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Celebrating July 1st and Shouldering the Mission | Summary of Party Building Work of Haiyi Group in the First Half of 2024

July 01, 2024

Editor's note


On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the CPC,Haiyi Group Party Committee launched《Celebrate July 1st, keep the first heart and shoulder the mission|Summary of Party Construction Work of Haiyi Group in the First Half of 2024》,It aims to review the strengthening of Party building by the Party Committee of Haiyi Group since 2024.、Promoting the reform and development of the company,Focus on High-quality Party Building and Business Development Effectiveness as a Birthday Gift for the Party。



Improve political standing,Strengthen Party building in an all-round way

The Party Committee of the company insists on leading the work of Party building with the Party's political construction.,Promoting the Comprehensive and Deep Development of the Party from Strict Governance,Provide a strong guarantee for the company's high-quality development。One is to strengthen the Party's political construction.。Resolutely implement the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee、Municipal Party Committee、The decision-making and deployment of the Party Committee of the Municipal SASAC and the work requirements of the Party Committee of the International Trade Holdings,Resolutely safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership,Guiding Party members and cadres to have a profound understanding“Two establishments”The decisive significance of,Promote the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the decision-making and deployment of superiors in the company.。The second is to strengthen ideological and theoretical armed forces.。Consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education,Normal and long-term development of Party history learning and education,Implement the study of the theoretical study center group of the Party Committee、“First topic”“Three sessions and one lesson”Wait for the system,Timely convey the spirit of learning from General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions.,Continuously Promote the Party's Innovative Theory to Go Deep and Go Solid。Third, we should carry out Party discipline learning and education.。Convening a mobilization and deployment meeting for Party discipline learning and education、Annual Conference on Party Building, Party Conduct and Clean Government Construction and Anti-Corruption Work,To formulate the implementation plan of Party discipline learning and education,Set up a special work class,Ensure high starting point planning、Advance with high standards。Take the initiative to hold reading classes、Thematic counseling、Carry out warning education、Knowledge test of clean government laws and regulations and individual self-study.,Push《Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Measures》Into the mind and heart。



Give full play to the leadership of Party building,Promote the same frequency resonance of work

The Party Committee of the company insists on serving production and operation without deviation.,Efforts should be made to test the work and combat effectiveness of Party organizations with the achievements of enterprise reform and development.。One is to compact the responsibility of compaction work.。To study and formulate the key points of Party Committee work and Party building work around the key work of the year、Operational work“Double list”,Insist on the same deployment of Party building work and reform and development work、Same push、Same as assessment,Promote Party building work and production and operation objectives in the same direction、Unity of responsibility。Second, we should strengthen the development of Party building services.。Normal and long-term development“Fourth, at the grass-roots level”Service activities,Promote Party members and cadres to“Sitting in the clinic”Change“Make house calls”,Face to face to solve practical difficulties and problems at the grass-roots level。Strengthen investigation, supervision and inspection of the work of enterprises in other places,Promoting both Party building and business、Both are correct。Deepen and expand“Learn deeply and strive for excellence、Dare to be the first、Work hard and strive for results” Action ,Promote the continuous and steady improvement of the quality and efficiency of enterprise operation。Third, enhance the effectiveness of Party building.。Focus on the central work of enterprise production and operation,Promote the polishing and renewal of Party building brand,Build 17 Party Building Brands with Enterprise Characteristics。Summarize and refine the experience and practice of Party building leading development in time.,At“Party building in XiameneHome”Platform、《Fujian branch life》Magazines and“Communist Party member network”Publish、Show,Fully demonstrate the new achievements of the company's Party building in leading the reform and development.。



Build a strong contingent of cadres,Stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of officers

The Party Committee of the Company insists on the management of cadres by the Party、The principle of the Party's management of talents,Strive to improve“Breeding works”Full chain of work,Forging a team of high-quality professional talents。First, we should strengthen the construction of cadres.。Strict procedures for selecting and appointing cadres,In the first half of the year, six Party committee management cadres were selected.。Combing and establishing a talent pool of outstanding young cadres in the company,Recommend and select the first batch of 28 outstanding young cadres of the company,Focus on providing solid talent support for the company's high-quality development。Second, continue to promote talents to strengthen enterprises.。Hold“Wingspread program”Wait for training,Deepening the application of the panoramic system of personnel training。Continue to carry out mandatory distribution assessment,Promote the implementation of salary performance reform in companies and investment enterprises.。Use action learning,Promote investment enterprises to carry out action learning,Guiding cadres and workers to create and share together。Third, stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of the officers.。Publicize and implement the corporate culture program by going deep into the grass-roots level、Organize and participate in International Trade Holdings《Take the lead》Song singing contest and other activities,Push“Pioneering culture”It has become a common practice。Through“Two excellent and one first”Commendation、 “Five to five.”Selection,Select a batch of advanced models,Strive for excellence in the company、Strong atmosphere of catching up with and surpassing learning。



Those who cherish the greatness of the country,Fulfill the responsibility of state-owned enterprises

The Party Committee of the company has always been in mind“The great of the country”,Focus on the development of advanced manufacturing industry,Actively fulfill the social responsibility of state-owned enterprises,Focus on promoting economic attributes、Political attributes、Organic unity of social attributes。One is to integrate into the overall development situation of the whole city.。Implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the Sino-French Entrepreneurs Committee,Promote Sino-French M & a Fund Phase III to reach a memorandum of cooperation。Focus on the needs of local development,Take the lead in initiating the establishment of Xiamen Advanced Manufacturing Fund,Fund size of 10 billion;Establishment of International Trade New Quality Productivity Research Institute,Leading and Promoting the Development of New Quality Productivity;Take the lead in investing in the construction of Tianma No.8.Generation 6 new display panel production line andMicro-LEDSynchronous lighting of production line,Help Xiamen build a trillion-level electronic information industry cluster。The second is to put people first and strengthen humanistic care.。Organize or participate in tree planting to learn from Lei Feng、The Qingming Festival is dedicated to heroes、Symposium on Jiageng Spirit、A speech contest、Dragon boat races and other activities,Enriching the spiritual and cultural life of cadres and workers,Constantly Stimulate Cadres and Workers to Promote Integrity、Strong vitality、Be vigorous。Continue to care about the production and life of workers,Visiting and consoling front-line and sick workers,Build a digital library,Carry out special theme activities,Let employees feel the company.“Great Home”The warmth of。Third, create a good brand image of state-owned enterprises.。Party building and co-construction with Hubin Community Party Committee,Build a new era civilization practice station with Sanshe Village, Guankou Town,Expand the achievements of co-construction with rich activities。Jimei Special Education School Carnival、“The rain and dew bring up young plants”And other activities,Continuously improve the company“Love spreads its wings”Public welfare brand influence。Promote the work of linking Haiyi Real Estate to help Houpu Village to go deep and solid,Ensure the completion of assistance objectives,Strong demonstration of responsibility as a state-owned enterprise。

The flower of faith,Need to be watered with action;The will of faith,It needs to be practiced with action.。At“Seven one”This important moment.,The Party Committee of the company calls on the majority of Party members to draw strength from the Party's century-old struggle and great achievements.,Remain true to our original aspiration、Remember the mission,Yong Yi takes on the important task of developing advanced manufacturing industry,Concentrate on pushing forward“Domestic first-class advanced manufacturing investment platform and core engine of regional manufacturing development”The bright vision has gradually become a beautiful reality.。

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