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CCTV Finance X Sany Heavy Industry: The Operating Rate of Many Provinces Maintains 70% for Months

October 20, 2023

Excavators are for infrastructure construction.“Standard configuration”,It reflects the construction of infrastructure.、Observe the vane of economic changes such as fixed asset investment.。CCTV Finance and Sany Heavy Industry、Jointly created by Tree Root Interconnection“CCTV Finance and Economics Excavator Index”The latest relevant data were released.。September is the golden period of construction.,The heat of transportation infrastructure is not decreasing,Excavators have also been in a state of high operation.,In the third quarter, the operating rate of many provinces was maintained at 70.%High position。

September operating rate list released!

September, Jilin 、Jiangxi、Beijing's machinery operating rate ranks the top three,More than half of the 31 provinces have a positive growth in the operating rate.。Among,Heilongjiang、 Jilin 、Yunnan grew by 6..69 percentage points、4.33 percentage points、3.86 percentage points,Top three in the country。

Traffic construction continued to be hot in September.!

The construction rate of key road projects in many places has reached a record high

September is the golden period of construction.,The heat of transportation infrastructure is not decreasing。The operating rate of pavement equipment in 17 provinces is increasing annually.,Among,Hebei、Heilongjiang、 Jilin 、Liaoning、Inner Mongolia、Shanxi、Xinjiang has achieved the best results this year.。

In the third quarter, major projects around the country started one after another.

“Model worker”YesTA→

September,Excavators are the largest increase in the number of provinces in all equipment.,A total of 21 provinces achieved positive growth.。

All things considered,The entire third quarter,The number of provinces with a month-on-month increase in the operating rate of pavement equipment ranks first in terms of equipment.,A total of 20 provinces have achieved positive growth in the operating rate of pavement equipment.。In addition,In the third quarter, the average operating rate of pavement equipment reached a new high.,Up to 45.27%,Year-on-quarter growth of 2.55 percentage points。

The overall operating rate of machinery is growing.!

Three northeastern provinces, Enough “Bright”!

September,Heilongjiang、 Jilin 、Overall operating rate of construction machinery in Liaoning 70.13%、75.75%、68.92%,All of them have achieved positive growth.,An increase of 6 percent.69 percentage points、4.33 percentage points、3.68 percentage points,The growth rate ranked first in the country、Second、Fourth。Third quarter compared to second quarter, Black 、Ji、Liaojun achieved a month-on-month increase of 19% in the operating rate of pavement equipment.47 percentage points、26.33 percentage points、11.14 percentage points,The performance of the three northeastern provinces in various economic regions is outstanding.。

“Steady happiness”!

The operating rate of these provinces has been continuously maintained at 70%High position!

From March to September,Maintain 70% in each month%There are five provinces with high operating rates.:Anhui、 Hainan 、Hubei、Jiangxi、Zhejiang,They have injected strong impetus into the sustained improvement of economic operation.。



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