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Hebei Xuangong 2023 New Year Message

January 20, 2023

New Year's greetings in 2023

Xin Jing Na Xiang Ri Guang Hua,The good news of the year spread to thousands of families.。The auspicious bell came quietly.,All of our propaganda workers will resonate at the same frequency symphony.,Welcome new hopes.。A New Year,The goal is grand,The task is arduous。Under the correct leadership of Hegang Group,,Continue to carry forward the propaganda of workers.“San Chuang”Spirit,Be brave to open up、Fen Ji Du Xing,Co-construction“Damei Xuangong”。

Looking back on the past year,Hebei Xuangong focuses on increasing income and creating efficiency,Internal and external market realization“Blossom more”,Business operations continue to improve。Vigorously expand the group's internal market advantage resources,Maximize the release of enterprise equipment and asset efficiency,Substantial growth in social business,Building a spare parts base has achieved initial results.;Focus on market segmentation and personalization,In-depth study of market demand,Avoid large-scale competition,The business volume and profitability of mainframe products have steadily improved.;Continuously improve the ability to tackle key technologies,Solve the Problem of Restricting the Efficiency of Production Line,Optimize client structure and improve efficiency,Casting plate to achieve production and efficiency;Run at full speed、Precise measures,Gradually improve the market-oriented salary distribution mechanism,Bold practice of excess profit sharing mechanism,“Miniaturization”Reform has been carried out in an all-round way。2022,The company's production has been seriously affected by the epidemic.,However, the business operation has achieved counter-trend growth.。

A New Year,We set sail again.。Achieve sustainable development in the long run,In the traditional business、The internal market provides strong support for the survival of enterprises.,Pay more attention to green、Wisdom、Unmanned and other emerging markets and technologies。Closely around“Intra-group market、Parts、High-end castings、New industry”And other core business sectors,Continue to struggle with innovation and hard work,We will firmly promote the construction of key projects and the optimization and upgrading of industries.,Make every effort to build a high-end green parts manufacturing base,Work hard to build“Green、Wisdom、Flexibility” An intelligent manufacturing factory。

All the past,It's all prologue。2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.。We should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era.,Resolutely implement it,Build the Battle Fortress of the Party Organization,Promote the healthy and stable development of enterprises。Firmly grasp and lead the company's development direction at the same time,Continue to adhere to scientific and technological innovation,Enhance the ability to participate in market competition,Maintain efficient output of production capacity,Ensure maximum benefits;Continue to strengthen internal management of the team,Continuous optimization of various work tracks,Promoting development through management,Benefit from management,Standardize all work、Scientific and institutionalized;Keep pushing“Three institutional reforms”,Take Party building as the guide,Gather strength together,Do a good job in all aspects of work,Ensure that internal reform and production and operation objectives are achieved on schedule,Write a new chapter of high-quality development of Hebei Xuangong。

As the Chinese Lunar New Year is approaching,,On behalf of the leading group of Hebei Xuangong, I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff and their families、To all friends from all walks of life who care about and support the development of Hebei Xuangong,Season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year.,I wish you success in your work in the new year.,Peace and happiness,All the best!

Secretary of the Party Committee、Executive Director、General manager

Liang Guoxin

January 20, 2023


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