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Xi'an Daily reported that CCCC Xizhu Equipment Branch was busy with the construction period and production.

January 31, 2023

January 29,《Xi'an Daily》The important news edition published the schedule of CCCC Xizhu Equipment Branch.、Relevant conditions of busy production,Now reprint related articles。

《Xi'an Daily》Screenshot of the report

Enterprise production line opens struggle mode


The first day of construction,Front-line workers of Equipment Branch of CCCC Xi'an Road Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. catch up with the construction period,Busy with production。

  ■Reporter Huang Xiaoweiwen/Figure

Be the first in the spring of a year,Do everything first。Yesterday,The first day of work after the festival,CCCC Xi'an Road Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Equipment Branch(Hereinafter referred to as“CCCC Xizhu Equipment Branch”)Ma Weibin, an electric welder in the third section of the manufacturing department, is debugging the welding robot.、Operation and maintenance。In the same workshop,The front-line workers are full of enthusiasm to work.,Let's work together,Catch up with the schedule、Busy with production,Go all out to achieve a good start with the attitude of struggle。

Material matching and machining、Fabrication and assembly、Welding and spraying、Electronic control test、Sales training……Walk into the management site and first-line workshop of CCCC Xizhu Equipment Branch,Large-scale production lines of different types of work are running intensively.,Machinery and equipment are humming.;The keyboard in the auxiliary management area is constantly tapping.,What comes into view is the busy figure of everyone.。

Although it is the first day of work after the festival.,However, routine pre-shift safety education is indispensable.,Early in the morning,The daily routine safety propaganda of enterprises is endless.,Always sound the alarm bell of safety production for front-line workers。

In the production workshop,The reporter saw,Tailor welding、Semi-automatic submerged arc welding、All welding posts such as conventional welding are splashed with fire.,Different parts have different requirements for welding process.,Front-line workers wearing protective suit or sitting、Or station、Or squat in front of their respective workbenches.,Concentrate on the tools in your hands.,Complete the equipment welding task perfectly。

In charge of the welding robot station,Ma Weibin's control of automation、Robot attitude、Mechanical structure、Electrical wiring and other plates are clear in mind.。“Our welding robot workstation was set up in May 2020.,Install from、Debugging、Operation and maintenance、Up to now, many robot operators have been trained.。”Ma Weibin told reporters,“At present, the workstation mainly focuses on the training of robot operators.,The follow-up will continue to improve everyone's ability in programming and other aspects.,Through the platform of workstation,We will continue to cultivate one after another to master new technologies.、Practice new skills,Knowledge that can actively adapt to the needs of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation、Skill-based、Innovative industrial workers。”

In the workshop,Lathe、Boring Machine、The Milling Machine is running at a high speed,The tolerance of precision parts is often between the operator's mind.,The workers are well protected.、Operate properly、Experienced,Get in the zone on your first day at work,Strictly require oneself to complete the task on time and in accordance with the quality。

On a busy production site,The reporter saw that the huge and incomparable plates were easily handled by the first-line production personnel.,With years of experience in blanking and assembly,Relying on the convenience of automation equipment,After fully confirming the technical requirements of the drawings,Large structure tailoring、Hoisting、The splicing is completed at one go、Smooth connection。At the spraying site,The workers are painting and coloring at full speed.,Everyone operates strictly according to the spraying process.,Never let go of spraying pores that can be seen by the naked eye。

First day of construction after the festival,Except for the front-line workers who are busy with production.,The staff on the front line of sales make the final technical preparations for sales before the expedition.,As soon as they go to work, they gather together to study the key technology of equipment structure principle.、Technology development and equipment selection,Strengthening the style of consciousness,Under the thought of building a big market pattern,Learn about energy、Road surface、Complementary ideas of leasing and sales,Committed to working together to achieve business objectives。

  “Not so long ago,Our equipment company has just signed five large contracts.,Let's catch up with the schedule、Busy with production,Go all out to achieve new breakthroughs with the attitude of struggle。”The relevant person in charge of CCCC Xizhu Equipment Branch said.,“The new year has begun.,Good working condition is like a shot in the arm that has been injected into everyone's heart.,Let's work together,Strive to achieve 600 million contract value,Take practical actions to promote enterprises to achieve high-quality development。”

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