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Jiangling County seizes the "golden period" of highway maintenance to maintain the smooth flow of national and provincial trunk roads throughout the county

February 28, 2023

Spring is the best season for highway maintenance.,In the near future,In order to do a good job in the maintenance of national and provincial trunk roads in the county.,For days,Highway Construction and Maintenance Department of Jiangling County, Hubei Province Seizes the Fine Weather,Potholes to the pavement、Crack,And roadbed、Comprehensive treatment of road shoulders, etc.,Ensure smooth driving of Vehicles,People travel safely。

Jiangling County organized construction personnel to repair the national and provincial trunk lines on February 23.,On the national highwayGAn operation point in 351 Jiangling section,Construction flags and roadblocks were set up at the construction site.,Guide the orderly passage of transit Vehicles,Workers rushed to fill the cracks between roads with asphalt.。

“At present, the pavement maintenance of national and provincial trunk lines is mainly carried out in spring.、Road tree replanting and road tree pruning。”Lu Haisheng, deputy head of the maintenance unit of Jiangling County Highway Construction and Maintenance Center, said.,At the same time, special maintenance of bridges is also carried out.,And improvement of road signs、Marking and signage, etc.。

Highway maintenance has certain seasonality.。Due to the particularity of asphalt pavement material,,It is greatly affected by low temperature and high temperature weather,So it needs to be before the spring rains come.,Catch the fine weather,Give priority to prevention、Combination of prevention and treatment、Timely disposal、The principle of safety and smoothness,Timely disposal and preventive maintenance of highway diseases。

Jiangling County organizes construction personnel to repair the national and provincial trunk lines in the territory

It is understood that,The maintenance plan of Jiangling County this spring is arranged for the whole county's highways from mid-February to early April.、Maintenance of national and provincial trunk lines。So far,Completed pit and slot repair 7.2 cubic meters、Crack pouring is 29500 meters、Replace 15 flash lamps.、38 crossing piles shall be replanted、Replace 24m of steel guardrail、Road tree pruning 6 km。

“At present, 50% of the total workload has been completed%,Make up for traffic shortcomings through spring maintenance,Open up the context of economic circulation,Lead and promote the realization of the goal of revitalizing rural transportation first.。”Lu Haisheng said。



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