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The 10th China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum was successfully held in Macao

June 22, 2024

June 20,Sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China、The 10th China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum, organized by the China International ConTractors Association and the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau, was successfully held in Macao。Guo Tingting, Vice Minister of Commerce of China、William, Senior Minister, Office of the Prime Minister, Barbados·Duguid delivered an opening speech。Forum to“Seize the opportunity,Innovation and cooperation,Build a better future together——Review and Prospect of the 10th Anniversary of the China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum”As the theme,Twelve ministerial-level officials in charge of infrastructure cooperation from 11 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean、Representatives of relevant international organizations,And Chinese government departments、Financial institutions、ConTractor、Nearly 500 people from industrial chain enterprises attended.。

Forum site

Vice Minister Guo Tingting pointed out in his speech.,The China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum has been successfully held for nine sessions so far.,Become an effective platform for practical cooperation and South-South cooperation between China and Latin America。For ten years,With the joint efforts of China and Latin America,The economic and trade cooperation between China and Latin America has withstood various risks and tests.,Positive results have been achieved:High-quality development of bilateral trade;Infrastructure cooperation has stepped up to a new level;Economic and trade cooperation highlights the characteristics of benefiting people's livelihood。Look to the future,She suggested that China and Latin America jointly do the following work well.: One is to give play to the leading role of government policy.;The two is to explore a new mode of infrastructure cooperation.;The three is to accelerate technology enabling infrastructure cooperation.。She said,China and Latin American and Caribbean countries are all developing countries.,The two sides share the same development concept and common development goals.,Strengthening cooperation and exchanges will effectively promote the common prosperity and sustainable development of both sides.。China is willing to work hand in hand with Latin America.,Promote in-depth and solid progress in infrastructure connectivity between China and Latin America,Jointly create a better future for China-Latin America pragmatic cooperation!

Guo Tingting, Vice Minister of Commerce of China, delivered the opening speech

William ·Senior Minister Duguid said,10th Anniversary of China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum,It is a milestone in the continuous progress of China-Latin America cooperation.。In the last ten years,,China and Latin America have conducted close cooperation.,The Latin American and Caribbean region has made remarkable achievements in construction.。Clean traffic、Big data、Artificial intelligence and smart cities have made China a leader in infrastructure construction.,These technologies are not just innovations.,It is also the cornerstone of sustainable development。China's technology and expertise have helped Latin America and the Caribbean increase the quantity and quality of infrastructure at an unprecedented rate,Helped Latin American countries usher in tremendous growth.。

William, Senior Minister, Office of the Prime Minister, Barbados·Duguid delivered an opening speech

Qu Yuhui, Deputy Director-General of the Latin American Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China、Delaney, Minister of Public Works and Communications of Dominica•Ascension、Second Inspector, Department of American and Oceanian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China(At the level of deputy director)Liu Dajiang、Salvador, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Nicaragua·Mojica、Xue Danfeng, Vice Chairman of China Nengjian International Group,Dominica Public Works、Fidel, Minister of Public Facilities and Digital Economy·Grant,Guo Lei, Vice President of International Finance Department of China Development Bank、Colin, Minister of Housing and Water Affairs of Guyana·Clore、Zhu Hongbing, deputy general manager of China Three Gorges International Co., Ltd., conducted on-site exchanges。The forum was held by the deputy general manager of China Power Construction Group International Engineering Co., Ltd.、Zhang Guolai, General Manager of American Regional Headquarters, presided over。

Vice General Manager Zhang Guolai presided over the forum.

Deputy Director-General Qu Yuhui reviewed and summarized the 10 years since the establishment of the China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum.,Characteristics and Effects of China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation。First, the cooperation mechanism is constantly improving.;Second, the areas of cooperation continue to expand.;Third, the mode of cooperation is more perfect.;Fourth, effectively promote local economic and social development.。The China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum is increasingly welcomed by both sides.,It has become a flagship project under the framework of the China-CELAC Forum.。China-Latin America infrastructure cooperation meets the needs of both sides,It has become one of the most representative areas of China-Latin America cooperation.。He hoped that China and Latin America would give full play to their respective advantages.,Strengthen the docking of each other's development strategies,Jointly achieve sustainable development,Work together to build a China-Latin America community of common destiny。

Deputy Director Qu Yuhui made a speech

Delaney•Minister Ascension introduced the current situation and development plan of Dominica.。In the Caribbean,Dominica is the country with the largest economy.,It is also one of the fastest growing countries in recent years.,It is the first destination for foreign investment and foreign tourists.。Dominica is committed to economic prosperity through the development of tourism,Improve people's well-being。The realization of this goal requires the continuous improvement of infrastructure.,Achieve connectivity with important regional economies。At present,The capital, Santo Domingo, is building a third subway and a monorail.,Campus transportation facilities are also under construction.。Dominica welcomes partners to build sustainable infrastructure。

Delaney•Minister Ascension made a statement

The second-level inspector Liu Dajiang summed up the achievements in the field of infrastructure cooperation between China and Latin America in the past ten years.:First, infrastructure cooperation between China and Latin America has reached a new level.;The two is to help bilateral trade between China and Latin America grow substantially.;Third, infrastructure cooperation is moving towards higher standards.。China and Latin America take concrete actions to bring infrastructure cooperation to a high standard、Sustainable、A new highland for the development of people's livelihood。Future,To promote joint construction“The Belt and Road”Pragmatic cooperation and high-quality development,He suggested that China and Latin America make joint efforts in the following three aspects.:Continue to strengthen policy communication、Information sharing;Building new standards for infrastructure cooperation、New model;Improve the digital and intelligent level of infrastructure cooperation,Achieve green development。

Speech by second-level inspector Liu Dajiang

El Salvador·Minister Mojica said,China as the world's innovation infrastructure、Big country of green energy and science and technology,It has been committed to cooperating with Latin American and Caribbean countries.,Promoting economic recovery under the new multi-polar world order。China has increased its influence in Latin America through a series of infrastructure projects.,It has made important contributions to economic growth and employment in the region.。The bilateral relations between China and Nepal are mutually beneficial.、Friendly、Unity、Characterized by cooperation,In politics、Economy、 Diplomacy 、Technology、Culture and other different fields have been continuously strengthened and consolidated.。He looked forward to the joint efforts of China and Nepal.“The Belt and Road”For the target,Continuously promote the construction of interconnection。

El Salvador·Minister Mojica made a statement

Vice Chairman Xue Danfeng introduced the basic situation of China Nengjian.,Combined with the experience and measures of China Nengjian,It shared the thinking and practice of promoting green and low-carbon transformation in Latin America from three aspects.。One is to give prominence to planning guidance.。The second is to strengthen innovation drive.。On the one hand, we should intensify technological innovation.;On the other hand, we should increase the intensity of model innovation.。The three is to deepen the soft link and heart link.。On the one hand, we should build a Chinese characteristic.,Conform to the local realityESGSystem,Building a China-Latin America Community of Shared Future;On the other hand, we should tell the story of China-Latin America cooperation well.。He said,China Nengjian will uphold“Sustainable、Benefit people's livelihood”The idea of,Contribute more visible、A tangible result of cooperation,Let China-Latin America cooperation better benefit the two peoples.。

Speech by Vice Chairman Xue Danfeng

Fidel·Minister Grant introduced the cooperation between China and Togo.、The current focus of energy infrastructure development in Dominica and the related impact of digital transformation on infrastructure development。He said,Most of them are in agriculture、Education、Cooperation in infrastructure construction and many other fields is progressing smoothly.。On the premise of ensuring energy security,Dominica to start construction of new transmission network;Improve the level of business digitalization,Reducing the digital divide;Strengthen the construction of municipal engineering,Guarantee the housing security of the people。China doesn't just give fish to fish,Help Dominica build high-quality infrastructure;It is also teaching people to fish,Help Dominica to cultivate technicians、Improve the level of human resources。

Fidel·Minister Grant made a statement

Vice President Guo Lei shared the experience of the Development Bank in promoting sustainable infrastructure development and international cooperation in Latin America through green finance and financing model innovation.。One is to strengthen the system construction.,Systematically improve the green financial governance system;Second, give full play to the role of development finance.,Continuous exploration of financing mode and cooperation mode innovation;Third, strengthen the construction of mechanism platform.,Take multiple measures simultaneously to unite development efforts。She also made three suggestions on deepening high-quality infrastructure cooperation between China and Latin America.:Strengthen top-level design,Improve support effectiveness;Give full play to one's own advantages and experience,Enhance financing support for key areas;Increase joint support,Achieve multi-party cooperation and common development。

Speech by Vice President Guo Lei

Colin·Minister Kroll said,China provides loans for various projects.、Grants and investments,Played an important role in Guyana's development and infrastructure。Guyana actively participates in joint construction“The Belt and Road”, Focus on infrastructure development、Trade facilitation、Financial integration and other fields。Guyana has a growing economy,In traffic、Renewable energy、Housing construction、Hospital upgrade and expansion、Construction needs in areas such as water and waste management,Providing ample opportunities for international cooperation and investment。He welcomed Chinese enterprises to participate in the construction of projects in these areas.,While promoting the development of Guyana,,It also benefits itself.,Achieve a win-win situation。

Colin·Minister Kroll made a statement

Vice General Manager Zhu Hongbing shared the investment and sustainable development experience of Three Gorges International in Latin America.。The needs of the Latin American region are highly in line with those of Three Gorges International.,Three Gorges International has always regarded Latin America as a key market.。While cultivating the new energy market in Latin America,Three Gorges International actively explores new cooperation modes:Adhere to win-win cooperation,Actively carry out local market cooperation;Insist on technological innovation,Leading the development of local clean energy industry;Insist on adapting measures to local conditions,Give full play to the advantages of localized management。He called on all parties concerned to work together.,Promote more high-quality projects in the region,Work together to build a China-Latin America community of common destiny,Contribute to China-Latin America energy cooperation。

Speech by Deputy General Manager Zhu Hongbing

The China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum is the first professional forum on infrastructure under the framework of the China-Latin America Forum.,It has played a positive role in promoting the interconnection of infrastructure between China and Latin America.。This year marks the 10th anniversary of the China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum.,Speakers reviewed the achievements of China-Latin America infrastructure cooperation in the past decade.,It summarizes the new features of the current cooperation between China and Latin America.,It also puts forward many pertinent suggestions on the sustainable development of infrastructure between China and Latin America.。Standing at a new historical starting point,Delegates from China and Latin American and Caribbean countries expressed that they should grasp the fruitful results of cooperation.,Seize the opportunity of green development,Innovative cooperation mode,Build a better future together。

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