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Differentiated Competition and Development of Zhuma Machinery

April 01, 2024

【Original Report of China Road Machinery Network】At the 13th Annual Academic Conference of Maintenance and Management Branch of China Highway Society just concluded,Zhejiang Zhuma Construction Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as Zhuma Machinery)On displayMAX60 high speed sweeper、Asphalt Distributor Truck、Asphalt macadam synchronous seal layer Vehicles、New products such as road emergency repair Vehicles received unanimous praise from the participants.。Fu Yanqiao, chairman of Zhejiang Zhuma Construction Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,Highway intelligent maintenance is the trend of future development.,With the increase of highway traffic,,The requirements for highway maintenance are also getting higher and higher.,Zhuma Machinery keeps up with the development of science and technology,Will be intelligent、Greening runs through the whole process of product development,Lay the foundation for the future development of the company。

Differentiated Competition Creates the Source of Innovative Technology for Highway Management and Maintenance Products

Zhuma Machinery was founded in 2010.,It is based on intelligent road cleaning.、Road construction and all-weather road maintenance equipment development and manufacturing of high-tech enterprises.。Its core business is divided into road machines.、Three parts of maintenance series and road administration。Road Machinery products include Asphalt Distributor、Asphalt macadam synchronous seal Truck, etc.;Maintenance series products include asphalt pavement hot recycling repair Vehicle、Emulsified asphalt equipment、Asphalt debarreling equipment, etc.;Road administration products include Road Sweeper、Emergency equipment, etc。

MAX60 high speed sweeper

2023,In the case of overall decline in the maintenance market,Road machine for horse building machinery、The two major categories of road administration products both achieved counter-trend growth.。Fu Yanqiao said in an interview.,The company insists“Close to the market、Steady development”The policy of,It has formed unique products and technological advantages.。In the category of road administration products,Developed by the companyMAX60 high-speed sweeper has the first-mover advantage,It has been widely used in more than 20 provincial and municipal highway networks.,At“Safe and smooth”“Reduce cost and increase efficiency”And other aspects have played an important role.,Forming a leading effect。On road machine products,Asphalt Distributor Truck produced by the company、Gravel synchronous seal car and other products have achieved steady development in the continuous iteration of technology.,It has formed a unique advantage in the use performance.,It is widely recognized by the market.,The market share has steadily increased。

Facing the unprecedented changes in the world in a century,It requires Chinese enterprises to enhance their international competitiveness.,That is, you need to focus on a certain point、A certain link,It also needs the overall concept.、Systematic thinking。Ren Zhengfei stressed“Charge against a wall.”,Seems to be highlighting a certain point.,But we can see it today.,Behind Huawei's Success,It's an idea、Thought、Administration、A complex of technologies。This is what we often call the core competitiveness of enterprise development.。As for the core competitiveness of Zhuma Machinery,,Fu Yanqiao believes that it is manifested in four aspects.:One is keen market perception.。That is, R & D personnel should know what the current market needs.,Where is the pain point?;Second, technological originality.。Whether it is Road Machinery or road administration products, the core technology is mastered by the horse building machinery itself.。This is also related to China's vigorous advocacy of creating a major source of technological innovation.,Adhere to the Core Position of Innovation in the Overall Modernization Construction、The inevitable requirement of implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development is consistent.。He takes the high-speed sweeper produced by the company as an example.,AtMAX60 Before successful R & D,There is no sweeper with a speed of 60 kilometers per hour in the world.,Highway conditions in Europe and America are totally different from those in China.,There is no product that can be referenced and benchmarked。Third, continuous improvement.。Technological innovation is the core competitiveness of the company.,Every year, the company introduces new products and technologies.。At the beginning of 2024, a short-axle 8-square asphalt distributor truck was launched.,It was highly appreciated by the participants at this annual academic conference.。It is characterized by convenient use.、Good passability,It solves the inconvenience of long-distance construction transfer.,It is especially suitable for leasing enterprises.。Fourth, market creativity is strong.。Facing the fierce competition in the maintenance market,Zhuma Machinery did not focus on competing with its peers in price.、Grab the market,Instead, it has made sustained efforts in market innovation and service innovation.。

Those who are workingMAX60 high speed sweeper

User demand-oriented,Based on market perception,Through a series of technological innovations, Zhuma Machinery,Build the leading technology source of highway Maintenance Machinery products,Thus, it has embarked on a broad road of differentiated competition.,For the healthy development of enterprises to insert the wings to take off.。

Aim at high-speed cleaning to achieve local breakthrough

As a small and medium-sized private enterprise,Zhuma Machinery wants to gain a firm foothold and develop rapidly in the highly competitive field of highway Maintenance Machinery.,It is directly related to its differentiation strategy.。Market development differentiation、Product R & D differentiation, etc.。
In terms of product development,Zhuma Machinery Insists“Long-term planning,Implement step by step”、“Overall design,Partial breakthrough”、“Focus on verification,Iterative order”The policy of。As an enterprise specializing in technology,,Zhuma Machinery implements all the products involved“Long-term planning,Implement step by step”The strategy of,All products are required to be updated or upgraded for at least three to five years.。

Mention of horse building machinery,You have to mention itMAX60 high speed sweeper。The car has a maximum sweeping speed of 60 kilometers per hour.,Be known as“Built for the highway”A sweeper。According to Fu Yanqiao,The car was launched in 2013.,Officially launched by 2019,Now it has been well applied in more than 20 provinces and cities in the country.。

Guests visited the exhibition of horse building machinery on the spot.MAX60 high speed sweeper

Research and developmentMAXThe original intention of 60 confirms once again the keen market perception of one of the core competitiveness of Zhuma Machinery.。Fu Yanqiao said,AtMAXBefore the successful research and development, there was no special sweeper for highway in China.,The maximum speed of vehicles sweeping on the highway will not exceed 20 kilometers per hour.,Not only is it slow,And that function is single,Traffic accidents such as rear-end collisions are often caused during cleaning.。So,He came up with the idea of developing a special sweeper for the highway.。Since we have to sweep on the highway.,Then its sweeping speed should not be lower than the minimum speed of 60 kilometers for vehicles on the highway./Hour requirement。In the course of his subsequent expedition to Europe,,He found that both in Europe and North America,,The maximum speed of the sweeper did not reach 60 kilometers per hour./Hour,The top speed is 30 per hour.-40 kilometers,This is far from the product he imagined.。Therefore,Fu Yanqiao and R & D personnel work together to tackle key problems in scientific research,After seven years of hard work,The world's first highway sweeper with a speed of 60 kilometers per hourMAX60 was born in Zhuma Machinery in 2019.!

The maximum effective operating speed of the vehicle can reach 60 kilometers./Hour,4 times the efficiency of the existing sweeper,It is also the fastest sweeper at present.,High-speed operation in overtaking lane,Have“High-speed cleaning overlord”A good reputation。In order to better meet customer needs,In the process of research and development, Zhuma Machinery has comprehensively improved the safety and environmental protection index of vehicles.,Safety and reliability are fully considered in design and function.,Equipped with automatic device lifting for reversing operation、Automatic obstacle-avoiding reset of sweeping disc、Intelligent safety devices such as real-time road cleaning monitoring system,These excellent performances solve the cleaning operation.“Worry behind”。Zhuma Machinery with its own technical strength,Abandon the industry's focus on reverse and imitation of products.,Starting from the product requirement of operating speed of 60 kilometers per hour,Structural parts of the product、Hydraulic system、Development and test of control system item by item,After seven years of effort,It has overcome many technical difficulties and obtained more than 10 invention patents and utility model patents.,Operation efficiency is significantly ahead of the domestic and foreign industry level.,Standing on the technological commanding heights of the industry,Have 100%Intellectual property rights,MAX60 has become a landmark product in the industry.。

MAXThe birth of 60 is that Zhuma Machinery insists on positive research and development.“Overall design,Partial breakthrough”A model of。In order to solve the cleaning problem of high-grade highway,R & D personnel do R & D from the perspective of market demand and the pain points of the industry.,Without any off-the-shelf product to refer to,Finally, through forward research and development,Breakthroughs in local markets have been achieved.。
In terms of product development,Zhuma Machinery always insists on“Customer first”The principle of,All new products before they are brought to market,Are verified internally.,And then push it to the market after passing the verification.。The first high-speed sweeper produced by the companyMAXUp to now, 60 sample cars have experienced more than 200000 kilometers of high-intensity test.,All the areas that need to be improved are experimented on this car.。Zhuma Machinery has a special laboratory for product verification.,This is rare in the industry.。The two freezing rains in 2023 made Zhuma Machinery see the huge development space in the Emergency Rescue Equipment market.。So,Research and development of snow and ice removal equipment in special environment has become a new development direction of the company.。

Adhere to our own advantages and exchange quality for market

Compared with the current construction machinery industry,Although the decline in the highway maintenance market is not large.,But the market downturn is also an indisputable fact.。In Fu Yanqiao's opinion,To keep the business growing,First of all, we must manage the existing stock market well.。When the stock market is basically stable,Only by improving product quality,In order to gain more market share.,This is to exchange product quality for market.。
In addition to improving product performance,Give full play to the advantages of pillar industries,Achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase;Expand overseas markets,Increasing overseas market share and developing new equipment such as ice breaking and snow removal are effective ways to actively respond to the market downturn.。Fu Yanqiao emphasized that cost reduction and efficiency enhancement is not to reduce configuration to reduce costs.,Instead, it optimizes costs by upgrading technology.,Improve efficiency。

Greening、Intelligence is the inevitable trend of industry development.,It is also the development demand of highway maintenance industry.,Zhuma Machinery attaches great importance to greening、Intelligent development,Add a large number of intelligent elements to product design and manufacturing,Make the product run more energy-saving and more environmentally friendly。Carry the Internet+The Express Train of Intelligent Manufacturing,Zhuma Machinery has won a number of information technology patents.。Relying on the integration of Internet operation and technology application,Make the company's products in the overall performance.、Design ideas、Technical indicators and other aspects have always maintained a leading position in the industry.。This is also related to the mission of Zhuma Machinery.“Focus achieves quality,Earn trust with your heart”It happens to coincide。

With the support of national policies such as transportation powers,Investment in road and bridge transportation infrastructure construction in China will continue to grow,Large demand for new road maintenance。In addition,Highway maintenance in our country has changed from traditional“The era of rush repair”Transition to“The era of comprehensive maintenance”,The industry is moving towards large-scale、Golden period of high-quality development。Big data、Digital twins、AIThe rise of new information technologies such as intelligence,Let Highway Maintenance Gradually Get Rid of the Extensive Mode of the Past,Become“Number”“Zhi”Have both。New intelligent and efficient Maintenance Machinery and equipment and maintenance materials are constantly emerging.,It will inject new vitality into the maintenance market.。

In Fu Yanqiao's opinion,Mechanization is required for the development of maintenance、The strategy of digitization,More importantly, it is necessary to improve the maintenance capacity and level of grass-roots roads.。And for horse building machinery.,Cleaning the road、Intensive cultivation in the field of road construction and all-weather Pavement Maintenance Equipment,With“Subvert tradition、Shape yourself、Quality development”The values of,Lead the technological progress of the industry,Green development improves quality and efficiency,It is duty-bound to contribute its strength to China's transportation power with high-quality products.!

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