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Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party! Shandong Lingong Series Activities Welcome "July 1st"

July 01, 2024

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,Encourage all Party members and cadres to carry forward the great spirit of Party building、Continue the red blood、Strengthen responsibility,Shandong Lingong Holds a Series of Celebrations,Welcome“Seven one”


Lingong Group Celebrates 2024“Seven one”Recognition meeting

June 29,Lingong Group 2024 Celebration“Seven one”The commendation meeting was successfully held。

Wen Degang, Secretary of the Party Committee, extended festive greetings to the broad masses of Party members working hard on all fronts.,It also summarizes the main achievements of Party building work in the past year.,Deployed the next major task。

Wen Zong called on Party organizations at all levels and all Party members of the Group.、Cadres,According to the deployment requirements of the Party Committee,Promoting the Deep Integration of Party Building and Business Work,Focus on the outstanding problems in daily production and operation,Give full play to political advantages、Organizational strengths and“Two roles”,Unite and lead the broad masses of workers to make contributions based on their posts,We are in the same boat to tide over the difficulties,Pioneering and enterprising,Overcome difficulties,Strive to achieve various production and operation objectives and tasks,Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements。

02Linyi Municipal Party School Lingong Group Branch was unveiled

On the morning of June 29,The unveiling ceremony of Lingong Group Branch of Linyi Municipal Party School was held in Lingong Industrial Park。

Establishment of Lingong Group Branch of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee,It is to promote school-enterprise cooperation.、Practical action of resource co-construction and sharing,It is conducive to deepening the innovation of education and management of Party members in enterprises.,Promote the development and growth of private economy,Strengthen the theoretical armed forces of group Party members,Create a new position for political consultation and advice。

Lingong Group Party Secretary Wen Degang said.,Will build the branch school well.、Good operation is the goal.,Strengthen communication and cooperation with the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee,Exploring the New Mode of Enterprise Party School to Promote the Development of the Company,Give full play to the function of educating people and talents of Party schools,Strive to Build Excellent Political Quality、A contingent of Party members and cadres with excellent professional ability,In order to realize the whole city“Both quantity and quality rise、Trillion in two years”Make new and greater contributions to the goal of a strong industrial city!


“Young temporary workers、Struggle has me”Speech Contest Final Begins with Passion

June twenty sixth,2024“Young temporary workers、Struggle has me”Speech Contest Final Begins with Passion。

From 11 League branches(Branch)Of the 15 players,Around“Carry forward the spirit of struggle、Dedicate the strength of youth、Build a dream for a hundred years”This theme,It enthusiastically eulogizes the struggle course of Lingong since its establishment and the struggle deeds of model workers and craftsmen.,Show the Youth of Lingong in the New Era to Inherit the Struggle Gene、The spirit of striving and forging ahead,Expressed the courage to do“A Witness to the Realization of the Century-old Lingong Dream、Participant”Strong will and firm belief.。

Zhou Weisheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Lingong Group, encouraged the youth.Have a goal、Have feelings、There is a realm,Keep learning,Work hard,Bear heavy burdens bravely,Closely combine their own growth with the development of the company,Let the struggling youth glow brilliantly on the journey of realizing the century-old Lingong dream.。

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