

Nearly 100 kilometers to the northeast,He came to the mining area of Shenmu Caragana Tower Mining Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Coal Group on the edge of Maowusu Sandy Land.。Downhole,Flexible obstacle avoidance of explosion-proof electric Vehicles、Turn quickly,Autopilot all the way;Ground,Flashing of data on large screen,Equipment operation、The production situation is clear at a glance;In the air,The Drone flew over、“Eye of Heaven”Patrol inspection,A panoramic view inside and outside the mining area。

Intelligence of mining area,More“ Clever ”。

“Click the mouse,The raw coal can be accurately classified.,Drive into silo via belt conveyor line。”In the Coal Washing Operation Center,Guo Liang, a centralized controller sitting in front of the computer, said with a smile.,“ Past ‘Coal digger’Yes‘Black collar’,Has become‘Coal mining engineer’Yes‘White collar’。”

“Improve safety in production,And that coal mine efficiency is improved,Fundamentally, it still depends on digital intelligence technology.。”Zhao Wenge, general manager of Shaanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd., which belongs to Shaanxi Coal Group, said.。At present,Shaanxi Coal Industry has built 32 intelligent mines.、5 smart mining areas,Intelligent production capacity reaches 99%,Intelligent centralized control of 792 production auxiliary systems in 13 categories、Efficient operation。

Extend the chain into a potential,“Ugin”Change“Platinum”

Guizhou Huajiang Gorge Bridge under construction,There are also products of Shaanxi Coal Group.。

Not long ago,The first smart main cable strand of the bridge was successfully installed.,Wherein the main cable is carried out“Health monitoring”Smart carbon fiber cable for fiber grating sensor,It is jointly designed by Jiangsu Hengshen Co., Ltd., affiliated to Shaanxi Coal Group, and Three Gorges University.。Its raw materials,It's a small piece of coal.。

From a lump of coal to a piece of wire,Hengshen's 5 kiloton carbon fiber production lines,It can produce 5000 tons of carbon fiber every year.,Let the lumps of coal“ Transformation ”Clothing, shoes and hats、Wind power blades、Aircraft fuselage。

Tough threads of silk.、A drop of precious oil、A grain of high-end special wax、Pieces of special chemicals……In recent years,Shaanxi Coal Group continues to extend the coal industry chain and innovation chain.,Improve the Comprehensive Utilization Efficiency of Coal as Chemical Raw Material。

The packaging line of the R & D plant of Pucheng Clean Energy Chemical Co., Ltd.,Pellets of polyolefin are weighed、Packing、Transportation,Delivered to the warehouse for sale。“The production line produces food-grade modified polypropylene.,Polystyrene can be replaced,Green and environmental protection,The cost is lower。”Qu Guangbin, head of R & D factory, said.,“This is real.‘Platinum’。”

At present,The R & D plant has the ability to produce more than 10 kinds of modified polyolefin products in 6 categories.,Special material for pump head、Breakthroughs have also been made in the research and development of automotive customized materials and other products.,Contain“New”Quantity、Contain“ Gold ”The amount is increasing。

Low-carbon transformation,“ Black ”Change“Green”

Clasp“Green”The word seeks development,Around“Low carbon”Make an article,Shaanxi Coal Group focuses on green development,Spread thick“Green details”。

Coal bunkers mingle with green trees.,The coal washing plant is green,Ecological park with murmuring water……In the mining area of Hongliulin Mining Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Coal Group,Three-dimensional ecological restoration and treatment has been carried out in the goaf,Become a tourist attraction、Ecology、Demonstration project of ecological restoration integrated with industry。

Construction of National Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Park in Caragana Mining Area,Construction of Geological Environment Land Reclamation Demonstration Project in Zhangjiamao Mining Area,Caojiatan Mining Area has restored more than 10000 mu of land in the coal mining subsidence area.……Shaanxi Coal Group in Mine Ecological Restoration、Geological environment monitoring、Breakthroughs have been made in green low-carbon technologies such as water conservation and mining.,A new path of coordinated development of ecological restoration and carbon emission reduction in mining areas has been found.。

Coal Slime、Coal gangue and other low calorific value fuel,Power generation through coupling and co-firing;Tail gas from calcium carbide production,Used for calcining lime after dedusting and purification;The collected purified ash is burned as a fuel,Drying raw material for calcium carbide production……Xinyuan Jieneng Power Plant of Shaanxi Coal Group Fugu Energy Development Co., Ltd.,A series of measures to change“Waste”For“Bao”,It not only enables enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, but also achieves remarkable results.,It can also convert waste from surrounding industrial parks into new energy sources.、New materials。

“We should make full use of every piece of coal.,Realize clean and efficient utilization of coal and electricity、Carbon chain green transformation and efficiency enhancement、Lead the construction of new power system。”Said Feng Ping'an, chairman of Shaanxi Coal Electric Power Group Co., Ltd.。

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