May 22, 2024
The day of 518,We have a live broadcast to show you some new products.,Mainly, of courseG2 generations of related products,In the live broadcast room, many die-hard fans of XCMG are clamoring to watch it.130 ton car,There happens to be one on the field.XCT130G7-1(Seven-section arm),But people are not satisfied.,Ask if there is.Eight-section arm130 tons?Yes, of course there is.,It's just that there was no live broadcast at that time.,In order to make up for the regret that you didn't see the eight-section arm in the live broadcast room.,Today, I specially putGThe second generation of 130 tons of eight-section arm products were pulled out.,Let everyone see enough.!
XCT130G8-It has an arm length of eight 85 meters.,Length of jib is10.5/17.5/25.5/33.5 meters,Longitudinal/The span of the cross leg is7.5/8.1 meter,Twin engine、Weichai Power!
In order to let everyone return to this earlier.,Reduce operating costs,XCT130G8-1The load capacity of the whole machine has been improved to a new height.,Portable30tHeavy-load transfer of counterweight and all foot pads,The operation performance of a single machine is very powerful.,And that counterweight can be move backwards.0.5 meters。
Of course. Of course,AsGGeneration 2 products,GThere are also many unique advantages of the 2 models.!
Standard new generation of electro-hydraulic energy-saving control technology——G-ECO Full-cycle high-efficiency energy-saving
Comprehensive fuel saving for loading operation 40%;
Standard on-load retractable technology——G-ICONFull scene intelligent control70% of the lifting capacity under the same working condition%Telescopic;
Standard full working condition precise and smooth control technology——G-MasterPrecise control under all working conditionsThe operation is smooth、Slewing silky。
Standard multiple humanized design——G-ComfortThe whole body and mind are comfortableHumanized upgrade,The experience is excellent。
Safety design technology of standard life-cycle structures——G-safeLife-cycle safety quality178 safety tests,Quality assurance,The spirit of safety。
Total number of turnsBy6 laps down to 4.9 laps,The steering control force is reduced20%,The operation is more portable;Driving at low speed is flexible,Stable driving at high speed。The steering wheel returns to the right position automatically,Reach the level of passenger cars。
This car,Are you moved??XCMG Crane 518 Favorite Powder Festival,Many good gifts come for you.!If you plan to buy a car, you can't miss it.!↘Click me to learn more about the event↙
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