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Party and Government Leaders of Tibet and Hunan Investigate China Railway Construction Corporation

May 14, 2024

11-12 May,Party and Government Delegation of Tibet Autonomous Region Visits Hunan Province。During the inspection,Wang Junzheng, party secretary of the Tibet Autonomous Region, pointed out.,There are broad prospects for deepening cooperation between Tibet and Hunan.。Hope to continue to deepen industrial cooperation,Summing up experience,Grasp the law of market economy,Combine market demand with technological advantages,Build more to stand.、Industrial projects that can be pushed forward,The concept of market economy、Bring advanced technology to Tibet,Jointly promote socialist modernization and build a new Tibet。

《Hunan News Network》Report on the investigation

May 11,Wang Junzheng, Party Secretary of Tibet Autonomous Region,Deputy Secretary of the Autonomous Region Party Committee、Yan Jinhai, Chairman of the Autonomous Region, Led the Party and Government Delegation of the Tibet Autonomous Region to Hunan for Investigation,Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of Hunan Provincial Party Committee.,Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee、Governor, Mao Weiming and other leaders accompanied him.。The first stop of the delegation came to China Railway Construction Heavy Industry.,Investigate the transformation and upgrading of China Railway Construction Corporation's high-end equipment manufacturing and services、Forging new quality productivity and so on.。

Visit the scene

The largest high-end underground engineering equipment manufacturing base in the world——China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Secondary Industrial Park,The production lines are running in an orderly way.,The heavy weapons of a big country, which are ready to go, are eye-catching.。As a high-end equipment manufacturing enterprise that insists on independent innovation as the background of development,China Railway Construction Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. has built a tunnel Boring Machine.、Track system、Complete equipment for tunnel construction by drilling and blasting method、Core components、Plateau space station and other product industries,Independently developed“The most important weapon of the country”Widely used in railway、Highway、Water Conservancy、Pumped storage、Mine、Energy and other fields,It fills many technical gaps in China and even in the world.,Lead China's underground engineering equipment from“World Equip Equip China”To“China Equip Equip World”The transformation of。Lai Jiao, leader of the Tibet Autonomous Region、Xiao Youcai、Dawa Tsering、Wang Jun、Xu Chengcang、Gong Huicai、Meng Xiaolin,Wu Guiying, leader of Hunan Province、Xie Weijiang、Yang Haodong、Wang Yiguang、Zhang Yingchun、Qin Guowen、Chen Fei、Jiang Difei、Zhou Haibing、Li Min participated in relevant activities.。
Railway Construction Heavy Industry Plateau Space Station

March 2023,Tibet Autonomous Region Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with China Railway Construction Corporation,Construction“R & D and production base of plateau type high-end prefabricated building”。Tiejian Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. was registered and established in Lhasa Economic Development Zone.,Focus on the R & D and design of plateau space station series products、Manufacturing、Sales services。

June 18 of the same year,China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is the first in the world“Plateau Space Station”(Plateau prefabricated intelligent building)Global debut in Lhasa。Plateau Space Station,It is a plateau assembly intelligent building independently developed by Railway Construction Heavy Industry.。The product is based on the principle of aircraft cabin operation.,By Chan that air pressure and the oxygen partial pressure in the building spaces,The indoor environment is equivalent to the level of low altitude areas.,Completely solve the acute plateau disease of plateau sojourners、Health indicators of people living in plateau for a long time,Reduce sustained low pressure injury。December,The first project of Railway Construction Heavy Industry Plateau Space Station was completed and put into use at Qiangtang Oil and Gas Scientific Research Support Base in Shuanghu County, Naqu.,Realize the equivalent altitude of 2600 meters in the building space,Comfortable living experience for customers、The response is good。

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