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Zoomlion's 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Held, Diversification and Internationalization Released New Momentum for Development

June 28, 2024

June 28,Zoomlion's 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Held in Changsha, Hunan,Chairman of Zoomlion、CEOZhan Chunxin presided over the meeting。The meeting reviewed and approved the work report of the Board of Directors for 2023.、Profit distribution plan for 2023、There are 21 bills to amend the company's articles of association and related systems.。Shareholders and directors of Zoomlion、Supervisors and senior management team attended the meeting.。

At the meeting,Tao Zhaobo, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Zoomlion, introduced.,2023,The company closely around the goal of high-quality development,Accelerate to digitization、Intelligent、Green transformation and upgrading,Accelerate the development of emerging business sectors,Deeply expand overseas markets,Foster and expand new growth poles and growth points,Development resilience and endogenous energy continue to increase,Achieve sales scale、Quality of operation、Overall improvement of profitability,High quality development to a new level。

According to introduction,Zoomlion achieved annual revenue of 470 in 2023.RMB 7.5 billion,Year-on-year growth of 13.08%;Net profit attributable to parent company is 35.0.6 billion,Year-on-year growth of 52.04%。At the same time,The company accelerates the development of new quality productivity and improves total factor productivity.,Management quality and efficiency、Overall improvement of profitability。

2023,Zoomlion continues to excel、Be strong、Make the dominant main business bigger,Accelerate the development of new quality productive forces,Accelerate the cultivation and expansion of emerging businesses with high growth rate,All sectors of the construction machinery industry have achieved positive growth.。Construction hoisting machinery、Construction hoisting machinery、The market position of traditional dominant industries such as Concrete Machinery has steadily increased.,Product competitiveness continues to increase。Earth-moving machinery、AeriaL Work Machinery and other businesses have risen in an all-round way.,Mining Machinery、Emergency equipment、Vehicles/ 'target='_blank' style='color:blue;'>Industrial Vehicles、Foundation construction machinery、Other emerging sectors, such as new materials business, have accelerated their breakdowns.。The relevant diversified sectors and other businesses have continued to grow in recent years.,The steady growth of the company has provided strong support.。

Zoomlion based on depth“End-to-end、Digitize、Localization”The globalization strategy has achieved remarkable results.,Overseas business development is accelerating in an all-round way.。Overseas income of the Company in 2023 179.0.5 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 79.2%,The proportion of overseas income further increased to 38.04%,A record high。The company through the implementation of end-to-end business model,Pull through overseas R & D、Manufacture、Logistics、Sale、Digital management and control of the whole process of service;Digital platform for overseas business has been improved.,Construction of Twin Mapping Mechanism,An efficient and orderly management and control system based on digital system has been formed.。At present,The company has built more than 30 first-class business airports in the world.,More than 350 secondary outlets,Network construction sinks from regional centers to important cities。The total number of overseas localized employees in the world exceeds 3000.,Products cover more than 140 countries and regions。

2023,Zoomlion continues to deepen cost reduction and efficiency enhancement,The gross profit of products is gradually climbing.,Establish stability、Sustainable Competitive Advantage。The company continuously strengthens the construction of supply chain system.,Promoting the Digital Transformation of Supply Chain,Establish a bidding and price comparison mechanism,Help reduce costs and increase efficiency。In 2023, the company's gross profit margin was 27..54%,Year-on-year increase of 5.7pct,Net profit margin 8.01%,Year-on-year increase of 2.28pct。

The shareholders' meeting deliberated and approved“Profit distribution plan for 2023”It has also attracted wide attention.。The company intends to take the total share capital on the date of equity registration when the profit distribution is implemented in 2023 as the base.,Distribute a cash dividend of 3% to all shareholders for every 10 shares.2 yuan(Tax included),The total amount is over 2.7 billion yuan.,The dividend rate is as high as about 80%。

It is reported that,Since 2000, the company has been listed.,Zoomlion has always attached importance to shareholder returns.,Implement sustainable development on the premise of sustainable development、Stable profit distribution policy,As at 31 December 2023,The accumulated cash dividend is 23.5 billion yuan.,The historical overall dividend rate is about 42%,It has been in the leading position in the industry for a long time。Recently,Zoomlion Honors Hunan in 2023AListed companies ranked first in the dividend list.,Highlight the company's return to shareholders、Responsibility to enhance investors' sense of acquisition。

Industry experts said,As Zoomlion continues to strengthen scientific research and innovation,Speed up the development of new quality productive forces,Accelerate to“Digitize、Intelligent、Greening”Transformation and upgrading,It will further expand the industrial echelon.、Great span of overseas business,It is expected to win a broader market space。

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