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Earn More Than "Double 12", Sinotruk Wins More Than 1000 Orders for Fancy Pet Fans in the Great Benefit Season

December 13, 2022

With the rapid development of e-commerce and the rise of live broadcasting in recent years,,Live car sales are not new nowadays.。For commercial Vehicle companies,Online marketing from traffic import to order conversion,Naturally, it is inseparable from excellent marketing power.,It is also inseparable from excellent product strength.,Will“Shout”The strength of the faction can become a real winner.。

With“Double 12”Arrived as promised,Sinotruk launched“Earn more than win‘Double 12’Sinotruk creates wealth and benefits in the season”Activity,Once again with strength and sincerity strong out of the circle.,For the card friends to open a huge online benefit carnival.,Achieve a win-win situation of sales and traffic,Become the most outstanding online marketing performance of commercial Vehicle enterprises。

The Number of Likes Breaks 450,000, and the Live Broadcast of Big Cafe in the Truck Industry Becomes Popular

December 12,A five-hour live broadcast set the peak of the event's traffic.,Based on the brand's own appeal,And the blessing of multiple sincere gifts.,On that day, the Tik Tok Live Broadcast Room of Sinotruk was full of guests.,It's very lively。General Managers of Sales Departments of Sinotruk Are Guests in the Live Broadcast Room,Surprise benefits in person,Sincere interaction with card friends、Share brand stories。Under the professional explanation of the product manager and the enthusiastic recommendation of the host,Sinotruk Official Live Broadcast Room Card Friends Are Enthusiastic to Buy Cars,On the same day, the number of live likes exceeded 450000.,More than 10,000 people participated in live interaction,Harvest 566 HOWO heavy Truck orders、Order for 380 sets of Shandeka、HOWO612 light Truck orders,Total orders 1558 units,Sinotruk ushered in a new round of order peak at the end of the year.。

It is reported that,“Earn more than win‘Double 12’Sinotruk creates wealth and benefits in the season”The event was officially launched on December 5.,Uninterrupted delivery of surprise benefits for card friends,Among,Shandeka brand extended the activity time to December 31.,Open extra long“Double 12”,Marketing without hunger is more sincere.。

Three Major Brands Relay into Battle, Multiple Courtesy and Fancy Favoring Fans

In recent years,Sinotruk completed product iteration rapidly according to market demand,And continue to enrich the product matrix,Leading the Upgrading of Commercial Vehicle Industry with the Latest Scientific and Technological Innovations,Help card friends to enhance operational value,More to“The season of creating wealth and great benefits”And other marketing plans,Let card friends start with super high cost performance to create wealth.。

During the event,Sinotruk's HOWO Heavy Truck、Shandeka、HOWOThe three major brands of light trucks are broadcast in turn.,Juhui models cover a variety of products in different market segments,Including ShandekaC9H、G7STractor、G7S、G5STruck,HowoTH7/MAX WP14T、MAX WP13 530 Tractor,HOWOLight truck commander in chief and many other current hot-selling main models。Try to meet the different budgets of card friends、Personalized needs such as car scenarios,So that more card friends can get real discounts.。

As the highlight of this season of creating wealth and great benefits.,The general manager signed the live broadcast room on December 12.。At the signing,Shandeka、Howo、HOWOGeneral Managers of Three Major Light Truck Brands Appeared in the Live Broadcast Room Respectively,Release Surprise Benefits and Draw Mysterious Gifts Sinotruk Limited Edition Models,Numerous“Koi”Fans are happy to win the grand prize!Sinotruk is closely linked“Earn and win”Theme,Let Card Friends Experience Double Benefits,Add value to wealth creation。

It is well known,Sinotruk is in“Spoil fans”Be generous from the top,“Earn more than win‘Double 12’Sinotruk creates wealth and benefits in the season”It is also the introduction of multiple gifts.,Put on a fancy show to spoil fans。Gift of entering the store、Test drive gift、Car purchase gift、Replacement gift、Recommend gifts and other forms of courtesy.,It almost covers the whole scene of car purchase.,And give a discount gift.、Lucky gift、Red envelope rain in the live broadcast room、Multiple benefits such as 10,000 yuan service gift package for ordering a car,Each one is sent to the heart of the card friend.。

It is understood that,During the event,Customers ordering Shandeka activity models can enjoy up to 1000 yuan to 5000 yuan courtesy.;1212 yuan for HOWO heavy truck“Double 12”Super Value Ten Thousand yuan Service Gift Package;New customer purchaseHOWOLight trucks enjoy a replacement subsidy of up to 7000 yuan……Sinotruk Spends Millions,The intensity of the subsidy,It's unprecedented,Let the card friends have a full addiction.。

By December 31,“Earn more than win‘Double 12’Sinotruk creates wealth and benefits in the season”It will continue to push forward with enthusiasm.,Premium benefits will continue,Card friends who have the intention to buy a car must not miss this great benefit opportunity.。Sinotruk“Customer satisfaction is our aim”Core values,Continue to create high-quality products with heart,Enabling high-value transportation,And through warm-hearted care、Great benefits and other activities to give back the trust and support of end customers,With ingenuity and quality、“Family service”And innovative marketing,Hand in hand with card friends to open infinite“Earn and win”2023!

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