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The transformation and upgrading has entered a new stage, and Hanma Science and Technology has taken advantage of the situation to go to the future.

January 16, 2023

With the help of Geely Long-range New Energy Commercial Vehicle Group,Hanma Science and Technology Transformation and Upgrading Achieved Remarkable Results,Has entered a new phase.,Today's Hanma technology has taken on a new look.:The marketing mechanism is more dynamic.,The product is more competitive.,More and more support for the market,Marketing service channels are also being fully expanded.......

As Niu Jun, deputy general manager of Hanma Science and Technology Group, said in a recent interview.,Confidence is more important than gold.,Hanma Science and Technology is very accurate about the future development direction.,Everything in the company is moving towards new directions and goals.。

Transformation and upgrading have achieved remarkable results.

June 2022,Hanma Technology issued a notice.,“For a responsive country“The carbon reaches the peak、Carbon neutral”Call for strategic objectives,Speed up the new energy process of the company's products,According to the company's strategic development needs,The company will stop the production of traditional fuel Vehicles by the end of December 2025.。The company will focus on pure electric、Methanol power、Hybrid、Hydrogen fuel cells and other new energy sources、Clean Energy Vehicle Business。”It is the first mainstream heavy Truck enterprise in China to announce a comprehensive transformation to new energy and clean energy.,Hanma Technology has accelerated the pace of transformation and upgrading.,And achieved remarkable results.。

Sales of 3199 new energy products of Hanma Science and Technology in 2022,Sales increased by 100%Above,New energy heavy Truck sales accounted for more than 50% of total sales%,The market share of new energy heavy Trucks reached 15%。New Energy Heavy Truck Sales Exceed Traditional Vehicles,The New Energy Transformation of Hanma Science and Technology,It's not hard to imagine。

Look at it in detail,Sales of 2210 new energy Tractors,Accounting for 70% of total new energy sales%,Driving Tractor products into the top ten in the industry,The new energy Tractor market ranked first for five consecutive months.;Monthly sales of new energy Dump Trucks increased by 60 percent-82%;The total sales volume of new energy mixer ranked second in the market.。

Product level,Hanma Technology reached the goal of flying wing to wing in 2022.,Two-way efforts in the field of traditional energy and new energy。On the one hand,As a basisG2. The earliest batch of products created by the platform,S11 andXAs soon as 9 was unveiled in 2022, it became the main line transportation of Hanma Technology.“Facade”Products,Both of them also lead China's heavy trucks into the era of passenger use.;On the other hand,A number of new energy products are in the process of comprehensive upgrading.,For example, for the kingpinM5、H7 Product upgrade,And speed up the launch of new products.,WIP cost、Self-respect、The appearance and comfort are improved.,Comprehensively improve the comprehensive competitiveness of products。

On the distribution channel,Renewed Hanma Technology increased channel coverage in last year's network layout.,Vigorously cultivate all kinds of high-quality distributors,Support the expansion of scenes other than commercial concrete,More flexible in business and service support policies,And then meet the needs of different customers.。I can see that,Hanma Technology hopes to take advantage of the trend of new energy transformation,Breakthrough in channel,This momentum will continue.。

After-sales service,Hanma Technology launched in 2022“Accessory banking services”And“Service 2+1”。The former is to let card friends feel that transportation is worry-free all the way.,No longer affect business because of the problem of accessories.;The latter has the ability to provide users with more professional after-sales service.,In order to fully meet the customer's life cycle needs from product procurement to business operations.。

Take advantage of the situation,Join hands with dealers to strive for 2023

Previously, analysts predicted that,China's Macro Economy Will Be Improved in 2023,GDPIt is expected to achieve 5%The above promotion。Through special investment in infrastructure and real estate mitigation.,It will increase the sales of engineering vehicles.,Expanding domestic demand and boosting consumption will boost the market demand for express delivery.。

Apparently,The external environment in 2023 is certainly more optimistic than last year.,The life of the heavy truck main engine factory will be relatively better.。

Target of market share of new energy heavy truck of Hanma Science and Technology in 2023: strive to reach 20%,Stabilize the leading position of new energy heavy truck。

Product strength,Hanma technology will be improved in 2023.。For example,H7EThe interior of the new model is better than that of the old model.、The appearance and configuration have been improved.;The attribute of utilization is very strong.S11 andX9,Increased by 1150LDouble fuel tank,A series of intelligent configurations will also be in place.;Comprehensive upgrade of special vehiclesM7 Mixer truck,Combination of high and low,Complement each other;Mixer trucks are all equipped with electric tops.,The fuel saving rate is more than 15%(Up to 30%)。

Marketing side,Hanma Technology will pass in 2023S11/XSeries 9、H7 Series andMSeven series of three major product upgrades,Channel strengthening、Dissemination and promotion、Business model、Efficient Collaboration and Service Support for Five Marketing Upgrades,Launch a new product tour、Digital marketing drainage、Special breakthrough of Dump Truck、New Energy Network Development、Excellent dealer support、Seven major initiatives such as financial escort,Achieve the target quantity。It is worth mentioning that,Hanma Technology will focus on the periphery of commercial concrete in 2023、Break through trunk logistics,Deepen the base market、Oil-electric dual-engine drive。

China Truck Network learned that,Hanma Technology will follow the channel planning and development plan,With“Aim+Capacity”Plan for the wizard,Conduct a quarterly comprehensive assessment of existing channels in the region,The existing channel is preferred,And activate old channels,Develop new channels for white space,Take product promotion ability as the first standard;In addition,Hanma Technology will focus on the development of new energy、WithG2. Channel based on platform products,Strive to achieve the coreIClass city,KeyIIClass city,ImportantIIIFull coverage of similar urban markets,IVFull access to similar urban markets。Rebate from business、Quarterly volume、Marketing activities, promotion and opening activities.,Formulate supporting business policy support programs for new channels。

Service level,In 2023, Hanma Science and Technology will vigorously develop new energy service network,The number of new energy service stations increased from 162 to 292.,The number of trained and certified maintenance technicians reaches 300+People。Continue to promote the construction of the core key service network of the highway network,Promote the grid connection of social power assembly service stations,Core service stations increased from 172 to 210;According to the running route of the trunk logistics vehicle customer,Develop a network support plan,The average service radius does not exceed 100 kilometers.。Not only that,Hanma Technology is guaranteeing the supply of spare parts for users.,And monitor that part consumption level of the central library.,There will also be moves this year.。

Niu Jun said this.:“We have made full preparations in all aspects.,All operations are to enhance the ability of Hanma Technology to run at full speed on the new energy track.。”

Concluding remarks:

After being empowered by Geely Long-range New Energy Commercial Vehicle Group,Hanma Technology has taken on a new look.。

Hanma Technology in 2023 will not only be in the product、Breakthrough at channel and service level,It will also complete the upgrade in after-sales service and finance.,All aspects of system construction will be more perfect and concrete.。

Traditional Energy and New Energy,Hanma Technology“Grasp with both hands, both hands are hard.”。Be ready、The potential is coming,Hanma Technology,Full speed on the way to the new target.。

(The article is reprinted from the truck network.) 

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