June 25, 2023
June 2023 is the 22nd in the country.“Safety production month”,This year's theme is“Everyone talks about safety、Everyone can meet an emergency”。On the morning of June 6, the residential construction field of Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone“Safety production month”The launching ceremony and fire drill observation meeting were held at Hongyuan New Material Site Project.,Our company was invited to participate in the fire rescue drill.。This time, the company mobilized a car.GKS16 Telescopic boom aerial work platform participated in personnel rescue drill activities,Successfully complete the scheduled task。This type of aerial work platform is flexible.、And that operation is convenient、Quick response、It greatly shortens the rescue time of personnel compared with the traditional fire rescue Vehicle.,It has received unanimous praise from the leaders and officers and soldiers of the district emergency rescue brigade。
December 11, 2024,Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle 2025 Annual Partner Conference Held in Chengdu。Based on the final season of 2024,Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle joins hands with more than 600 dealers nationwide、There are more than 1000 representatives of mor
December eleventh,With“WE ARE ONE——A family、One heart、Work together、It's going to work”The 2025 Global Supply Chain Strategic Partnership Conference of China Heavy Truck Group was held in Shandong International Convention a
The other day,Final judgment of the People's Court of Changsha County, Hunan Province,It was found that Anbaituo Trading Co., Ltd. had caused damage to the commercial reputation of Sunward Intelligence.,Its behavior constitutes unfair competition.
December 2,Beijing Party Branch of International Corporation and Construction Machinery Party Branch of China Construction Machinery Corporation、The General Party Branch of China has launched“Forging New Productive Forces and Promoting New Indust
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