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Xinjiang Continues to Expand Investment and Improve Highway Network Construction

February 01, 2023

The reporter learned from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Transportation Department on the 29th.,In recent years,Focus on Xinjiang“Ring up inside Xinjiang、In and out of Xinjiang, get up quickly”,Continue to intensify the construction of transportation infrastructure projects。Since 2019,Investment in highway construction in Xinjiang has been maintained at an average annual rate of 8%An increase of more than,Gradually fill the blank space of the road network,The east is linked to the west、The transport capacity of the north-south corridor has been further enhanced.。

Secretary of the Party Committee of the Transportation Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region、Deputy Director Li Xuedong introduced.,Xinjiang has a vast territory,Facing the great demand of highway construction、The reality of low road network density,Xinjiang Continues to Expand Investment in Highway Construction,Last year alone,The completed investment exceeded 74.8 billion yuan.,A new high since 2018,A large number of key transportation infrastructure projects in northern and southern Xinjiang have been completed and opened to traffic.。

Winding through the Altun Mountains、Two big Lop Nur“No man's land”,Yiruo is like a dragon expressway.,Connecting Ruoqiang County and Xinjiang、Yitunbulake Town at the junction of the two provinces in Qinghai。After the expressway was opened to traffic last year,,Become a successorGLine 30 Lianhuo Expressway、GAfter Line 7 Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway,The Third Major Passage of expressway in and out of Xinjiang。

“August to December last year,According to the expressway, there are 300000 Vehicles passing through.,The average daily traffic is about 3000 Vehicles.,80%The above are mainly freight Vehicles.。”Tu Guangsheng, General Manager of Xinjiang Regional Management Headquarters of CCCC Capital Management, introduced.,Yiruo Expressway has further improved the road network structure in Xinjiang, especially in southern Xinjiang.,It plays an important role in driving the development of resources along the line.。

Last year,With the official opening of the desert highway from Yuli to Qiemo,The Third Highway Crossing the Taklimakan Desert Has Been Built in China,The highway distance from Qiemo County to Korla City, the capital of Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, has been shortened by about 350 kilometers.,Greatly improve the travel conditions of the masses along the line。

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Transportation Department announced,At present, Xinjiang Expressway(Level 1)The total mileage of highways open to traffic is 1.10,000 kilometers,Three major passageways to and from Xinjiang have been completed and opened to traffic,All prefectures and cities and nearly 90% of the counties and cities have entered the era of expressway.,The economic urban agglomeration on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains ushered in expressway.“Eight lanes”,The scale of road network is realized“Quality”“Quantity”Qi Zeng。

2023,Xinjiang plans to invest 83.2 billion yuan in highway construction,66 projects are planned to be implemented。The 22 projects to be completed and opened to traffic within the year includeGLine 580 Aksu-Awati、GLine 579 Kuqa to Baicheng to Yuergun andGLine 335 from Tachakou to Tori to Baktu Port, three expressways leading to the county seat(Level 1)Highway。

Li Xuedong said,This year, Xinjiang will focus on the construction of key highway projects,Especially around expressway.、Country Road、Passenger and freight station, etc,New、Continue to build a large number of transportation infrastructure projects,Accelerate the entry and exit of Xinjiang、Interconnection of transportation infrastructure in northern and southern Xinjiang。(Reporter Hao Yu)

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