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Guangdong Railway Investment Group completed nearly 50 billion yuan of railway investment in the whole year.

January 16, 2023

According to the statistics of Guangdong Railway Investment Group,2022,The group led the railway construction project to complete the investment of 499..1.7 billion yuan,More investment completed than the same period last year 131.0.2 billion yuan,Year-on-year increase of approximately 36 percent%。

Guangdong Railway Investment Group Deeply Studies the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Implement the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee、Provincial government work deployment,Take high-quality development as the primary task and master.,Strive to achieve an annual railway investment rate of over 120%Mission objectives,Implementing 37 Work Measures in Seven Major Aspects of Steady Economic Growth of the Group in the Spirit of Nails,Contribute to Guangdong's stable economic market。

Guangdong Railway Investment Group Accelerates the Progress of Preliminary Work of Railway Projects,East Guangdong Intercity Railway“One ring and one ray”The airport section of the Pearl River Delta hub of the Guangzhou-Zhanjiang high-speed railway has been fully constructed on schedule.,East section of Gaoming to Zhaoqing of Zhuzhao high-speed railway.、The section from Zhuhai to Jiangmen has the conditions to start construction of the whole line.。Overall planning of project construction and safety quality,With“Always worry about it.”A sense of responsibility,Speed up the synchronous opening of Guangzhou-Shantou-Shantou Railway,Comprehensively and systematically promote the construction of Guangzhou-Zhanjiang high-speed railway,Promote the construction of Zhuzhao high-speed railway from Jiangmen to Pearl River Delta Hub Airport with high standards,Systematically plan the independent operation of the inter-city railway in eastern Guangdong,Continuously improve the ability of independent construction and operation。

Inverted Arch Construction of Xian'an Tunnel on Shantou-Shantou Railway

At present,Guangdong Railway Investment Group leads 14 projects under construction,The construction scale is 1114 kilometers.,The total investment is 275.5 billion yuan.,The total investment has exceeded 97.8 billion yuan.,The overall construction period is orderly and controllable.。Among them, Shantou-Shantou Railway is a key and difficult project.、Shantou Bay Submarine Tunnel, a High-risk Project, Has Been Completed, Its Overall Length Exceeds 76%,Completion of Guangzhou-Zhanjiang high-speed railway and Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Maoming Liaison Line、The Guangzhou-Zhuhai Beijing-Guangzhou connecting line is ready for acceptance,The most difficult tunnel in the construction of Meilong high-speed railway、The first long tunnel over 1000 meters of Zhuzhao high-speed railway was successfully completed.,Except for Zhuhai Airport Station, all the long rails of Zhuhai Airport Intercity Phase II have been laid.,East Guangdong Intercity Railway“One ring and one ray”The main structure of the preliminary project of Chaoshan Airport Station has been completed 90%。

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