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Firm confidence, go all out and take the lead | XCMG held a conference to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and to summarize and commend it

July 01, 2024

Listen to the Party,Follow the party

Remember the instructions,Be grateful and forge aheadPraise to the Party for Xu Workers Make an oath to the Party as a worker.
June 29,XCMG Celebrates the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and Summarizes the Commendation ConferenceThe curtain was raised in the magnificent national anthem of the People's Republic of China.。

In the same direction as the times,Walk with the motherland。The Party's 103-year Glorious Course,It shows a magnificent picture of history.,It is an inspiring epic of a long song.。As a state-owned enterprise and the main enterprise of the construction machinery industry chain, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited and made two important instructions.,Xugong is striving to write the answer sheet for the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry,From“Freehand brushwork”To fine brushwork,From“Planning Map”To“Shop drawings”,Promoting the Great Cause of Climbing to the Summit of Mount Qomolangma。

The original aspiration remains unchanged like a torch Change, Innovation and Everlasting Climbing

In recent years,Under the strong leadership of the Party Committee of the Company,All Party members、Cadres and Workers Strive to Promote Reform Along the Blueprint Drawn by the Second Party Congress,It is promoting the industry“Wuhua”In the new journey of transformation and upgrading,Always be firm in your beliefs、Uphold integrity and innovate、Work hard and make progress、Forge ahead。


The oath is clank,There is a sound of landing。Recite a poem《The original aspiration is like a torch, and the faith is like a rock.》Full of affection,Make a promise to Xu workers to move forward.。


Deputy Party Secretary of XCMG、Zhen Wenqing, chairman of the trade union, made a speech entitled《Reform and Innovation, Climb the Peak and Bravely Take the Lead to the Future  In order to promote the connotative high-quality development, we should gather new and great strength.》Report on the Work of the Party Committee


Mission Vision Leads Unity Forward

Engineering Science and Technology Lead the Bright Future of Equipment    

Carrying a new mission vision

Worker Xu

Have faith in your heart There is light in the eyes


Deputy Party Secretary of XCMG、President Lu Chuan read out the commendation decision of the Party Committee.
Representatives of outstanding Communist Party members

Representatives of outstanding party workers


Excellent “Party building+”Project

“Pioneer team of Party members”Representative

“Advanced grass-roots Party organizations

A Party member is a banner of the Party.,They work hard in their respective fields of work.,Compose a brilliant chapter of new XCMG in the new era。

And then,Advanced individuals and collective representatives from all fronts made exchanges and speeches.,It tells about the company's transformation journey.,In-depth Practice of Xugong Daqi Culture in the New Era,Be brave to take on responsibilities and work hard、The touching story of innovation and struggle of Xugong。·
Have faith in your heart,There is strength at your feet。Generations of Xu workers stick to their posts、Dedication,Gather Great Strength for the Cause of Climbing Mount Qomolangma with Personal Dedication,They are the witnesses of the times.,But also a struggler。From 2016 to 2024, the first commemorative medal of XCMG was issued.,Salute batch after batch of Xu workers who stick to it。Xugong GroupXCMG,Zan 664 XCMG、Party Secretary of XCMG、Chairman Yang Dongsheng,Commemorative medals were issued to the representatives of each front one by one.。

Strive for a New Journey, Climb to the Top with New Aspirations

At the meeting,Chairman Yang Dongsheng made a concluding speech。


Yang Dongsheng said

Build XCMG into a world-class enterprise,The most fundamental thing is to adhere to the leadership of the Party.、Strengthen the Party's construction。We should thoroughly study and understand the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.,Continuous excitation“Go ahead、Make a demonstration”A powerful force。Have a deep understanding“Firm confidence、Go all out、Take the lead”Great responsibilities and earnest expectations.,Make more contributions to the overall situation of the whole province and the whole city.“Xugong as”。We should deeply understand the theoretical connotation and practical requirements of developing new quality productive forces.,Explore in Shaping and Developing New Kinetic Energy and New Advantages with Greater Efforts“XCMG path”。We should deeply understand the important experience and main tasks of building a strong country in science and technology.,To contribute to the faster promotion of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement“XCMG power”。We should have a profound understanding of the coordinate orientation and mission tasks in the major national strategy.,Show in the new development pattern of better service construction“XCMG is responsible”。

Yang Dongsheng pointed out

Speeding up the Development of Xugong's Characteristic and New Quality Productive Forces According to Local Conditions,Strive to build a benchmark demonstration of high-quality development of the industry。Emphasis should be laid on scientific and technological innovation.、Anchoring Five Modernizations, Transforming and Upgrading、Unswervingly promote internationalization、Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Effectiveness、Insist on people-oriented and unshakable,Chairman of the Board of Directors of Speeding up the Implementation of Intelligent Transfer to Netcom“Project number one”。

Yang Dongsheng encouraged

The majority of Party members and cadres should hone their hard skills of innovation and change.,Full of crisis awareness、Market awareness、Consciousness of innovation,Strive to be a pioneer who dares to venture,Set up and practice the correct“Four views”,Yongbao“Work hard、Take responsibility、Fair and decent、Clean and honest”Motto,Solid、Steadfastly create excellent performance。

Finally,Yang Dongsheng stressed

Achieve the great cause of climbing Mount Qomolangma,It is the dream of all Xu workers.,It has been influencing and inspiring generations of Xu workers to continue their struggle.、Forge ahead。We should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era.,Firm confidence、Go all out、Take the lead,In-depth practice“Speculation、 Revolution 、Innovation、To the top”Spirit of enterprise,Speed up the development of new productive forces with XCMG characteristics,Ensure the completion of the year-round goals and tasks,Strive for a better result,Write together“Engineering science and technology lead,Equip for a better future”A brand new chapter,With excellent resultsCelebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

The assembly is singing in unison《The Internationale》It ended successfully。Know where you come from,Think about what you are going to do,Where Fang Ming went。Looking back on the Party's 103 years of glory,A surge of emotion;Looking forward to the bright future of the Party,Full of pride。Standing on the 35th anniversary of the founding of XCMG、Strive forward“Build a world-class enterprise、Climbing the Global Industry Everest”A new journey and a new starting point.,Xu workers will further study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Work Hard in the Direction Guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping、Move forward bravely,Concentrate on promoting change,Ideological understanding“Force out a hole”,Effectiveness of work“Li Chu Yi Kong”,Be realistic and pragmatic and implement it,Precise and meticulous implementation,Work hard for a long time to implement,Promoting the Great Cause of Climbing to the Summit of Mount Qomolangma,To build a powerful country、Make new and greater contributions to national rejuvenation!

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