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Xizhu Company Holds Asset Delivery Meeting

January 11, 2023

On the afternoon of January 10th,Xizhu Company Holds Asset Delivery Meeting。Secretary of the Party Committee of the company、Chairman Peng Zhengyong attended the meeting and made a speech.,Other members of the leadership team,Equipment Branch、Pavement Engineering Branch、The principal person in charge of the Energy and Environmental Protection Technology Branch and the head of the functional department of the headquarters attended the meeting.。

The company held an asset delivery meeting.

At the meeting,Wang Wei, the chief accountant, read out the assets of each branch and the legal representative of the company to the headquarters.、Authorization list of each branch。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Hu Lin, the general manager, confirmed the delivery of assets on behalf of the company and the branches.,Clarify the allocation and ownership of assets of each branch。


Secretary of the Party Committee、Chairman Peng Zhengyong made a speech

Peng Zhengyong said,Recently, the company has systematically combed the overall assets.,Asset classification evaluation has been carried out,Find out the allocation and ownership of the assets of each branch,Speed up the disposal of a number of inefficient、Invalid asset,Hold the asset delivery conference.,It is to implement the requirements of the Group to realize the assets.,Optimize the company's asset allocation,Improve the asset structure,Improve asset quality and operational efficiency,Important measures to help the company develop with high quality。

Peng Zhengyong asked,All branches should establish a sense of overall situation.,Fully understand the significance of asset delivery;It is clear that income generation and income increase are the core requirements for asset management of each branch.;Improve the management system,Innovating the Management Mechanism of State-owned Assets;Establish a scientific account,Improve the efficiency of overall implementation;Promote the combination of budget management and asset management,Bring the maximum benefit of state-owned assets into full play。

Peng Zhengyong stressed,Through asset delivery with each branch,The assets status of the headquarters and each branch is clarified.,Clarified the asset boundary。At present, the company is in the process of deepening reform.、The key period of turning losses into profits,The company should take this asset delivery as an opportunity.,Firm confidence、Strengthen responsibility,Always be in the forefront、Do everything in a practical way,Multi-pronged approach、Take various measures simultaneously,Go all out to promote production and operation,Consolidate enterprise assets,Promote the smooth completion of the annual target,To add new impetus to the company's high-quality development。

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