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2023 Golden Key Awards Announced, Volvo Truck Wins Winning Award

November 17, 2023

November 17, 2023,By《Economic Guide for Sustainable Development》Initiated“The golden key——FaceSDGAction in China”The third honor list was released in Beijing.。The Volvo Truck Mulan Training Camp project selected by Volvo Group won the winning prize.,Become the only Truck brand to win the award。

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The golden key——FaceSDGAction in China,Aims to find and shape orientationSDGThe action benchmark of Chinese enterprises,Telling the Story of China's Sustainable Development Action,To contribute to the sustainable development of China and the world。After three years of practice and improvement,The event has become one of the most influential and international sustainable development activities in China.。

Volvo Group is a firm practitioner and promoter of sustainable development.。As an important part of the group,Volvo Trucks is Leading Logistics with High Quality、Remarkable achievements have also been made in the area of sustainable development,And continue to invest in improving the driver's working environment。The data shows,There are currently more than 17 million truck drivers in the country.,Female truck drivers accounted for 4 percent.2%,They and male drivers have been fighting in the front line of transportation all the year round.,The spirit of Mulan has become an indispensable force in the field of logistics and transportation.,It provides an important support for the smooth economic cycle.。


Mulan training camp-Sister Ka's on-site training 

Adhering to the concept of sustainable development of Volvo Group,Volvo Trucks also pays attention to the growth of female truck drivers in the process of improving the working environment of drivers.。In order to help more female drivers' career development,Volvo Trucks first launches Magnolia Training Camp in 2022,Excellent female drivers from all over the country gathered together.,Learn truck technology、Maintenance and driving skills and other related courses,Through on-site practical training, the understanding of truck function configuration has been deepened.,And improved driving skills.。In addition,The Mulan training camp also focuses on the fuel consumption of trucks, which is a common concern for female drivers.、Develop exclusive courses for emergency response and other related issues,To help female drivers improve their driving confidence.。


Mulan training camp-Sister Ka's on-site practical training 

Up to now, the Mulan Training Camp has opened three phases.,More than 30 female drivers have successfully graduated from the Mulan Training Camp.,Shine and heat in their respective driving positions,Contribute。


Mulan training camp-Sister Ka took a group photo 

As the world's leading truck manufacturer and comprehensive transportation solution provider,Volvo trucks are constantly innovating technology to lead efficient transportation.,Integrating Humanistic Care into Enterprise Development。Discover the value potential of female drivers through the Mulan Training Camp,Volvo Trucks to Empower Female Drivers,Promoting the sound development of professional ecology,Inject new forces into the high-quality development of the industry。