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Shantui: I am a service engineer | Complement each other, win-win cooperation

December 12, 2023

One is powerful.、Fuel-saving and reliable construction tool---SD34 Bulldozer,A responsible person.、Rigorous and serious service technician,This is the leading role and supporting role in the combination of Shantui's efficient construction.。No matter which is more important.,Only complement each other、Win-win cooperation,Perfect composition“You have me.,I have you.”A harmonious and harmonious relationship.。What customers see is satisfaction.,And what we do is to walk the heart.。

▌To open a mountain is to pave a road,A bridge must be built in water.,Every project construction is inseparable from the strong support of construction machinery.。And in the eyes of the customer,Only the power is strong、Low fuel consumption、Strong equipment,To afford it.“The main character”A heavy responsibility。Shan TuiSD34 Bulldozer Yes No“Qualified”,Boss Chen of Zhuhai, Guangdong, gave his answer.:“Let's push this one.SDThe 34 Bulldozer really brought me a lot of orders.,Ever since we bought this car.,Undertook 3—4 Paving Jobs,After comparison with products of other brands,I really feel the stability of our mountain pushing for a long time.,Sometimes it's 15 a day./Six hours to pave the road.,He can also deal with it easily.。That's not the point.,The most important thing is that we have the care of such careful masters as Shantui Service.,To make me dare to roll up my sleeves and work harder.!”

▌The main character has been decided,But the gold medal of maintaining and setting off the importance of the protagonist in a good play.“Green leaves”It is also indispensable,The long-term stable operation of the equipment also requires the careful care of the maintenance service team.。In order to enable Shantui equipment to create value beyond other brand products.,Shantui service can be described as the ultimate.!

▌Start with the handover explanation,To routine maintenance services、Select the oil product,To the middle of the engine、Transmission system、Inspection and maintenance of key components such as hydraulic system,And then extend to the summer solstice service to send cool.、Winter Warm Winter Action,Daily maintenance and visit……The service team“Supporting roles”The work can be said to be meticulous.,Willing to be a foil and protagonist“Green leaves”。But it is gratifying that,Customers reap huge benefits at the same time,I have never forgotten that there are such a group of service people who take good care of the equipment behind their backs.,The customer's affirmation and praise is the best praise for us.。It is precisely because of this group of lovely and respectable service supporting roles,Only in this way can Shantui equipment shine with brilliance and brilliance.!

▌Products and services,Leading roles and supporting roles,In the action of creating the greatest value for customers,They have no primary or secondary division.,There is no choice of weight.,The only thing in mind is the attitude of being responsible to customers.,Positive feedback from customers is always the best affirmation for Shantui.!

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