February 17, 2023
China IV Emission Standard for Non-road Mobile Machinery,It was fully implemented at the end of last year,Various manufacturers have also borrowed“Guo Si”The east wind,Introduced a series of new models。Among,Paver is the main type of road construction.,It plays a key role in the progress and quality of the whole pavement operation.。
Then the choice of Paver should be more careful.,Good brand,Advanced technology、In particular, the quality of proven models, of course, more people have confidence.。
Wirtgen Group is a leader in the field of road maintenance.,As early as the end of 2021, it was the first in the industry to launch a new model of Fogler mass-produced paving that meets the Fourth National Emission Standard.:Super 1680 Li And Super 1680-3 Li。
These two medium Pavers belong to the same R & D and production platform as Vogler's widely recognized universal paver Super 1880 series.,In addition to the advanced driving concept,It also carries a series of Vogler's leading technologies in the field of paving.。Xiaowei has detailed it in previous tweets.,Interested Uyghur fans can also click on the picture link below.,Find out more。
As a new medium paver,Both machines have a wide range of applications.:Super 1680 Li Equipment AB 480 hydraulic telescopic screed,Easily implemented 2.55 m To 7.8 m The paving width of the;And Super 1680-3 Li Equipment AB 600 hydraulic telescopic screed,Maximum paving width up to 8 m。
They can not only be competent for the maintenance and construction of urban roads and rural roads, but also for the construction of rural roads.,It can also be used for expressway in conjunction with large and medium-sized pavers.、National and provincial trunk lines、Maintenance of Urban Trunk Roads,Ideal for optimising the existing fleet。
There are pictures and videos,Look to verify good quality
What's more,,As the fourth national model,The new Vogler paver has been on the market for more than a year.,Paving performance and quality have been tested by practice.,There are many successful applications all over the country.(ClickLinkLearn more),Let users choose more assured。
Having said so much.,Seeing is believing,Today, Xiaowei will take you to the construction site again.,Take a close look at the construction quality of the fourth model of Fogler.!
Case1:High-speed curing and ultra-thin paving
Project location:Qinchong Expressway
Application:Asphalt surface paving
Paving thickness:1-1.5 cm
Paving equipment:Vogler Super 1680 Li
Construction highlights:Only 1-1.5 cm Thickness of ultra-thin asphalt surface layer,Continuous and smooth laying process、Extremely high flatness of surface layer,Uniform and beautiful。Fine quality is the embodiment of excellent comprehensive performance of Vogler paver.。
Vertical and horizontal slope control technology developed by Vogler,High sensitivity,Precise control;Vogler's German original screed has a stable and reliable frame design and efficient and economical heating control technology.,Whether it is ordinary asphalt layer paving or ultra-thin surface layer, it can show the ideal effect for customers.。Click on the video,There are scenes and details to feel the Vogler Super 1680. Li Bright paving effect.。
Wittgen China,Praise 77
Case2:Large area asphalt overlay
Project location:Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province
Project name:Paving of surface course of Pingxiang North Station
Paving equipment:Super 1680-3 Li
Construction highlights:In the project,The construction party adopted the Fogler medium paver Super 1680.-3 Li Cooperate with large paver Super 1900-3 L Double Machine Paving。Super 1680-3 Li Equipped AB 600 hydraulic telescopic screed,In this tight schedule.,In projects with strict requirements for paving quality,This flexible medium paver works well with large pavers,Not only is the paving effect completely comparable to that of a large paver,Moreover, the fuel consumption in unit operation time is more advantageous than that of large pavers.。
Wei has something to say
Fogler's two new models of China IV have been on the market for one year.,It has fully passed the test of the market and users.,For users who need to expand fleet equipment and want to get high-end models with limited budget,Super 1680 Li/Super 1680-3 Li It is your best choice.。In addition,If there is a need to consider lar production,More efficient equipment,Vogler also has a number of new models for you to choose, such as general level and large pavers.。
At present,The promotion and demonstration activities of the four new products of Wirtgen's agents in China are in full swing.,You are welcome to contact the local agent of Wirtgen China in your area to understand the schedule of the exchange meeting and demonstration activities.,Experience the new machine personally。
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