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Warm from the stars of you! Haiyi Group Volunteer Service Enters Jimei Special Education School Again

May 13, 2024

The 34th“National Day of Helping the Disabled”On the eve of the coming,In response“Love Xiamen”Call,The volunteer service team composed of Haiyi Group and various investment enterprises once again entered Jimei District Special Education School.,This is the magic of Children's Day in 2023.“Bubble show”After the carnival,The volunteers of Haiyi Group met these children from the stars again.。

The carnival activities of Jimei Special School are closely integrated.“A blade of grass,A little dew”The school motto and“Creeper”:Never lie flat,Unwilling to be mediocre;Self-confident and self-reliant,Strive for self-improvement;Strong and unyielding,Never give up;Be positive,The spirit of campus culture of selfless dedication,Children are encouraged to show all kinds of life and labor skills they have learned in the classroom.。With the assistance of volunteers,The children became little cooks.、Little boss,Start cooking satay noodles、French fries,Make a drink,Compile a beaded work,Wash the car……Simulate social interaction and communication in consumption scenarios such as restaurants with teachers and students who come to consume.,While improving professional accomplishment,Show your self-worth。

The children showed off their skills in various projects.,Show their sunshine and confidence.、Self-reliance and self-reliance,You can also take it in advance in the classroom.“Break through”Harvested consumer currency,Enjoy delicious food and ice drinks in the skill exhibition area,Buy other children's work,Experience more happiness.。

“I think every piece is unique.,The children's handiwork is also very beautiful.,Collection value and significance。”Xia Jianhe, a volunteer from Haiyi Park, sighed beside the hand-beaded booth.。

Twinkle with the stars,Embrace all with love。For more than ten years,Haiyi Group has always been committed to promoting the development of public welfare undertakings with all sectors of society.,To convey love and warmth to the society,Haiyi Group has been practicing public welfare for many years.、A microcosm of giving back to society。Future,Haiyi Group will also continue to fulfill its social responsibilities.,To contribute to the development of special education in Xiamen。

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