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Yuchai: Global People Magazine Interview: "National Outstanding Engineer" Lin Tiejian: Build the "Strongest Heart" for Automobiles

July 19, 2024


The full report is as follows

When many people first met Lin Tiejian,,Everyone thinks he is gentle.,Don't be impatient.、The tone is gentle and restrained,With a sedate manner.,Have the bearing of a diplomat,And“Diesel engine”Three words don't match.。

But at my alma mater, Tianjin University,Lin Tiejian has a resounding title.——“Diesel Pathfinder”。He has been working since 2005.,He's been working with engines.,It has not only developed China's first Vehicle emission standard to meet the sixth phase of the national Vehicle emission standard,(Hereinafter referred to as“China VI”)A diesel engine,It has also developed China's first commercial Vehicle hydrogen-fueled engine.,And China's first flexible fuel engine.、The first engine intelligent controller with completely independent intellectual property rights……Again and again“Break through” Success ,Created a highlight moment of domestic power equipment.。

“I have been interested in machinery since I was a child.。”Lin Tiejian is right《People around the world》The reporter said。His ancestral home is Zhejiang,But born、Growing up in Tianjin。Childhood,Lin Tiejian likes cars very much.,When he was a teenager, he loved to play with mechanical devices.,How do these devices work?、Generating power,Fascinated him.。

When I took the university entrance examination in 1994.,Lin Tiejian heard that Tianjin University is very strong in the field of engine research.,I filled in the thermal engineering department of the school.,Be successfully admitted。After that,He spent 11 years on Tianda's campus.,Read the book all the way、Shuo、Bo,Another year and a half as a postdoc.,Until the end of 2005 out of the station.。

“The cold winter months,The old professor who is nearly sixty years old sweats like rain when he teaches us mechanics of materials.,It's vivid in my mind。I can't forget my mentor either.、Su Wanhua, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,Revise my first master's thesis to be published word by word.,Teach me to write academic papers logically and rigorously.、The text is refined。”Lin Tiejian recalled。

During the master's degree,He entered the State Key Laboratory of Combustion of Internal Combustion Engines.,Feel the inheritance of three generations of scientists.,In particular, the academic spirit of the older generation of scientists has a far-reaching impact on him.,“This spiritual gene permeates our blood.,Guide our future direction.”。


Doctoral studies,Lin Tiejian is under the guidance of his mentor.,We have done some more advanced exploratory work.。He told reporters frankly.,In industry,At that time, the gap between the overall level of domestic engines and that of the West was quite obvious.。“Like a gasoline engine,Most of our factories import foreign gasoline engine products through joint ventures.,In the field of commercial vehicle diesel engine,Pure mechanical fuel pumps are still used to control injection in China.,It has nothing to do with electronic control,Diesel engines in Europe and America have entered the era of complete electronic control.。”


But in high school,,The gap between China's scientific research level and that of the West is not so big.。At that time,Academician Su Wanhua's team has developed an electronically controlled injection fuel system.,It just hasn't reached the stage of industrialization yet.。In the words of Lin Tiejian:“Many domestic teams can make many advanced things in the laboratory.,They are basically on the same starting line with their foreign counterparts.。”


After the doctor's degree,He gave himself a transition period through the postdoctoral stage.,More cooperation with enterprises,Deepening the understanding of the industry,Then he decided to go to Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as Yuchai)Job。


Lin Tiejian when he first joined the work

Leave the big city、Leave home,Go to Yulin, a small town in the southwestern border 2300 kilometers away.,Lin Tiejian's decision at that time was incomprehensible to his friends and teachers.。

“A lot of people ask me.,Everyone goes to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.,Why did you go to such a remote place??To be Frank,First of all, I want to go to the enterprise.,Develop their own value through the development of actual products;Secondly, one of my senior brothers had been working in Yuchai for two or three years.,Be highly valued by the company,The research conditions and atmosphere of the team are very good.,That's why he took me.‘Pull’To Yuchai。”Lin Tiejian told reporters.。

At that time ,There are only six or seven doctoral graduates in the whole company.,Lin Tiejian's educational background is outstanding.,It was assumed that he would stay in a comfortable office.。I didn't expect,He chose to take root in the production line.,Start as an ordinary technician,Sink down to learn from skilled workers.,Drill the bench every day、Do the experiment,Once without success,Do it again.。

“Some people think that highly educated people should have a higher starting point when they enter the post.,But I don't think so.。I think no matter how highly educated you are,,We should start from the grass-roots level.,This is a necessary process.。This is especially true for enterprise technology R & D personnel.,Because only in this way can we have a deeper understanding of the product development process and the operation mechanism of enterprises.。”Lin Tiejian said。

“He never puts on the airs of a doctor.,I have a job to do with everyone.,Quick and easy to use.,Know a lot,The ability was quickly highlighted.。”Lin Tiejian's colleague Tao Zemin recalled.。

At that time, Lin Tiejian arrived at the laboratory at 7:30 every morning.,It's either a notebook or a laptop in hand.,Spend most of his time by the engine stand.。In the summer,He was covered in sweat and oil.。More than a year later,The results are visible——Through performance optimization,The new engine has achieved remarkable sales results in the market.。

From now on,On the road of engine development,Lin Tiejian leads all the way。When he joined the company,“Kunoji”The standard has just been implemented, Arrive “Kunisan”“Guo Si”“Guowu”Phases,The diesel engines he developed are the first to meet the new emission standards in China.,But also 3% ahead of the implementation of emission regulation-5 years。

2016,National emission regulations have been upgraded again,The diesel engine field ushered in the most stringent in the world at that time.“China VI”Emission standards,Its high-tech threshold makes many enterprises afraid.。3—Within 5 years,If domestic diesel vehicles can be satisfied.“China VI”,The emission standards of China's automobile industry have basically been in line with those of developed countries in Europe and the United States.。

For Lin Tiejian,The research and development of new products began in 2015.。If it's just a technology upgrade.,Satisfy“China VI”Standards are not particularly difficult.,The hardest part is.,New products should meet high environmental protection at the same time、High adaptability、High cost performance,Popularly speaking, it is good and cheap.。

“European car companies usually develop only one brand of engine by one manufacturer.,For example, Mercedes-Benz only develops engines suitable for its own models.,But our products should meet the needs of different customers at the same time.、Adapt to different usage scenarios。”Lin Tiejian said。

China has a vast territory、The terrain is complex、The climate is diverse,When using cars in different environments in all walks of life,There is also a differentiated demand for engine performance.。Buses in the North China Plain、A Truck in the northwest Gobi.、Refrigerated Truck in the subtropical zone of South China、Cranes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau……An engine has to adapt to a variety of geographical environments.、Climate,The technical content can be imagined。

On this basis,Domestic customers also have high requirements for the cost performance of products.,If the engine consumes a lot of fuel、The cost is not cost-effective,The market will not buy it.。

“We need to make the performance of new products within the boundaries of all requirements.。”Lin Tiejian said。Draw a line here,All the old products have been eliminated.,The new product does not even have a prototype of a drawing.,Everything has to start from scratch.。

Technological fortification is no different from a battle.,2016 is the busiest year for Lin Tiejian.。He works more than ten hours a day on average.,Instead of discussing technical solutions with the team、Do the experiment,Is a business trip to learn advanced international experience.,The desk is always full of all kinds of materials.。“But no matter how busy,He tries to attend the weekly meeting of the department.。”Tian Chong, senior engineer of Yuchai Engineering Research Institute, told reporters.,This system was set up by Lin Tiejian.,“He is very strict with his employees.”。

“His skills are top-notch.,But open-minded,It's not easy to argue,Always listen to others to finish the problem and then discuss it.,Likes to speak with data and facts.。”Tan Xingnian, senior engineer of Yuchai Engineering Research Institute, commented on Lin Tiejian.,“Respect employees,Able to listen to employees,Many problems are easy to solve.。”

Lin Tiejian and his team members studied the technical scheme.


January 2018,Lin Tiejian led the team to develop“China VI”The engine is officially launched,It will be launched in small batches in 2019.,Continuous improvement and upgrading in practice,At present, the indicators have reached or even surpassed the level of similar products abroad.,Be competitive in the international market。



2020,China proposes 2030“The carbon reaches the peak”、2060“Carbon neutral”Yes“Double Carbon”Aim。Search for clean alternative energy,It has become one of the important paths for the automotive engine industry to achieve energy saving and emission reduction.。


Lin Tiejian and his team are investigating many areas.、After fully understanding the industry situation,Aiming at the development of hydrogen-fueled engine。


The combustion limit of hydrogen is wide.、Ignition energy is low,Zero carbon emissions can be achieved,Ideal as fuel for engines。But on a global scale,The research and development of hydrogen-fueled engines are in the initial stage.,There is little technology and experience to learn from.,Still need to start from scratch.。


Lin Tiejian led the team to find out the combustion characteristics and structural characteristics of hydrogen-fueled engines.,The technical route and direction are determined.,However, it suffers from some application difficulties.。For example,Hydrogen is highly explosive.,If we can't solve the problem of abnormal combustion,,The engine cannot be run efficiently.。


“As hard as it is,But as long as there is a glimmer of hope,We can't give up.。”Lin Tiejian said。He and his team started another round of discussions.,Often busy in the office until late at night.。After dozens of simulation experiments and reviews,,Finally came up with the best design.。2022,China's largest displacement、Maximum power hydrogen-fueled engineYCK16HOfficially released。


2022,Lin Tiejian Attends Guangxi Science and Technology Award Conference


“For R & D personnel,The greater the challenge,The greater the sense of accomplishment.。When a technical problem is solved、Develop products that are recognized by customers、It has made a modest contribution to the field of power equipment.,The sense of accomplishment is indescribable.。”This sense of achievement also explained Lin Tiejian's decision in that year.。For nearly 20 years.,He has been engaged in the scientific research work he loves.,From an ordinary engineer to a team leader,Lin Tiejian felt that he had fully realized his self-worth.,“This sense of existence and value can not be given to me by Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.,The prosperity of a big city does not always bring prosperity to your heart.”。


At present,In the field of hydrogen-fueled engine,China is in a state of keeping pace with the western developed countries.。For the future,Lin Tiejian is full of confidence.。“R & D investment of Chinese team、Work more efficiently.。For example, our engine bench rotates 24 hours a day.,Everyone in the third shift is staring at the scene.,Working on Saturdays is the norm.,We can only try our best to ensure Sunday rest.。But this is for the development of the country.、For us not to be‘Stuck in the neck’,Although everyone is very hard.,And I think it's worth it。”

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