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Seeking New Development in the Process of Transformation and Upgrading, Yuchai, an Enterprise, Grows by More than 20% Against the Trend

January 09, 2023

2022,In an extremely difficult situation,Yuchai Logistics Group took decisive and tough reform measures.,Make every effort to promote the transformation of integrated business of trade and logistics、Three new business layout and development of passenger cars、Integrated transformation and upgrading of automotive aftermarket and supply chain,Continuously Stimulate the Endogenous Power of Enterprise Reform and Development。2022,The company's tax-inclusive sales revenue increased by more than 24% year-on-year%。

Vigorously develop business transformation and upgrade to add new color

Facing the serious washing of the traditional commercial Vehicle and passenger Vehicle market,Yuchai Logistics Group in order to achieve the company's adverse growth in the market downturn,Established in order to“Logistics、Commercial Vehicle、Business and trade logistics integration business with financial iron triangle as its core advantage”Business positioning and“Deepen supply chain services,Extend the industrial chain business,Raise the level of value chain”Business development path planning,Successful transformation of business model。

·June 28, 2022,Dongfeng Liuqi、Yuchai machine、Yuchai Mechatronics has successively delivered Tractors to customers Yuchi Zhilian,This is the largest order delivered by Guangxi commercial vehicle market in the first half of 2022.。

The company has made clear the development direction of the ten major industrial chains.,As at 31 December,The overall actual completion rate of the ten industrial chains is 123%,With“Sand and stone industry chain”And“Wood chip and paper industry chain”As the representative of the industrial chain has begun to take shape.。2022,Business and trade logistics business annual revenue exceeded 5 billion yuan。Hold a group to keep warm、Win-win cooperation promotes regional enterprises to contribute to regional economic developmentBridge the gap through the group headquarters,Yuchai Logistics Group expands its territory,And Liuzhou Steel Group、Agricultural Reclamation Group and other eight district-level enterprises are deeply engaged in the field of cooperation.,Nearly 60 cooperative projects,Form the resultant force of regional development,To contribute to regional economic growth。2022,Yuchai Logistics Group and the projects of enterprises directly under each district have achieved a total business income of more than 1.8 billion yuan.。

·Yuchai Logistics Group Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Beigang Xijiang Port Company

·Yuchai Logistics Group and Beigang Xijiang Port Set Sail for the First Ship of High Calcium Stone Transport to the North

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