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XCMG: Racing with high quality! Green Transportation Complete Solution, Released!

December 13, 2022

The two big groups join forces.,Political, academic and business circles jointly participate in the grand event

Solution Shock Launch,Benchmarking customers sign contracts with XCMG on site,Based on Xuzhou

Expanding the Imagination Boundary of Green Intelligent Transportation System

December tenth,Jointly initiated by XCMG and Traffic Control GroupGreen Transportation Complete Solution Promotion Meeting,Political, academic and business circles gather together,Discuss the broad future of new energy transportation,Actively participate in the construction of green transportation,Jointly build a green transportation city“Xuzhou model”。

Standing Committee of Xuzhou Municipal Committee、Executive Vice Mayor Zhang Tong,Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jingkai District、Zang Xiaopeng, director of the Management Committee,Secretary of the Party Committee of Traffic Control Group、Chairman Jia Quanyong,General Manager of XCMG、Sun Lei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,Xuzhou Development and Reform Commission、SASAC、Bureau of Industry and Information Technology、Ecological Environment Bureau、Urban Management Bureau、Transportation Bureau、Housing and Construction Bureau、Main leaders of Xuzhou High-tech Zone Management Committee,Xugong Automobile、XCMG Shi Weiying、Xugong Port Machinery、The main leaders of XCMG Environment and other companies attended the meeting.。

Xugong,Take on a great responsibility

Enabling the construction of green transportation infrastructure in Xuzhou

From“Coal ash and half soil in a city”To“A city of green hills and half a city of lakes”,Xuzhou, an old industrial city in the south and north, vigorously develops green low-carbon energy industry.,Played the main theme of green and high-quality development.。

Zhang Tong:Focus on building a green and low-carbon energy industry system with international competitiveness,Supporting entrepreneurs to calculate industrial upgrading accounts、Win-win account between government and enterprise、Partner account,Jointly promote solutions to take root in Xuzhou、Radiation Huaihai、Go national。

Transportation is the third largest source of carbon emissions in China.。Zhang Tong said,Xuzhou and its surrounding new energy commercial Vehicle market will reach 35 billion yuan.,It can be said“The draught is surging”。

Storm Center,A capable person seeks power。XCMG plans ahead,Occupying the primacy of the regional market。Since last year,XCMG's New Energy Heavy Truck and Special Vehicle Ushered in Explosive Growth,FromUrban LogisticsMining areaPort,ToTransportation of muckCommercial concrete mixingUrban sanitation……Continuous expansion of application scenarios、Landing cities are increasing.。This year 1-November,Sales volume of XCMG new energy heavy TruckYear-on-year growth of 265%,And won a number of single-month national sales champion.,The products cover more than 70 cities at home and abroad.。

Sun Lei:Xugong Automobile is the only state-owned independent brand in Jiangsu Province.、The only traditional energy in the province、Heavy Truck enterprises with dual qualifications of new energy,Deep ploughing technology、Innovation mode、Open up the market,It has made remarkable achievements in the industry.,It has become another new industry growth pole with the greatest potential of XCMG.。

General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Xuzhou.、5th Anniversary of XCMG,On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the development of XCMG's new energy heavy truck,With the support of the Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government,XCMG is based on high-quality Vehicle resources,Mutual empowerment with Traffic Control Group,With“Organizer of Green Smart Charging Industry Chain”Take on the responsibility of investing in heavy assets.,With“New Energy+New infrastructure+New model”For ideas,Jicheng Comprehensive Energy Station、Green traffic network、The demonstration project of urban green transportation, which integrates the regional new energy operation center, came into being at the right time.。

Jia Quanyong:Speed up the infrastructure construction of new energy vehicle charging station,Jointly promote the formation of a new energy automobile industry supporting service system with Xuzhou characteristics,Provide new energy industry cluster in our city“Strong support”。


XCMG and Traffic Control will work together to build a dedicated network for commercial vehicles.“Five nets”,FormFull-scene charging and switching network,Construction set“Charging and switching power grid+Energy storage network+Smart microgrid”An integrated charging and switching platform,Synchronous Research Layout Battery Repair、Recovery and cascade utilization、Carbon resource trading and other industries,At presentConstruction of two heavy truck power stationsReconstruction and expansion of urban distributed integrated energy stationEtc,Phased results have been achieved.。



Products,Rebuild the ecology

Create a complete set of green transportationSolveProgramme


At present,The construction of new energy vehicle charging and switching network has blossomed nationwide,But“Integrated Energy Station+Green traffic network+Regional New Energy Operation Center”The model is still the first.。

Zhang Tong、Jia Quanyong、Sun Lei、Xia Yongyong、Li Jing and the customer representative Dai Beibei、Ji Zhongxun jointly launched the plan.

The complete set of solutions for green transportation released this timeFull scene equipmentCharging, replacing, and supplementing energyCustomized green financeAs the core,Completed the sales of heavy trucks for power replacement、Construction and operation of charging and switching power station、Complete vehicle financing lease、Full closed-loop of vehicle and electricity separation and other dimensions.,Formed“Products+Service”A complete set of blueprints。While promoting the landing of new energy for heavy trucks,Construction of city-level charging and replacement platform for new energy vehicles and demonstration project of green transportation energy network,Build an innovative industrial ecology。

On-site interpretation of the complete solution of green transportation and the integrated battery replacement policy of Xuzhou New Energy Station

Among,The full-scene equipment scheme based on new energy heavy truck covers highway logistics.、Mine Development、Municipal sanitation、Four Application Scenarios of Urban Construction。Take XCMG Power Exchange Dump Truck in Urban Construction Scenario as an Example,Based on a five-year life cycle per unitSaving the use cost is about equal to the price of a car.,The emission reduction situation is approximately equal toTree Planting 2.90,000 trees


XCMG electric traction vehicle proven by market for a long time、Change the electric slag truck、Change the electric mixer、Pure electric sweeper

Under this new solution,All kinds of heavy truck logistics scenarios can match the electric vehicles and charging services of XCMG and traffic control.,Enjoy flexible and rich finance、Logistics、Services such as energy and digital information,Improve operational efficiency through full life cycle green power capacity,Realize the transformation of zero carbon development。

Future,XCMG will devote itself to promoting the large-scale application of new energy heavy trucks.,Improve the replicability and popularization of green transportation solutions,BuildGreen, low-carbon and intelligent transportation system“Xuzhou model”,Promoting industrial transformation and upgrading in Xuzhou and similar areas。

Aids to navigation,Lead the future

Release of benchmarking project operation demonstration in Xuzhou area

“The time for industrialization has come.!”At“Double Carbon”Under the baton of strategy,Both inside and outside the industry are concerned about the future of new energy for commercial vehicles.。

Wang Yuhai, Dean of Qingdao Automobile Research Institute, Jilin University、Jin Jun, the managing partner of the automotive industry of PwC Management Consulting Company, shared the latest research and judgment on the development trend of new energy vehicles and infrastructure construction.。

Move at the right time,Go with the flow。XCMG was the first in the industry to put forward、Independent research and development of heavy truck replacement scheme,In Xuzhou, the first demonstration project of power exchange operation of urban dregs trucks in China has been built.,There are many demonstration projects in the country.。Two customer representatives of benchmarking demonstration projects in Xuzhou area present themselves.,Summed up my own.“Economic Account”And“Environmental Account”。

24 monthsSince,The total operating mileage of the XCMG electric slag truck purchased by Xinkun has reached 6.3 million kilometers.,AccumulateCharging capacity has exceeded 10 million degrees.Considerable saving of comprehensive energy consumption

——The first demonstration project of power exchange operation of urban muck truck in China 

Ji Zhongxun, General Manager of Xinkun Intelligent Transportation Company

It has operated for more than half a year.,The economic benefits have been very obvious.。XCMG not only provides us with safety、Reliable、Smart products,24-hour all-round service makes our capacity switching more smooth and worry-free.。

——Power Exchange Operation Demonstration Project of Steel Plant in Xuzhou Area

Dai Beibei, General Manager of Xugang Logistics Service Company

He is an old customer.,More New Journey。Scene,On-site renewal of Xugang Logistics Service Co., Ltd.,Xuzhou Yiqun Construction Co., Ltd.、Xuzhou Chuanqi Earthwork Engineering Co., Ltd. also signed a new energy heavy truck order and charging service agreement on the spot.。

Chasing Green and New Xuzhou,Racing, high quality。Xugong Automobile will actively promote the high-end automobile industry、Intelligent、Greening、Service-oriented、International transformation,Live up to the mission of the new era,Work with partners to build Xuzhou into a model city of green transportation,A New Journey to a Clean and Beautiful World。

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