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Blockbuster! Sustainable Development (ESG) Report of Sany Heavy Industry in 2023

June 04, 2024

Recently,Sany Heavy Industry Releases Sustainable Development in 2023(ESG) Presentation (See the lower left corner for the full text“Read the original article”),Panoramic review of Sany Heavy Industry in the past year“Three modernizations”Strategy、Honest management、Quality innovation、Green and safe、Care for employees、Responsibility practice and remarkable results in social welfare and other aspects,It vividly shows the society and the public that the company actively fulfills the economy.、Social and environmental responsibility,Corporate identity for sustainable development。

The strategy of three modernizations,First-class enterprise

2023,Sany actively promotes globalization、Digitalization and low carbon“Three modernizations”Strategy,Through the global layout of production bases and R & D centers,Drive the production process、Digital transformation of management system and business model,Practice green manufacturing、Energy conservation, emission reduction and circular economy.,Accelerate the company's growth,Boost the construction of first-class enterprises。

In terms of globalization,Achieve international sales revenue of 434.4.9 billion yuan,Up 18% from last year.81%,Overseas income accounts for 60% of the main business income.75%;Digital and intelligent aspects,A total of 33 lighthouse factories have been built.,Set labor cost reduced by 46.33%;Low-carbon aspect,275 clean technology patents obtained,Revenue from electric products 31.4.6 billion yuan,Revenue from hydrogen energy 1.300 million yuan。

Honest management,First-class governance

Committed to sustainable and high-quality development,Sany Heavy Industry insists on honest and compliant operation,Attach importance to risk management and internal control,Abide by business ethics,Resolutely resist all acts of corruption。

2023,Sany Heavy Industry Holds a General Meeting of Shareholders、4 extraordinary general meetings;7 meetings of the Board of Directors were held,The attendance rate of directors is 100 percent%;7 meetings of the Board of Supervisors were held,The attendance rate of the members of the Board of Supervisors is 100%;At the same time, we should actively use digital and intelligent means.,Build more than 30 covering finance、Business affairs、Marketing、Risk database of 6196 risks such as overseas,Conduct audits on 382 key clues and problems,Identify and drive problem resolution、More than 4000 risks,And carry out anti-corruption audits of headquarters and subsidiaries,The coverage rate reaches 100%,Supplier Integrity Cooperation Agreement/Letter of Commitment Signing Rate Reaches 100%。

Quality innovation,First-class products

As the world's leading equipment manufacturing enterprise,Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd“Everything comes from innovation”The idea of,Continuously strengthen the layout of advanced manufacturing,Leading the development of multi-product ecology with high quality by innovation,Driving enterprises to move forward rapidly with the power of science and technology。

2023,Sany Heavy Industry R & D Investment 61.0.1 billion yuan,Accounting for 8% of operating income.33%,Apply for 1533 patents,Authorized 854 valid invention patents,Participated in compiling and issuing 19 national standards,4 industry standards,Driving intelligently、Breakthroughs have been made in the three fields of intelligent products, namely, intelligent operation and intelligent service.,Including the delivery of the first disaster relief robot、Complete the development of three core technologies of intelligent all-terrain crane、Self-researchLClass 4 driverless dump Truck、Build an intelligent operation ecosystem covering 20 construction scenarios.。

Green and safe,First-class operation

2023,Sany Heavy Industry Actively Fulfills“Double Carbon”Responsibility,Accelerating the Green Transformation of Development Mode,Promote low-carbon environmental protection、Resource-saving production and operation mode,At the same time uphold“Life comes first、Safety first”The idea of,Continuously improve safety management,Build a solid and efficient environment for compliance、Health and Safety Management System,Help enterprises to operate sustainably。

Among,Green development,Sany Heavy Industry has steadfastly promoted the whole process of carbon reduction measures.,Build a source of carbon reduction as the cornerstone、Interconnection and carbon reduction as a link、Whole process green production chain with process carbon reduction as the core,Committed to efficiency、Environmentally friendly production methods。Clean Energy Use Reaches 448.1 in 2023.590,000 kWh,The proportion of clean energy use is 6.55%,Energy consumption in non-production areas decreased by 13% year on year%,The energy consumption per ten thousand yuan of output value in the production area is reduced by 10.7%,The energy saving and consumption reduction projects carried out in the course of operation have saved about 1% of the total energy cost.1.2 billion yuan。

Care for employees,First-class talents

Adhere to the people-oriented principle,The development concept of pluralistic integration,Sany creates an equal and diverse working environment,Ensure that employees' career development matches the company's goals。Through an inclusive talent strategy,Construct a complete talent training system and competitive salary and welfare,Promote the personal development of employees,Achieve a win-win situation for enterprises and employees。

2023,The proportion of employees covered by vocational training of Sany Heavy Industry reached 92.52%,The average training time per employee is 121..40 hours;Shareholding incentive scale up to 5.9.1 billion yuan,Covering 7131 employees;Employee satisfaction survey participation rate of 94 percent.81%,Employee satisfaction over 90 points;A total of 101 assistance subsidies were granted to employees in difficulty.Ten thousand yuan,Help 39 employees。

Social welfare,First-class contribution

Adhere to the concept of social responsibility,Sany Heavy Industry is well aware that the sustainable development of enterprises depends not only on the growth of economic benefits.,It depends more on the value of the society created.。So,The company is actively engaged in various public welfare activities.,Practice the concept of sustainable public welfare with practical actions,Strive to contribute more to social progress。

2023,Sany Heavy Industry Disaster Relief and Anti-epidemic、Rural revitalization、Public welfare education、The donation amount of various social welfare funds such as goods donation is about 2787.200,000 yuan,A total of 76 public welfare and volunteer service activities were carried out.,A total of 11200 people participated.。As at 31 December 2023,“Trinity Public Welfare”The platform has 17002 registered volunteers.,Set up 51 volunteer teams,The number of volunteer service participants reached 714.,Cumulative duration 2266.2 hours。

Look to the future,Sany Heavy Industry will continue to insist“Quality changes the world”Corporate mission and“Create a first-class enterprise,Bring up first-class talents,Make a first-class contribution”The vision of the enterprise,Push forward unswervingly“The strategy of three modernizations”。In the journey of the new era,Adhere to people-oriented and innovation-driven,Explore the road of green development with global partners,Contribute to the achievement of global sustainable development goals,For employees、Create greater value for shareholders and society。



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