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Thematic Event of the 9th China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum: Dialogue on New Infrastructure to Promote High-quality Development of China-Latin America Cooperation Successfully Held in Macao

June 08, 2023

June 2,Sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China、The 9th China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum organized by China International ConTractors Association and Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Bureau:Dialogue on New Infrastructure to Promote High-quality Development of China-Latin America Cooperation Successfully Held in Macao。12 ministerial-level heads of infrastructure authorities in Latin America and the Caribbean、Representatives of relevant international organizations,And Chinese officials、Produce、Research representatives gathered together,Centering on China-Latin America smart transportation、New Energy、Opportunities for cooperation in three areas, including new infrastructure, were discussed.。More than 100 Chinese and foreign delegates participated in the dialogue on the spot.。

Meeting site

Dong Wei, second-level inspector, Department of American and Oceanian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce、Xin Xiuming, Vice President of China International ConTractors Association, attended the event,Deputy Secretary-General Su Jianguo chaired the dialogue。

Dong Wei, second-level inspector

Deputy Secretary-General Su Jianguo presided over the meeting.

Topic I:Prospects for Cooperation Opportunities in the Field of Smart Transportation between China and Latin America

In this session, six Chinese and foreign guests were invited to focus on China-Latin America cooperation in various fields.,Especially the development status in the field of intelligent transportation.、The challenges and prospects for future development are discussed.。

Wang Yulin, Director of the Latin American Bureau of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central CommitteeExpress,China-Latin America relations have entered a new era.,The mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides in various fields has been continuously strengthened.,New infrastructure has increasingly become a new driving force for China-Latin America practical cooperation.。China-Latin America New Infrastructure Cooperation Faces New Opportunities for Development,First, the alignment of development strategies between China and Latin America and the Caribbean will help enhance the overall benefits of infrastructure cooperation.。Second, China and Latin America have complementary needs.,Provide impetus for deepening new infrastructure cooperation。Third, the Huimin dividend will help consolidate the social and public opinion foundation of the new infrastructure cooperation.,Promote economic recovery,Achieving people's happiness is a common task of the times for China and Latin America.,Promoting the well-being of the people is also the essence of China-Latin America cooperation.。Health in Latin American countries、Education、Poverty reduction and other areas,Huge demand for infrastructure construction,It is expected to become a new growth point for China-Latin America new infrastructure cooperation.,At the same time, Chinese enterprises are investing in infrastructure construction in Latin America.,Actively fulfill social responsibilities,Help to increase employment,Improve local people's livelihood。The two sides should focus on new infrastructure cooperation.,To provide new momentum for practical cooperation in the economic and trade fields between the two sides。

Ramon, Minister of Ministry of Transport of Venezuela·Celestino·Velasquez(Ramón Celestino Velásquez Araguayán)The national transportation planning and development in Venezuela are introduced.,He said,Adoption of the Venezuelan National Transport Plan,A road map has been drawn up for the great development of the transportation sector.,Covering 7 areas of work,Including national security.、Promotion of trade in the automotive industry、Strengthen the construction of multi-mode intermodal transport system and digital ticketing system.。The Venezuelan government attaches great importance to the profound friendship with China.,Joined the co-construction in 2018“The Belt and Road”Initiative,More Chinese enterprises are expected to invest in Venezuelan ports.、Highway and other transportation infrastructure。CRRC( Hong Kong )Zhao Chenyan, Vice Minister of Franchise Department of Limited CompanyIn his speech, he introduced the solution of rail transit system with the characteristics of Zhongche.“DLS”,CRRC focuses on Latin American market,The programme has been implemented in Mexico,、Promotion in Colombia and other Latin American countries,Hope to contribute more to the green and coordinated development of rail transit in Latin America in the future.。Housing in Antigua and Barbuda、Clement, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Works and Land and Urban Development·Antonio( Clement Antonio)The country is trying its best to try digital transportation solutions.,There is great potential for cooperation in the field of digital infrastructure.,It is necessary to promote the construction of digital infrastructure.,China has obvious industrial advantages in this respect.,The next step should be to deepen both sides.,Practical cooperation among Caribbean countries, including Antigua and Barbuda, in the field of digital infrastructure。Edgar, Minister of Public Works of El Salvador·Rodriguez·Herrera(Edgar Romeo Rodríguez Herrera)El Salvador's interest in strengthening its connectivity with the rest of Central America was described、Improving the state of the country's transport infrastructure,El Salvador has a unique advantage in its geographical location.,Chinese enterprises are welcome to participate in its ports.、Highway、Railway、Bidding for airport and other projects。Wang Donghai, Chief Expert of Casco Signal Co., Ltd.Introduce the Mexico Metro Project participated by the Company in Latin America with examples,The command function of the Mexico City Metro Train Operation Control Center was restored.,Recognized by the local government。He said,The cooperation between China and Latin American countries in various fields is in a rare period of historical opportunity.,Be efficient in the system、Green、Intelligent aspects,Some high-end products developed by Chinese companies face broad market prospects.。

Topic II:Prospects for China-Latin America Cooperation in New Energy

New energy is an important part of practical cooperation between China and Latin America,In recent years, bilateral cooperation has made remarkable progress.。In this session, six Chinese and foreign guests were invited to discuss the cooperation and development prospects between China and Latin America in the field of new energy.。

Mata, Minister of Public Works and Ministry of Transport of Costa Rica·Montero·Angela·Margarita(Mata Montero Angela Margarita)In his statement, he expressed the importance that Costa Rica attached to the development of roads,、Developments such as ports and airports,At present, it is being promotedETCUse of equipment,To ensure its large-scale application in the transportation industry.,Improving transport efficiency and modernizing traffic system management,Committed to making the country's transportation more efficient、Cozy、Safe、Green and smart,Become a model of green and sustainable development in Latin America。Yue Yunxia, Director of Economic Department, Latin American Institute, Chinese Academy of Social SciencesThey shared their thoughts on China-Latin America cooperation in the field of new energy.。She said that new energy is an important component of practical cooperation between China and Latin America.,In recent years, the cooperation between the two sides has made remarkable progress.。Continue to optimize and expand new energy cooperation between China and Latin America,The core interests of both sides,Energy transformation is the common choice and common way out for China and Latin America。The common interests of China and Latin America create opportunities for cooperation,In the field of investment,China and Latin America can realize the deep integration of the whole new energy industry chain.;In the field of trade,Sustainable expansion of green trade;In the field of finance,Energy security and financial security can be considered as a whole.,Invest in green infrastructure、Green Finance;In the field of technology,It can accelerate the technical exchange of energy conservation, carbon reduction and digital transformation in the field of traditional energy.;In the area of policy,Jointly launch global energy and climate governance issues;In the field of knowledge,It can continue to promote information linkage and exchange between government, business and think tanks.。China and Latin America have a wide range of new energy fields.“Empathy”It will certainly lock in a common future with broad prospects for both sides.。Director of TBEA Co., Ltd.、Hu Nan, President of International BusinessHe said that Chinese enterprises have funds in the new energy field.、 Experience 、Advantages in technical equipment and other aspects,New energy development opportunities need to be combined with the endowment resources of the host country.,In view of the different natural conditions of Latin American countries,,Develop new energy projects suitable for the country,Promote the development of new energy industry。Alfred, Minister of Works and Public Works of the Bahamas·Michael·Sears(Alfred Michael Sears)In his statement, he introduced his country's energy development policy,Diversifying the energy mix,Promoting job creation and economic development,Mitigating climate change。The Bahamas is actively developing a new energy policy,All Chinese-funded enterprises are welcome to participate in the bidding for solar energy projects in the Bahamas.。Liang Jun, Deputy General Manager of China Power Construction Group International Engineering Co., Ltd.Share the current development situation of new energy、Reflections on the Prospect of New Energy Cooperation between China and Latin America,China Power Construction deeply cultivates Latin American market,In the past 20 years, more than 10 billion US dollars worth of infrastructure projects have been built.,The total installed capacity of the new energy projects undertaken exceeds 2.800 millionGW,It has created huge social and economic benefits.。At the same time, China Electric Power Construction is constantly exploring new business models.,Actively carry out third-party cooperation,Inject vitality into China-Latin America new energy cooperation。Talking about the prospect of energy cooperation between China and Latin America,He pointed out,According to《Global Renewable Energy Transfer Report》Content,Latin America is an attractive destination for renewable energy investment,Renewable energy investment needs in Latin America are expected to be about $45 billion annually by 2050.,It has great potential for development.。Li Jie, Huawei Power Digital CorpsIntroduced Huawei's current cooperation with Mexico、Colombia、Chile、Costa Rica、Dominica、The competent government departments and power enterprises of Paraguay and other countries have carried out in-depth cooperation.,Especially in smart substations.、Intelligent distribution network、Transmission line、Three scenarios of intelligent patrol inspection,Through Huawei in the cloud andAI、5GLight、Datong、 Calculation 、Technical advantages in storage and other fields,Solving business pain points of power companies,Deep integration with the power industry,To provide new momentum for the digitalization of the Latin American power industry。

Topic III:Opportunities for China-Latin America New Infrastructure Cooperation

In recent years,The business cooperation mode of infrastructure projects between China and Latin America has shown a diversified development trend.,A new pattern of combining traditional infrastructure with new infrastructure has been constructed.,It has injected new vitality into infrastructure cooperation between China and Latin America.,It has brought new impetus to the economic recovery in Latin America.。In this session, seven guests are invited to discuss the relevant thinking and development proposals on the new infrastructure of China and Latin America.。

Andreas, Deputy National Coordinator of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States·Vikam(Andreas Wickham)The video shows that the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States regards China as a very important and reliable partner.,Share common ideals and ideas with China,Solar Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean、Advantages of natural resources such as wind energy and hydropower,Great potential for future development。We hope to strengthen cooperation with China in developing clean and renewable energy in the future.。Sun Yanfeng, deputy director of the Latin American Institute of the China Institute of Contemporary International RelationsHe said that great achievements have been made in infrastructure cooperation between China and Latin America in recent years.。According to Latin American statistics,By the end of 2021,China has invested more than $100 billion in infrastructure in Latin America.,Bringing more than 600,000 local jobs to Latin America。The field of new infrastructure has become an area of great importance to Latin American countries.。He proposed that China and Latin America should build various forms of infrastructure.、The scope of infrastructure cooperation should be innovated.、Strengthening cooperation in infrastructure construction and operation、It is necessary to strengthen all-round infrastructure cooperation.、Innovative financing mode and other five aspects of development suggestions.。Li Jianfeng, Assistant General Manager of China Gezhouba Group International Engineering Co., Ltd.He said that China-Latin America cooperation is in essence South-South cooperation.,On the premise of mutual respect,Based on the principle of mutual benefit and win-win,Openness and inclusiveness are characteristics.,Aim at common development,Conform to the general trend of the world and the historical trend,It serves the common interests of countries in the region,It has broad and bright prospects.。China-Latin America New Infrastructure Cooperation,Focus on green, low-carbon and digital transformation,It will certainly provide new opportunities for high-quality cooperation between China and Latin America.、New Power、New path。

William, Senior Minister, Office of the Prime Minister, Barbados·Duguid(William Duguid)State that that effects of climate change had made the infrastructure of their country very vulnerable,China is an important partner to provide support.,Strengthening the country's infrastructure and development。Xiao Wang, Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment BankHe introduced the main business of the AIIB and the development of its business in Latin America.,The AIIB has six full members in Latin America.,Including Argentina、Brazil、Chile、Ecuador、Peru and Uruguay,Looking forward to closer cooperation with countries in Latin America,Participation includes energy、Traffic、Investment and financing of infrastructure projects such as municipal construction。Lida, Deputy Director of the National Infrastructure Agency of Colombia·Milena·Esquivel.Roya(Lyda Milena Esquivel Roa)He said that Chinese enterprises are in the leading position in the field of infrastructure in Colombia.,Many important national infrastructure projects are invested and constructed by Chinese enterprises.,In the 43 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations,,Bilateral cooperation has been deepened.。Projects implemented by Chinese enterprises have high quality standards.,Focus on sustainable development,Be able to adapt to different market environments,Meeting the diverse needs of Latin American countries。Zhang Lisong, General Manager of Chinese-funded Overseas Business Department of Xinhua III Group Co., Ltd.It introduces enterprises that help Latin American governments.、Finance、Education、Medical、Experience of customers from all walks of life, such as transportation, in promoting digital transformation,Xinhua 3 hopes to play computing、Store、Network、5GOverall capability of all-round digital infrastructure such as security terminal,Helping Latin American Countries to Transform Digitally in New Infrastructure。

The China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum is the first professional infrastructure forum under the framework of China-Latin America cooperation.,It has played a positive role in promoting the interconnection of infrastructure in Latin America.。This dialogue is an important thematic event of the China-CELAC Forum.,Infrastructure cooperation between China and Latin America will enter an important moment of high-quality development.,Explore how to face new challenges in the changing situation、Discover new opportunities、Build a new engine、Explore new paths,It is of great significance to jointly promote the high-quality development of China-Latin America infrastructure cooperation.。

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