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On the first working day after the festival, Song Lewei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited Xugong for investigation.

January 31, 2023

January 28 is the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday.。That morning,Song Lewei, Secretary of Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee,Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee、Mayor Wang Jianfeng visited and investigated some enterprises and projects.,The first stop is Xugong Group.,A cordial visit to front-line cadres and workers。

Song Lewei has a detailed understanding of the development of the enterprise,Coordinate and solve the difficult problems encountered,Accelerate the resumption of work and production after the festival,Boost the confidence of market players in development,Mobilize the whole city to keep in mind the entrustment and shoulder the mission,Gratitude and Endeavor to Open a New Situation,With“The beginning of the year is to start work.、Start with a sprint”The posture of,Unswervingly advance bravely on the road of high-quality development,A Good Start for Promoting the New Practice of Chinese-style Modernization in Xuzhou。

Standing Committee of Xuzhou Municipal Committee、Secretary General Wang Xianzheng,Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee、Zhang Ke, Secretary of the Party and Labor Committee of Jingkai District, and other leaders participated in the activities.,Company leader Yang Dongsheng、Lu Chuan and others accompanied the investigation and report.。

Xugong Group is the first stop of General Secretary Xi Jinping's investigation and research in Xuzhou.。

All-terrain crane with the strongest lifting capacity in the world、Tower Crane、China's largest tonnage loader……The best of each product,It has witnessed the development of XCMG in recent years.。

Song Lewei、Wang Jianfeng led the heads of relevant departments to XCMG,Revisit the Inspection Route of General Secretary Xi Jinping in Xugong,Review the important instructions and earnest advice of the General Secretary。

During the Spring Festival,XCMG Heavy does not stop work or production.,The production line is in good order、A busy party。To meet the peak market demand after the Spring Festival,Grasp production,Catching orders is the key.。XCMG focuses on major orders、Important export planning and production tasks during the Spring Festival,Refine production tasks to each production unit according to product characteristics、Each process,Accurately schedule daily production tasks。

In the thick flavor of the year,The majority of employees stick to the production line.,Go all out to speed up production,Pull the production line with assembly unit,Go all out to catch up with the progress,Fight for the first season“A good start”。The festival is current,Each production unit is highly coordinated.、Highly integrated,Achieve production tasks“Ri Qing Ri Bi”,Make every effort to achieve timely delivery of export products,XCARapid output of 2600 and other important products,Support market orders to be fulfilled efficiently。

Song Lewei and his delegation went deep into the production workshop of the enterprise,He affirmed the orderly resumption of work and production of XCMG.,At the same time, we have a detailed understanding of the new breakthroughs and achievements made by enterprises in scientific and technological research and development.,Best wishes for the New Year to the front-line workers。

Song Lewei pointed out in the survey.,

The past year,The whole city has earnestly implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on inspecting Xuzhou.,Li Fen Fa、Don't be lazy in your work,He handed over the qualified answer sheet for the fifth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Xuzhou.,In particular, Xugong Group has taken on the mission.、Pioneering and innovative,Connotative high-quality development has been achieved.“Make steady progress、Make progress and improve quality”,It has made important contributions to the economic development of the whole city.。

The whole city should be determined to remember the entrustment.、Be grateful and forge ahead,Step by step to promote the implementation work to go deep and solid,To ensure that we always advance bravely in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping、Move forward firmly,In particular, Xugong Group should anchor the goal of building a world-class modern enterprise.,Unswervingly take the road of self-reliance and self-improvement,Accelerate the climb to the high end of the global equipment manufacturing industry,To build a world-class construction machinery industry cluster、The world-renowned capital of construction machinery has made new contributions,Really do not disgrace the mission、Do not shoulder the heavy trust。

Keep in mind the entrustment and take on the mission,Gratitude and Endeavor to Open a New Situation

XCMG will closely combine the comprehensive and in-depth implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on inspection.,According to the requirements of decision-making and deployment of provincial and municipal committees,Dare to do、Dare to rush、Dare to do、Dare to be the first to take responsibility,Open up and forge ahead、Striding forward,Resolutely carry construction machinery“Industry number one”Major mission and responsibility,Promote the industry“High-end、Intelligent、Greening、Service-oriented、Internationalization”Transformation and upgrading,Actively promote cluster innovation and development,Strive for the first quarter of 2023 with effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity“A good start”,In building a world-class construction machinery industry cluster and world-renowned“Capital of Construction Machinery”Go ahead in the middle、Take the lead、Make more contributions,A good start for the new practice of promoting Chinese-style modernization in Xuzhou in an all-round way、Make a good start!

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