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Circular of the State Council on Printing and Issuing the Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement

March 18, 2024

Issued by the State Council《Action plan to promote large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods》Notice of

Guofa〔2024〕 Number 7

Provinces、Autonomous regions、People's governments of municipalities directly under the Central Government,Ministries and commissions of the State Council、Directly affiliated institutions:

Will now《Action plan to promote large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods》Printed and distributed to you,Please implement carefully.。

The State Department

March 7, 2024

(This document is publicly released.)

Action plan to promote large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods

Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones is to speed up the construction of a new development pattern.、Important measures to promote high-quality development,It will strongly promote investment and consumption.,Both benefit the present、More beneficial in the long run。To implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee,Now we will promote a new round of large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones.,Formulate the following action plan。

One、General requirements

Promote large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods,Guided by Xi Jinping's Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era,Thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress,Implementing the Central Economic Work Conference and the Fourth Meeting of the Central Committee on Finance and Economics,Overall expansion of domestic demand and deepening of supply-side structural reform,Implement equipment renewal、Consumer goods trade-in、Recovery and recycling、Four major actions to upgrade standards,Vigorously promote the production and application of advanced equipment,Promote the proportion of advanced production capacity to continue to increase,Promoting more high-quality durable consumer goods into the lives of residents,Smooth the chain of resource recycling,Greatly improve the quality and level of the national economic cycle。

——Stick to the market、Government guidance。Give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources,Combination of all kinds of equipment and consumer goods to upgrade differentiated demand,Rely on the market to provide diversified supplies and services。Better play the role of the government,Increase finance and taxation、Finance、Investment and other policy support,Do a good job of policy combination,Guide merchants to make moderate profits,Form the scale effect of renewal.。

——Insist on encouraging the advanced、Eliminate backwardness。Establish a long-term mechanism combining incentives and constraints,Speed up the elimination of backward products and equipment,Improve the safety and reliability level,Promote high-end industry、Intelligent、Green development。Speed up the construction of a unified national market,Eliminate local protection。

——Adhere to standard guidance、Orderly promotion。Benchmarking international advanced level,Combining with the reality of industrial development,Speed up the formulation and revision of energy conservation and carbon reduction、Environmental protection、Safe、Standards for recycling and other fields。Overall consideration of enterprise affordability and consumer acceptance,Promote the implementation of standards in an orderly manner。

By 2027,Industry、Agriculture、Architecture、Traffic、Education、Wenlu、The scale of investment in medical and other equipment increased by 25% compared with 2023%Above;The energy efficiency of major energy-consuming equipment in key industries has basically reached the energy-saving level.,The environmental protection performance is achievedAThe proportion of production capacity at the first level has been greatly increased.,Popularization rate of digital R & D and design tools in industrial enterprises above designated size、The numerical control rate of key processes exceeds 90% respectively%、75%;The recycling volume of end-of-life Vehicles has doubled compared with 2023.,Second-hand car trading volume increased by 45% compared with 2023%,Waste household appliances recycling volume increased by 30% compared with 2023%,The proportion of recycled materials in the supply of resources has been further increased.。

Two、Implement equipment renewal action

(One)Promoting equipment renovation and transformation in key industries。Focus on promoting new industrialization,To save energy and reduce carbon、Ultra-low emissions、Safe production、Digital transformation、Intelligent upgrading is an important direction.,Focus on steel、Colored、Petrochemical、Chemical Industry、Building materials、Electricity、Mechanics、Aviation、Ship、Light Textile、Electronics and other key industries,Vigorously promote production equipment、Energy-using equipment、Renewal and technical transformation of power generation, transmission and distribution equipment。Accelerate the promotion of energy-using equipment with advanced energy efficiency and energy-saving level,Implement energy saving and carbon reduction transformation in different industries and fields。Promote the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment and software,Speed up the construction and popularization of industrial Internet,Cultivate a new model of digital economy to empower intelligence。Strictly implement energy consumption、Discharge、Safety and other mandatory standards and equipment elimination catalogue requirements,Eliminate substandard equipment according to law and regulations。

(Two)Speed up equipment renewal in the field of construction and municipal infrastructure。Focusing on the construction of new urbanization,Promoting urban renewal in combination、Renovation of old residential area,With residential elevators、Water supply、Heat supply、Gas Supply、Sewage treatment、Sanitation、Urban Lifeline Project、Focus on security, etc.,Promoting renovation and transformation by classification。Expedite updates that do not meet current product standards、Old residential elevators with high safety risks。We will promote the upgrading and transformation of waterworks and pressurized storage water supply facilities and equipment around the country.。Promote the transformation of heating metering in an orderly manner,Continuously promote the renovation of heating facilities and equipment。External wall insulation、Doors and windows、Focus on heating devices, etc.,Promote energy-saving renovation of stock buildings。Continuous implementation of gas and other aging pipeline renovation。Accelerate the promotion of urban domestic sewage and garbage treatment facilities and equipment to make up for shortcomings、Strong and weak items。Promote the underground pipeline network、Bridge and tunnel、Construction of IOT intelligent sensing equipment for urban lifeline projects such as manhole covers。Speed up the transformation of security equipment such as video surveillance in key public areas and roads.。

(Three)Support the renewal of transportation equipment and old agricultural machinery.。Continuously promote the electric substitution of urban buses,Support the renewal of old new energy buses and power batteries。Accelerate the elimination of operating diesel Trucks with national III and below emission standards。Reinforced electric、Industrialization capacity building of green aviation equipment such as hydrogen energy。Speed up the scrapping and renewal of old ships with high energy consumption and high emission,Vigorously support the development of new energy powered ships,Improve the supporting infrastructure and standards for new energy powered ships,Gradually expand the electric、Liquefied natural gas power、Biodiesel power、Application scope of green methanol power and other new energy ships。Continue to implement the subsidy policy for scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery,Combining with the needs of agricultural production and the development level of agricultural mechanization,Steadfastly promote the scrapping and renewal of old agricultural machinery,Speed up the structural adjustment of agricultural machinery。

(Four)Improve the level of medical equipment for education, culture and tourism。Promote eligible colleges and universities、Vocational schools(Including technical colleges)Renewal and replacement of advanced teaching and scientific research technology and equipment,Improve the level of teaching and scientific research。Strictly implement the allocation standards of subject teaching equipment,Quality and quantity configuration and timely update of teaching equipment。Push the ropeway cable car、Ride equipment、Renovation and upgrading of cultural and tourism equipment such as entertainment equipment。Strengthen the construction of high-quality and efficient medical and health service system,Promote the iterative upgrading of equipment and information facilities in medical and health institutions,Encourage qualified medical institutions to speed up medical imaging、Radiotherapy、Telemedicine、Renovation of medical equipment such as surgical robots。Promoting the transformation and upgrading of wards in medical institutions,Make up for the shortcomings of ward environment and facilities。

Three、Implement the action of replacing old consumer goods with new ones.

(Five)Carry out the replacement of old cars with new ones。Increase policy support,Smooth circulation blocking points,Promoting automobile echelon consumption、Update consumption。Organize and carry out national car trade-in promotion activities,Encouraging automobile manufacturing enterprises、Sales enterprises carry out promotional activities,And guide orderly competition in the industry.。Strictly enforce the compulsory scrapping standards for motor Vehicles and the safety and environmental protection inspection standards for Vehicles.,Eliminate old cars that meet the compulsory scrapping standards according to law and regulations。Optimize car purchase restriction measures according to local conditions,Promote the construction of information interaction system for vehicle use life cycle management.。

(Six)Carry out the replacement of old household appliances with new ones。To enhance convenience as the core,Smooth the consumption chain of household appliances renewal。Support home appliance sales enterprises and joint production enterprises、Recycling enterprises carry out promotional activities of replacing old ones with new ones,Set up a special area for replacing old appliances with new ones online and offline,Give preferential treatment to consumers who exchange old household appliances for energy-saving household appliances。Encourage conditional places to subsidize consumers to buy green smart appliances.。Accelerate the implementation of after-sales service promotion actions for household appliances。

(Seven)Promote the renewal of home decoration consumer goods。Through government support、Enterprise concessions and other ways.,Support residents to carry out renovation of old houses、Partial renovation of kitchen and toilet,Continue to promote home aging transformation,Actively cultivate new consumption such as smart home。Promoting Home Decoration Model Rooms into Shopping Malls、Into the community、Into the platform,Encourage enterprises to build online model rooms,Offering affordable products and services,Meet diversified consumption needs。

Four、Implementation of recycling action

(Eight)Improve the recycling network of waste products and equipment。Speed up“Renew+Recycle”Development of logistics system and new mode,Support the production of consumer durables、Sales enterprises build reverse logistics system or cooperate with professional recycling enterprises,Door-to-door recycling of waste consumer goods。Further improve the recycling network of renewable resources,Support the construction of a number of centralized sorting and processing centers。Optimize the layout of scrap automobile recycling and dismantling enterprises,Promotion of door-to-door car service mode。Improve the recycling channels of office equipment in public institutions。Support the development of online trading platform for waste products and equipment。

(Nine)Support the circulation and transaction of second-hand commodities。Continuously optimize the registration management of second-hand car transactions,Facilitating transactions。Vigorously develop second-hand car export business。Promote the standardization of second-hand electronic products trading,Prevent leakage and malicious recovery of user information。Promote second-hand commodity trading platform enterprises to establish and improve distribution enterprises within the platform.、User evaluation mechanism,Strengthen credit history、Information sharing such as illegal and dishonest behavior。Support electronic product manufacturing enterprises to develop second-hand transactions、Renovation and maintenance business。

(Ten)Promote remanufacturing and cascade utilization in an orderly manner。Encourage the remanufacturing of qualified waste production equipment,The quality characteristics and safety and environmental protection performance of remanufactured product equipment shall not be lower than that of prototype new products.。Popularization and application of nondestructive testing、Additive manufacturing、Flexible processing and other technologies,Improve the level of remanufacturing processing。Further promote automotive parts and components、Construction machinery、Remanufacturing of traditional equipment such as machine tools,Explore in Wind Power Photovoltaic、Aviation and other emerging areas to carry out high-end equipment remanufacturing business。Speed up wind power and photovoltaic、Research and development of residual life assessment technology for power batteries and other products and equipment,Promote the cascade utilization of products, equipment and key components in an orderly manner。

(Eleven)Promote high-level recycling of resources。Promoting the Agglomeration of Renewable Resources Processing and Utilization Enterprises、Scale development,Guide the gradual withdrawal of inefficient production capacity。Improve the support policy for disposal of waste electrical and electronic products,To study and expand the coverage of waste electrical and electronic products disposal system。Support the construction of a batch of scrap iron and steel、Waste non-ferrous metals、Industrial cluster for intensive processing of renewable resources such as waste plastics。Active and orderly development of waste oils and fats、Biomass liquid fuel with non-grain biomass as main raw material。Explore the construction of recycled plastics in line with international standards、Information traceability system for the use of recycled materials such as recycled metals。Continuously improve the technical level of waste non-ferrous metal utilization,Strengthen the development and application of rare and precious metal extraction technology。Timely improvement of retired power batteries、Import standards and policies for recycled materials。

Five、Implementation of Standard Promotion Action

(Twelve)Speed up the improvement of energy consumption、Discharge、Technical standards。Benchmarking international advanced level,Speed up the formulation and revision of a batch of energy consumption quotas、Compulsory national standards for energy efficiency of products and equipment,Dynamically update the advanced level of energy efficiency of key energy-using products and equipment、Energy saving level and access level,Accelerate the improvement of energy-saving indicators and market access threshold。Speed up the passenger car、Upgrading of energy consumption limit standards for heavy commercial vehicles。Accelerate the improvement of emission standards for key industries,Optimize and enhance the atmosphere、Discharge control level of water pollutants, etc.。Revise and improve the evaluation index system of cleaner production,Formulate and revise carbon emission accounting standards for enterprises in key industries。Improve the Wind Turbine、Standards for upgrading and decommissioning of photovoltaic equipment and products。

(Thirteen)Strengthen the upgrading of product technical standards。Focus on the car、Home appliances、Household products、Consumer electronics、Civil UAVs and other consumer goods,Speed up security、Health、Performance、Environmental protection、Upgrading of standards such as testing。Accelerate the improvement of the quality and safety standard system of household appliances,Vigorously popularize the knowledge of safe service life and energy saving of household appliances。Accelerate the upgrading of quality standards for consumer goods,To formulate a catalogue of quality and safety supervision of consumer goods,Strict quality and safety supervision。Improve the standard system such as carbon label,Give full play to standard guidance、Green certification、High-end certification and other functions。

(Fourteen)Strengthen the standard supply of resource recycling。Perfect materials and spare parts for easy recycling、Easy to disassemble、It is easy to regenerate、Green design standards such as remanufacturing。To formulate and revise recycling standards for renewable resources such as recycling standards for waste electrical and electronic products。The introduction of mobile phones、National standard for information clearing methods in second-hand transactions of tablet computers and other electronic products,To guide second-hand electronic products distribution enterprises to establish information security management system and information technology service management system.,To study and formulate grading standards for the availability of second-hand electronic products.。

(Fifteen)Strengthening the convergence of domestic and international standards in key areas。Establish and improve the tracking and transformation mechanism of international standard consistency,Carry out comparative analysis between Chinese standards and relevant international standards,Transforming a batch of advanced applicable international standards,Continuously improve the conversion rate of international standards。Support domestic institutions to actively participate in the revision of international standards,Support new energy vehicles and other key industry standards to go out。Strengthen quality standards、Inspection and quarantine、Certification and accreditation and other domestic and international links。

Six、Strengthen policy guarantee

(Sixteen)Increase fiscal policy support。Update eligible equipment、Recycling projects are included in the scope of financial support such as investment in the central budget.。The central government and local governments should work together to support the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones.,Through the energy saving and emission reduction subsidy funds arranged by the central government, eligible vehicles will be replaced with new ones.;Encourage local governments where conditions permit to make overall use of funds related to the modern commercial circulation system arranged by the central government.,Support the replacement of old durable consumer goods with new ones in household appliances and other fields。Continue to implement subsidies for renewal of old operating vehicles and vessels,Support for older ships、Diesel Trucks, etc. Update。Encourage local governments where conditions permit to make overall use of the incentive funds for urban transport development arranged by the central government.,Support new energy buses and battery updates。Make full use of the subsidy policy for scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery。The central government has set up special funds.,Support the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products。Further improve the government's green procurement policy,Increase the purchase of green products。Strict financial discipline,Strengthen the whole process of financial funds、Full chain、All-round supervision,Improve the effectiveness and accuracy of the use of financial funds。

(Seventeen)Improving tax support policies。Increase energy and water conservation、Environmental protection、Tax preferential support for special equipment for safety production,Digital and intelligent transformation should be included in the preferential scope.。Promote resource recovery enterprises to sell scrapped products to natural persons.“Reverse invoicing”Practice。Cooperate with the simple VAT collection policy for renewable resources recovery enterprises,To study and improve the supporting measures for income tax collection and management,Optimize tax collection and management standards and methods。

(Eighteen)Optimize financial support。Use of re-lending policy tools,Guiding financial institutions to strengthen their support for equipment renewal and technological transformation;The central finance shall give certain discount support to bank loans that meet the conditions for reimbursement of re-loans.。Give full play to the role of expanding the working mechanism of medium and long-term loans for manufacturing industry。Guide banking institutions to reasonably increase green credit,Strengthen the production of green intelligent household appliances、Financial support for services and consumption。Encourage banking institutions to comply with the law、Under the premise of controllable risk,Appropriately reduce the down payment ratio of passenger car loans,Reasonably determine the term of auto loan、Line of credit。

(Nineteen)Strengthen factor guarantee。Strengthen land use for technological transformation projects of enterprises、Guarantee of energy use and other factors。Yes, no new land.、Technical transformation projects focusing on equipment renewal,Simplify the preliminary examination and approval procedures。Overall planning of classified collection of domestic waste in the region、Construction of transit storage and renewable resources recovery facilities,Incorporate it into the scope of public infrastructure land.,Guarantee the demand for rational land use。

(Twenty)Strengthen innovation support。Focus on the industrial foundation that has long plagued the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.、Major technical equipment“Stuck in the neck” Problem ,Actively carry out scientific and technological research on major technical equipment。Perfect“Uncover the list and take command”、“Horse racing”And innovative product iteration.,Strengthening the support of manufacturing pilot capacity,Accelerating the Industrial Application of Innovative Achievements。

By region、All departments should be under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.,Improve the working mechanism,Strengthen overall coordination,Do a good job of policy interpretation,Create a good social atmosphere for promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones.。The National Development and Reform Commission shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, set up special working classes.,Strengthen coordination and cooperation,Strengthen the linkage between central and local governments。Relevant departments should formulate specific plans and supporting policies in accordance with the division of responsibilities.,Implement departmental responsibilities,Strengthen tracking analysis,Promote the implementation of various tasks in detail。Major matters shall be reported in a timely manner according to the procedures.。

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