August 18, 2023
In today's hoisting market,In addition to lifting performance,The operation efficiency of products is also of great concern to customers.,XCMG's business areas for small and medium tonnage customers,ForQY40K5D_2. Create a number of highly efficient skills with obvious perception,Let's feel it together.!
XugongQY40K5D_2 owns 44mArm length,For customers who do casual work,Full Reach 9mAmplitude can lift 8.5t,In the rural town area,Install medium-sized billboards,It is no problem to carry big trees and other businesses.。The key is XugongQY40K5D_2 only85sFully extendable arm,15% more efficient than similar products%,For the casual work of doing a hook and leaving.,Full reach is faster,The benefits come quickly.!
In addition, XugongQY40K5D_2 Vehicle height only 3.48m,2.65mCar width,Better coping with rural common 3.Height limit of 5m、Narrow road conditions,More efficient traffic。
For customers on a monthly contract basis,QY40K5D_2 single rope tension up to 5t,HookSingle multiplying power operationWhether it is dry steel structure、Lower the pipe pile、Hanging rebar,Work quickly,It can meet most of the hoisting conditions.。
Do heavy work, such as hanging test pressing block,Need to use slewing frequently、Winch action, Because QY40K5D_2 Have higher single rope pulling force,Less magnification required to lift the same weight,Uch as an arm length of 25.6mWorking condition,It can be hoisted with only 5 times,At this time, the lifting speed of the weight after multiplying power conversion is up to 26m/min。Compared to similar products,Saves up to 10% of the time on the winch action%Above。
Lifting of test pressure block: 1000 per day on average-2000 tons,UseQY40K5D_Hang more than others.100-200 tons。Same time,Burn the same oil.,The extra part of the weight is converted to an extra charge.
If the boss of a number of test blocks is not satisfied with this part of the additional benefits.,ChooseQY40K5D_2 Plug-in,Zero fuel consumption for plug-in operation,Maximum operating power of plug-in up to 100kw,Lifting of dry test briquettes is not a problem at all。
Press 3-Consumption of one tank of oil in 5 days,Calculated by 6 tanks of oil per month,350LThe fuel tank,The price of diesel oil is 8 yuan.,The electricity bill is too high.,200 bucks a day.(Count 30 days),Do the math,You can save 6 a month.×350×8-200×30=1080 yuan,It's not a problem to save 100,000 yuan a year.!
Current Hoisting Market,Bosses are thinking about how to reduce operating costs.?XugongQY40K5D_Save 100,000 yuan a year to give you the answer.!
Now under the market,What is the return on investment of the crane??How long will it take for the crane to recover the cost??Please click”Period calculator”,See how many people in the country your return on investment can beat.!
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