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Ingenuity crosses mountains and seas! Zoomlion Construction Crane Launches 2024 Global Service Journey

July 01, 2024

An elite assembly,Start with ingenuity。June 28,Zoomlion Engineering Hoisting Machinery Branch“Sincere service and caring- More Than Your Care”The activity of Global Service Wanlihang was officially launched in Zhonglian Heavy Branch Quantang Industrial Park,High-value service activities will be carried out globally,Implement with practical actions“Customer-centric,Create value for customers”The concept of service。

Co-president of Zoomlion、Speech by Luo Kai, General Manager of Zoomlion Engineering Hoisting Machinery Branch

Co-president of Zoomlion、Luo Kai, General Manager of Zoomlion Engineering Hoisting Machinery Branch, attended and delivered a speech.;Chen Tiejian, Deputy General Manager of Zoomlion Engineering Hoisting Machinery Branch、Deputy General Manager Liu Yuxin、Zhan Liyong, Party Secretary and Trade Union Chairman、Zhao Jianyang, assistant general manager, and other relevant leaders and service team members represented nearly 200 people to participate in the event.。

The service activity of Zoomlion Engineering Lifting Machinery Branch will last for 90 days.,By relevant leaders of the branch、Technical backbone、Master of skill、Service team composed of service and sales backbones,Visits to more than 40 countries and regions including China,Nearly 1400 customers,In the spirit of perfection,Do a good job of customer visits、Equipment maintenance、Operation training、Equipment problem handling、Spare parts service and other five aspects of work.。

The scene of the launching ceremony

Travel thousands of miles、Start with ingenuity。At the ceremony,The service representatives of Zoomlion Engineering Crane from all regions at home and abroad took the oath on the stage.,Solemnly take over the flag of service symbolizing responsibility and honor。As the colored smoke rises,Zoomlion Construction Crane Global Service Team officially embarked on a journey of thousands of miles。

The service team set out

Luo Kai said:“This year's Global Service Journey,We will be in the spirit of perfection.,Continue to deliver high standards to customers worldwide、High value、Service with high satisfaction,Set up Zoomlion in the world‘Sincere service’The flag of the benchmark。”

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