July 01, 2024
June this year is the 23rd in the country.“Safety production month”,For a positive response“Everyone talks about safety、Everyone can meet an emergency——Unblock the passage of life”The theme of Safety Month,On the afternoon of the 28th,The Youth League Committee of the company held the 2024 company.“Safety Production Month Youth Talk About Safety”Accident case comment activity。The purpose of this event is to use the perspective and voice of young people.,Communicate the importance of safe production to the whole company,Let“Safety first”The idea is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people。
Activity site,From all workshops of the department、The youth representatives of the branch of the Steel Structure League gathered together.,They combine their own work and learning experiences.,Use vivid language.、Rich cases,It shows the positive role and responsibility of young people in safety production.。The content of the competition covers the laws and regulations of safety production.、Safe operating procedures、Accident case analysis、Lessons learned from the accident and the direction of rectification.,The contestants passed.PPTExhibition、Video and other forms,It fully demonstrates their in-depth understanding and comprehensive grasp of safety in production.。
After fierce competition,Assembly shop、Machining shop、The youth of the Youth League branch in the preparation workshop stand out.,Finish in the top three。Their speech was full of content.、The point of view is novel、Express fluently,It has won the unanimous praise of the audience and the judges.。
The person in charge of the company's safety and environmental management department commented on the performance of the contestants.,He said that the event was very successful.,Youth is an important force in safe production。By holding such competitions,,It not only stimulates young people's safety awareness and sense of responsibility.,It also promotes learning exchanges and cooperative interaction among workshops.,Construct a long-term mechanism for safe production,Jointly promote the in-depth development of work safety。
The company's Youth League Committee will continue to play a leading and leading role.,Continuously promote young people to participate in safe production、Enhance safety awareness and safety literacy,To contribute youth strength to the company's high-quality sustainable development。(Wen/Li Nan and Sun Yue Figure/Li Xin Ye)
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