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Sany Heavy Industry: Only He can Repair the Whole Ningbo!

April 10, 2023

Zhang Xiangxiang,Senior Service Engineer of Sany Heavy Machinery,Zhejiang Chengfeng Ningzhou Service Director,2022 Excellent Service Engineer Winner of Sany Group,The local famous“Typhoon Retrograde”。

July 30, 2020,Category 13 typhoon“Hagupit”Fast approaching the coast of Zhejiang,Government agencies issued relevant warnings.,Require all vessels engaged in offshore operations to return to duty immediately。

Before the typhoon,Six SANY Excavators are on a cutter suction dredger.。Five P m,One Excavator on the ship was suddenly shut down due to seawater filling.,One side cannot be fed。The customer sent an urgent telegram to Zhang Xiangxiang:“If the equipment cannot be recovered in times,More than 60 dregs boats have to carry dregs back.,Economic losses will exceed more than 1 million yuan”。

At this time,Distance“Hagupit”Landing is 23 hours away.,The sea is windy and rough。Too late to hesitate,Zhang Xiangxiang jumped on the boat alone.,Five hours of hard work against the typhoon.,Give the machine“Save”Come back,Become famous in the local industry。

Eastern Zhejiang is located in the coastal area.,Working condition: more salt and more moisture,Zhang Xiangxiang always said,Be a good customer.“ Fireman ”,And do it well.“Health-care technician”。Over the years,He took the initiative to propose and implement 18 protection improvements for customers.,48 free training sessions,More than 100 free free clinics,Effectively ensure the attendance rate of customer equipment。

Enter a new era,With the batch entry of SANY electric equipment into the market,Zhang Xiangxiang prepares for a rainy day,Lead the team to learn electric equipment in advance、Charging pile and other related knowledge,And obtained the qualification of electrician certificate in 2022.,“At present, there are three electric Excavators in Ningbo.,Only me and my team can fix it.。”

Exquisite skills,Great service,Completely retain the hearts of customers。

Over the years,Customers have replaced more than 20 new Sany equipment in batches twice.,Every other brand offers a free trial,Customers all declined.。Driven by Zhang Xiangxiang's service,At present,Zhoushan in the whole eastern Zhejiang area、The customers of offshore construction in Liuheng area all choose Sany brand.。

Busy、Enrichment,Overcome every difficulty,Serve every user!This is Zhang Xiangxiang, the outstanding service engineer of Sany Group in 2022.,Ordinary and warm。



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