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The beginning is the war, the beginning is the sprint | Railway Construction Heavy Industry held a flag-raising ceremony, sounding the horn of struggle in the Year of Rabbit!

February 01, 2023

The east wind in China is warm,An auspicious sign heralds the spring。February 1, 2023,China Railway Construction Heavy Industries held a flag-raising ceremony in front of the headquarters building.,With“The opening is the war.,Starting is a sprint.”A high-spirited posture,Inspire the spirit of employees,In a fuller state of mind,Fully open 2023·A new journey in the Year of the Rabbit。

Secretary of the Party Committee of China Railway Construction Heavy Industry、Chairman Liu Feixiang attended the ceremony and delivered a speech.,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Director、Executive General Manager Zhao Hui presided over the ceremony.,Leading group at home、Chief expert、Director-level leadership、Staff representatives from all units in Changsha Park participated in the activity。

At the flag-raising ceremony,Liu Feixiang first extended New Year's greetings to all the staff.,And during the Spring Festival,It still sticks to the post of production guarantee and technical research.,Stick to the forefront of business services and market development at home and abroad colleagues,I would like to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks.。

Liu Feixiang said,2022,Railway Construction Heavy Industry under the Guidance of Xi Jinping's Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era,We will thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions.,Deeply implement the decision-making and deployment of SASAC and joint-stock companies,Take risks and challenges in stride,Anchor the target,Steady progress,It has made great achievements in the new journey of high-quality development.。

Liu Feixiang stressed,2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.,Railway Construction Heavy Industry Should Use the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to Unify Ideas、Unity of will、Unity of action,Conscientiously implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Party Committee of China Railway Construction Corporation,Anchoring strategic positioning,Maintain strategic strength,Firmly implement“Two types, three transformations and nine forces”。A New Year,The opening is the war.,Starting is a sprint.,China Railway Construction Heavy Industries is going to fight one battle after another.,Make every effort to promote the deep integration of Party building and production and operation,Insist on customer thinking,Cast strong and excellent quality,Focus on management change,Build the bottom line of safety,Comprehensively Promote the New Promotion of Party Building、Stimulate the new vitality of business services、Enhancing new momentum of R & D and production、Achieve new breakthroughs in corporate governance、Constructing a new pattern of risk prevention and control,Challenge“Strong and stronger”“New and updated”The target task of,Embark on a new journey of building a first-class enterprise,Hand in a brilliant report card。

Blessed Rabbit Welcomes Spring and Sends Auspicious Signs,Heavy Equipment Powerful Country Embarks on a New Journey。A New Year,All the railway construction workers will“Time waits for no man、Seize the day”The drive of,Bear heavy burdens bravely,Overcome difficulties,Anchoring the objectives and tasks of Railway Construction Heavy Industry in 2023,On the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way,Strive to Write a New Chapter of High-quality Development of Railway Construction Heavy Industry。

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